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DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH. Agents, such as chemicals & viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development & cause harm? Teratogens Physical & cognitive abnormalties in children caused by pregnant woman’s heavy use of alcohol? Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH • Agents, such as chemicals & viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development & cause harm? • Teratogens • Physical & cognitive abnormalties in children caused by pregnant woman’s heavy use of alcohol? • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome • Biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience? • maturation
Psychologist who studied cognitive development? Piaget • A concept or framework that organizes & interprets information? • Schema • Interpreting our new experience in terms of our existing schemas? • Assimilation • Adapting our current understanding to incorporate new information? • Accommodation
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development: • Birth to nearly 2; experiences the world through senses & actions? • Sensorimotor • 2 to about 6 or 7; represents things with words & images? • Preoperational • About 7 to 11 years; thinking logically about concrete events? • Concrete operational
About 12-adulthood; abstract reasoning? • Formal operational • In the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, what is the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived? • Object permanence • In the preoperational stage, the preoperational child’s difficulty taking another’s point of view? • Egocentrism
In the concrete operational stage, the principle that properties such as mass, volume, & number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects? • Conservation • -------------------------------------------------------------- • An emotional tie with another person? • Attachment • Psychologist that did the attachment experiment with the monkeys? • Harry Harlow
An optimal period shortly after birth when an organism’s exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development. • Critical period • The process by which certain animals for attachments during a critical period very early in life-Konrad Lorenz? • Imprinting • A parenting style where parens impose rules & expect obedience? • Authoritarian
A style of parenting where parents submit to their children’s desires? • Permissive • A style of parenting where parents are both demanding & responsive? • Authoritative • Term for the transition period from childhood to adulthood? • Adolescence • Term for the period of sexual maturation? • Puberty
The body structures that make sexual reproduction possible? (characteristics) • Primary sex characteristics • The non-reproductive sexual characteristics? • Secondary sex characteristics • Psychologist who came up with stages of morality? • Kohlberg • Before the age of 9, where children obey rules to either avoid punishment or gain rewards? • Preconventional morality
By early adolescence, morality focuses on caring for other and following laws & social rules? Moral Stage? • Conventional morality • Moral stage where actions are judged “right” because they flow from people’s rights or principles? • Postconventional morality • Psychologist who came up with psychosocial stages of development? • Erik Erikson
Upon a light touch on a baby’s foot, his toes spread out. This is the _______reflex. • Babinski • When a baby feels like it is falling, it’s arms & legs flail out. This is the ______reflex. • Moro • Which of the following psychologists came up with parenting styles in 1991? • Mary Ainsworth, Diana Baumrind, Carol Gilligan • Diana Baumrind
This psychologist did the study with children called the “strange situation” study . • Mary Ainsworth • One of Ainsworth’s conclusions was the child would have extreme stress when a parent left the room & resist comfort by them upon their return. This was referred to a __________/____________ attachment. • Anxious/ambivilant attachment
*** To remember: Carol Gilligan developed her own theory of moral development in response to Kohlberg’s theory.Her theory focused on women since Kohlberg’s was created only through interviews with males.***
Erikson’s 1st stage of psychosocial development has infants relying on others. So there is ______vs. ________ • Trust vs. mistrust • 2nd stage has a toddler searching for independence or being overly restrained or punished. So there is ________vs. _________ • Autonomy vs. shame & doubt • 3rd stage has taking something on & accomplishing it or not accomplishing it. So there is _________vs. _________. • Initiative vs. guilt
Stage 4 has competence & achievement or incompetence. So there is ________vs. ________. • Industry vs. inferiority • Stage 5 (teens-20’s) has an idea of who you are vs. not knowing who you are. So there is ________vs. ________ • Identity vs. confusion • Stage 6 is sharing oneself with another or not making commitments. So there is _________vs. ___________. • Intimacy vs. isolation
Stage 7 is contributing to later generations or boredom. So there is _________vs. _________ • Generativity vs. stagnation • Stage 8 is life has been good or incomplete. So there is ______vs. ________ • Integrity vs. despair • --------------------------------------------------------- • Type of intelligence where accumulated knowledge increases up to old age? • Crystallized • Type of intelligence where our ability to reason quickly & abstractly decreases slowly up to 75; then rapidly? • Fluid
5 stages of Freud’s Psychosexual Development • Low psychosexual anxiety? • Latency • Focus on pleasure sensitive areas of body? • Phallic • Focuses on bowel & bladder elimination? • Anal • Maturation of sexual interests • Genital • Pleasure centers on the mouth-sucking, biting, chewing? • Oral
According to Freud & his psychosexual stages, if certain issues are not resolved at the appropriate stage, then what can occur? • Fixation • According to Freud, at any point in which 3 stages could strong conflict result in fixation? • Oral, anal, phallic • Jamal sucked his thumb until age 8. As an adult, he smokes, chews gum, & is overdependent on others. Psychoanalysts would say Jamal has: • An oral fixation • If parents take an approach in the anal stage that is too lenient, Freud suggested that an __________ personality could develop in which the individual has a wasteful or destructive personality. • Anal- expulsive
If parents are too strict or begin toilet training too early, Freud believed that an _______personality develops in which the individual is stringent, orderly, rigid and obsessive. • Anal –retentive • During the phallic stage, the _________describes a boy’s sexual feelings toward his mother and feelings of jealousy & hatred toward the rival father. • Oedipus complex • Which female psychologist disputed Freud’s “penis envy” calling it inaccurate & demeaning to women? • Carol Gilligan, Karen Horney, Diane Baumrind
Kubler-Ross Stages of Death & Dying • Name them. • Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance • Another to remember: Lev Vygotsky, Russian who studied child development. Said that social environment & cognition combine in a child’s development.