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Wednesday 9/13/14

Wednesday 9/13/14. Agenda. Homework. Citizenship Notes Citizenship Pamphlets with Partners. None . Civics and Economics Day 7. Citizenship. What is Civics?. The study of rights and duties of citizens. What is a citizen?.

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Wednesday 9/13/14

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  1. Wednesday 9/13/14 Agenda Homework • Citizenship Notes • Citizenship Pamphlets with Partners • None 

  2. Civics and Economics Day 7

  3. Citizenship

  4. What is Civics? • The study of rights and duties of citizens.

  5. What is a citizen? • Community member who owes loyalty to the government and is entitled to protection from it.

  6. Citizenship • Benefits • Ability to vote in US elections. • Family members of US citizens get priority for immigration. • Citizenship for a child. • US Passport/ US embassy • US federal jobs. • Elected Official • Showing your patriotism.

  7. Duties vs. Responsibilities Duties Responsibilities • Something you are required to do as a citizen. • Pay taxes • Follow the law • Jury Duty • Attend school until you are 16 • Selective Service Act • Things you should do, but aren’t required to do. • Vote • Recycle • Attend Town Meetings • Support and Defend the constitution. • Tolerate other opinions

  8. Pathway to Citizenship Birth Naturalization • You are citizen of the country you are born in. • If your parents are US citizens, you are a US citizen. • You are not born a US citizen, but become a US citizen through a process called Naturalization

  9. Process of Naturalization • 1. Declaration of Intention • 2. Live in the US for 5 years (3 for Married) • 3. Interview with USCIS (meets the requirements and are of good moral character) • 4. Citizenship Exam (Reading, writing, speaking English, and history and government) • 5. Oath of Allegiance

  10. How to lose citizenship? • State governments can deny convicted criminals some privileges of citizenship (gun ownership, voting, government jobs). • Native-born citizens can not be denaturalized. • Denaturalization- loss of citizenship through fraud or deception. • Expatriation- giving up ones citizenship by leaving ones native country to live in a foreign country. • Punishment for a crime- treason (rebelling against the government)

  11. Treason • Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

  12. Immigrant vs. Alien Immigrant Alien • Person who intends to stay there and become a citizen. • Person who is not from this country. If you are not a citizen of that country you are considered an Alien. • Can be legal or illegal.

  13. Refugee • A Person who leaves their country because of war, famine, drought or natural disaster. • Most intend to return home after the crisis is over.

  14. Emigrate v. Immigrate

  15. Why Immigrate to the US? • Education • Job Opportunity • Better Living Conditions • To be with Family • More Opportunity

  16. Documentation Passport Visa/Green Card • A document to allow you to travel between countries temporarily. • Visa- Granted by a country to allow you to visit their country. • Green Card- allows to you to stay and work in another country. Granted by the country you are in.

  17. Patriotism • A belief in one’s country! • Ex: 4th of July!

  18. Creative Assignment • We are going to, in partners, make pamphlets about American Citizenship! I want you to include the following : • What is a citizen? • Why become a US citizen? What are the privileges? • What are your Duties and Responsibilities as a US Citizen? • How does someone become a US Citizen? • What do you need to know to become a US Citizen? • What Other important cultural things should a person know if they want to be an American?

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