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The 1 Robot Controller IRC5

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The 1 Robot Controller IRC5

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    1. The #1 Robot Controller IRC5 This presentation gives an overview of the ABB robot controller IRC5This presentation gives an overview of the ABB robot controller IRC5

    2. From the first microcomputer robot controller…

    3. …to the 5th generation Robot Controller: IRC5 Built on established ABB controller strengths Motion Control Safety RAPID Customizability 15 new patents

    5. World best Motion Control TrueMove™ ensures that the motion path followed by the robot is the same as the programmed path – regardless of the robot speed QuickMove™ minimizes cycle time by maximizing acceleration at every moment. Motion control is the key to the robot’s performance in the area of path accuracy, speed, cycle time, programmability and synchronization with external devices. By improving these parameters, users improve quality, productivity and reliability. The path accuracy of TrueMove, together with the short cycle time of QuickMove, are the cornerstones of these user benefits. QuickMove™ is a unique self-optimizing motion control feature based on advanced real time dynamic modelling. It keeps cycle times at a minimum by utilizing the full robot capacity, thus ensuring maximum acceleration at every moment. Tests have shown that ABB robots can reach more than 25 % shorter cycle times than competition. TrueMove™ is based on advanced path planning and servo control algorithms and ensures a path that is not only speed independent, but also very close to the theoretical path also at high speeds. Tests have shown that the path accuracy can be 10 times better than competition at high speeds. It also ensures a well defined path at corner zones instead of some competitors which display an unpredictable, highly speed dependant behaviour at corners. Motion control is the key to the robot’s performance in the area of path accuracy, speed, cycle time, programmability and synchronization with external devices. By improving these parameters, users improve quality, productivity and reliability. The path accuracy of TrueMove, together with the short cycle time of QuickMove, are the cornerstones of these user benefits. QuickMove™ is a unique self-optimizing motion control feature based on advanced real time dynamic modelling. It keeps cycle times at a minimum by utilizing the full robot capacity, thus ensuring maximum acceleration at every moment. Tests have shown that ABB robots can reach more than 25 % shorter cycle times than competition. TrueMove™ is based on advanced path planning and servo control algorithms and ensures a path that is not only speed independent, but also very close to the theoretical path also at high speeds. Tests have shown that the path accuracy can be 10 times better than competition at high speeds. It also ensures a well defined path at corner zones instead of some competitors which display an unpredictable, highly speed dependant behaviour at corners.

    6. TrueMove and QuickMove Very accurate simultaneously path and speed holding as well as minimized cycle time, thanks to market leading dynamic modeling. - Speed independent path, load identification. Get what you program. ABB does not cut corners! - Singularity handling. All robots have mathematical singularities (where the axes are in parallell). At these singularities, robot path/,movement can be deflicted. ABB has very good singularity handling. TrueMove and QuickMove Very accurate simultaneously path and speed holding as well as minimized cycle time, thanks to market leading dynamic modeling. - Speed independent path, load identification. Get what you program. ABB does not cut corners! - Singularity handling. All robots have mathematical singularities (where the axes are in parallell). At these singularities, robot path/,movement can be deflicted. ABB has very good singularity handling.

    7. Benchmark, Plastic Cutting ABB has better simultaneous path following and cycle time than competitors. ABB always best in independent testing. ABB has better simultaneous path following and cycle time than competitors. ABB always best in independent testing.

    8. Benchmark, Path Accuracy

    9. Further TrueMove Benefits Accurate I/O synchronization E-stop/restart on path WYPIWYG - What You Program Is What You Get! No tuning required

    10. Benchmark, Cycle Time Source:Tampere University of Technology, Automation Department Some competitors try to convince customers that they have the fastest robot by making “data sheet benchmarking”. Unfortunately they sometimes succeed! High maximum axis rpm’s are of very little practical value if acceleration is low and/or robot movements are short or are frequently changing direction. This benchmark shows exactly this point: ABB coming out a bit above average on axis maximum speeds, but being MUCH faster in a real cycle. This test was done on small robots, but the principle is valid for the whole robot range, since the QuickMove technology is used by all ABB robots.Some competitors try to convince customers that they have the fastest robot by making “data sheet benchmarking”. Unfortunately they sometimes succeed! High maximum axis rpm’s are of very little practical value if acceleration is low and/or robot movements are short or are frequently changing direction. This benchmark shows exactly this point: ABB coming out a bit above average on axis maximum speeds, but being MUCH faster in a real cycle. This test was done on small robots, but the principle is valid for the whole robot range, since the QuickMove technology is used by all ABB robots.

