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Wednesday , November 14. Get your composition book. Quick Write: When the Tardy Bell Rings write about:. Quick Write Topic – 7 minutes. Write a complete paragraph – topic sentence, body, closing. Write a about a time when you tried to CONVINCE someone to do something they didn’t want to do.
Wednesday, November 14 • Get your composition book. • Quick Write: When the Tardy Bell Rings write about:
Quick Write Topic – 7 minutes • Write a complete paragraph – topic sentence, body, closing. Write a about a time when you tried to CONVINCE someone to do something they didn’t want to do.
Today’s Agenda • Quick Write (we’ll come back to this) • 2ndSix-Weeks Grades • Graded Papers – glue into Composition Book • Epi- vocabulary worksheet (due Thursday) • Notes: RHETORIC • Prewrite for Essay due next Monday. • Read “Keesh”
What is rhetoric? It is using communication effectively for a chosen audience… Rhetoric: The Art of Communicating
How do writers/speakers persuade or influence? What specific strategies or techniques do writers/speakers use?
Aristotle? • Greek philosopher Aristotle said that rhetoricis simply the ability to see the available means of persuasion in a given situation. • Translation: We should totally think about how and why something is or could be persuasive--you know, to help us communicate better… (so we can get what we want!)
Think about your efforts to persuade (convince) a parent, teacher or friend to do or believe something. What happened? Did your persuasion work fabulously or fall apart mid-flight?
Pathos Logos Ethos The 3 Pillars of Communication
Let’s discover… • Logos • Using logical appeals… Using reason and factual information to persuade…
Greek Root logo=word • Logos : LOGOS (loe’ gos) n. The word; the rational principle in the universe • Other words with this root: • Logic : LOG ic (loj’ ik) n. Science that deals with speech and reason • Logorrhea : LOGO rrihea (log o ree’ a) n. A flux of words; excessively wordy • Logomania : LOGO mania (log a may’ ni a) n. A mania for talking
Logos • logical argument. • Does your message make sense? • Is your message based on facts, statistics, and evidence?
Pathos • Using emotional appeals that trigger emotional responses…
Greek Root Path=feeling,emotion • pa⋅thos (pey-thos)n. the quality or power of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion. • Other words with this root • antipathy: anti PATH y (ān-tĭp'ə-thē) n.– a feeling of great dislike; • apathy : a PATH y (āp'ə-thē) n.– a lack of feeling or interest; • empathy : em PATH y (ěm'pə-thē) n.– ability to understand another's feelings.
Pathos • Pathos is the quality of a persuasive presentation which appeals to the emotions of the audience. • Do your words evoke feelings of … love? … sympathy? … fear? • Do your visuals evoke feelings of compassion? • Does your characterization of the competition evoke feelings of hate? contempt? • Emotional connection can be created by using anecdotes, analogies, similes, and metaphors
Ethos • Using the author’s character or ethics to appeal to the audience using the power of image…
Greek Root Ethos=moral,character • e·thos (ē'thŏs') n. The disposition, character, or values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement: • Related word: • ethics : ETH ics (ěth'ĭk) n. A set of principles of right conduct.
Ethos • Before you can convince an audience to accept anything you say, they have to accept you as credible. • WHY should he/she/they listen to YOU?
ETHOS Credibility - trust LOGOS research PATHOS emotions
Persuasive Essay • Due next Tuesday, Nov. 20 (homework) • 150-200 words • Double spaced • 12 point font • Typed • Use at least 2 of the appeals