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The Greek Colonization. The first colonization. The first Greek colonization happened between XII and IX century b.C. .
The first colonization The first Greekcolonizationhappenedbetween XII and IX centuryb.C. . ItwascausedbyDorians’ invasion, anIndoeuropeanpopulationcomingfrom, accordingto some researches, the regionaroundDanube; made up bywarriors, notinterested in craftsmanship and trading, Doriansoccupied the wholePeloponneseregion, Cyclades, Creta and Rhodes, exceptfor Arcadia and Attica. Afterthismovement, in Greecebegan a hard economiccrisiscausedby the disappearingof the commercial and productiveactivities. ThiscrisesforceddifferentGreekpopulationstobuildnewtownsaround Asia Minor or Tanais, Theodosia, Odessos, Trapezunta, Tomis, Apollonia on BlackSeacoasts.
The secondcolonization Between VIII and V centuryb.C.therewasanotherimportantwaveofEllenicmigration, thatinterested wide Mediterraneanareas.
The needofcoltivablefieldsbecauseof the hardshipofGreeksoil. A massive demographicgrowthafter the rising up ofnewcities. The establishment oflatifundumagainstsmallpropreties. The needofnewharboursfor the import and export of trading goodslikerawmaterials. The growthofPoleis (Greekcity-states), scene ofpoliticalfights. Exponentsof the defeat party decided or wereobligedto decide to go toexile and theyoftenbuilttheircommunitiesacross the ocean.
Thiswaveofimmigrationmainlypointedto West: Greeksfoundedcolonies in France, Spain, Northern Africa and Southern Italy. Thoselatterwere the fastestongrowing up and formed the so called Magna Grecia (Great Greece).
NAXOS (today Giardini Naxos) was the first Greekcolony in Sicily, built up in 735 b.C.byChalcidians. The folowingyearswerecharacterizedbyseveralnewcolonies and willlay the foundationofSicilianlanguage, culture, art and history.
Syracousai (Syracuse) wasbuilt in 734 b.C.byCorinths; • Zancles (Messina) in 730 b.C. and Katane (Catania) in 729 b.C.byChalcidians; • MegaraHyblaea in 728 b.C. and Selinunte in 650 b.C.werebuilt up byMegarans; • Ghelas (Gela) in 689 b.C. and Akragas (Agrigento) in 581 b.C.byLocris. The wholeeasterncoastwascolonizedbyGreek and the coloniesthemselvesbuilt, growing up, newcolonies. The mostrapresentativeexampleisSyracuse, the mostimportantGreek city of the island, whichalsofoundedAkrai (664 b.C.), Casmene (643 b.C.) and Kamarina (598 b.C.)
Sicilybecameoneof the mostimportantcentreofGreek culture. Among the mostfamousexponentsthere are: Archimedes, a mathematic, physic and inventorfromSyracuse; the poetStesicoro; philosopherslike Gorgia from Lentini, Epicarmo and Empedocle.
First templeswerebuilt up betweenVI and VII century: in Selinunte todaythereis the biggestarchaeological area ofEuropewithitseighttemples; in Agrigento in the famous “Templesvalley” there are ten ofthem; in Segesta there are two more temples. We can alsomentiontheatreslikethose in Ortigia, Taormina and Tindari.
Togetherwitharchitectonicconstructions, also the sculpturedeveloped a lotaswe can seefrom the metope ofselinunte. As the coloniesbecameimportant commercial centres, the coin, a greatchange in the economicfield, wasintroduced, taking the placeof the obsolete barter system. Selinunte was the first city thatmintedcoinsduring the VIcenturyb.C., followedby Agrigento and Gela. Thesecoins are todayanimportantantefactwith a big artisticvalue.