    11. Benchmarks, Cycle Time ABB shows the best performance in short movements -shortest cycle time both in Point-to-point PTP) and Linear (LIN) movements but also a very good overshoot performance. Cycle time is one of the key issues for a car manufacturers and has a very high validation ranking. The spot welding cycle time analysis was made by measuring a typical spot welding cycle, in total 34 positions close by. The 2nd table is from a European partner who chose ABB after a thorough benchmark. His main interest was cycle time, but the robot also had to pass narrow areas within a machine, meaning that also the superior path accuracy was much appreciated. ABB shows the best performance in short movements -shortest cycle time both in Point-to-point PTP) and Linear (LIN) movements but also a very good overshoot performance. Cycle time is one of the key issues for a car manufacturers and has a very high validation ranking. The spot welding cycle time analysis was made by measuring a typical spot welding cycle, in total 34 positions close by. The 2nd table is from a European partner who chose ABB after a thorough benchmark. His main interest was cycle time, but the robot also had to pass narrow areas within a machine, meaning that also the superior path accuracy was much appreciated.

    12. Absolute Accuracy Features Accurate (calibrated) positioning of TCP [x,y,z] Load compensation Performance (IRB 6600) Average 0.5 mm 97% within 1 mm Benefits Exchangeability Off-line programming Re-use of programs Makes offline programming easier and change of robots faster (no reprogramming) * Unique compensation at each position, calculated internally at runtime by S4Cplus controller algorithm * “Finepoint” accuracy of ?1mm in 97% of non singular positions (excluding bending backwards positions) More about Benefits: x Exchangeability of robots x Off-line programming with minimum touch-up x Re-use of programs between applications x On-line programming with accurate linear movement as well as accurate reorientation of tool Makes offline programming easier and change of robots faster (no reprogramming) * Unique compensation at each position, calculated internally at runtime by S4Cplus controller algorithm * “Finepoint” accuracy of ?1mm in 97% of non singular positions (excluding bending backwards positions) More about Benefits: x Exchangeability of robots x Off-line programming with minimum touch-up x Re-use of programs between applications x On-line programming with accurate linear movement as well as accurate reorientation of tool

    13. Benchmark - Collision Detection Compared to not having any collision protection means, Collision Detection gives a significant improvement, i.e. reduction of collision forces and thus reduction of damage to tools and parts. Compared to a mechanical collision protection clutch, Collision Detection provides a reduction of collision forces in most cases (the only case where a mechanical clutch is faster is a side collision with the tool at high speed). Further benefits are: no cost for clutch, no cabling to clutch, no handling capacity waste, no increased stick out of tool, capability to discover collision on the arm itself (not only on the outside of the clutch), possibility to change sensitivity (permanently or dynamically in the cycle), ability to recover automatically from collision by executing a trap routine (planned 2007). The high sensitivity of Collision Detection is due to the precise dynamic modelling which immediately discovers deviations from the expected joint torques. Compared to not having any collision protection means, Collision Detection gives a significant improvement, i.e. reduction of collision forces and thus reduction of damage to tools and parts. Compared to a mechanical collision protection clutch, Collision Detection provides a reduction of collision forces in most cases (the only case where a mechanical clutch is faster is a side collision with the tool at high speed). Further benefits are: no cost for clutch, no cabling to clutch, no handling capacity waste, no increased stick out of tool, capability to discover collision on the arm itself (not only on the outside of the clutch), possibility to change sensitivity (permanently or dynamically in the cycle), ability to recover automatically from collision by executing a trap routine (planned 2007). The high sensitivity of Collision Detection is due to the precise dynamic modelling which immediately discovers deviations from the expected joint torques.

    14. Load Identification

    16. Module Family Concept Height of individual control/drive/process module: 725mm. When stacked: 650 mm due to overlap Footprint: 725(W) x 710(D) mm Minimum dependency between modules Local computing power with local supervision Local power supply Clean interfaces with minimum of cables between modules Standard communication solutions Makes it possible to: Distribute Stack on top or place side by side Optimize hardware for different needs Support MultiMove Replace/upgrade/add individual modules e.g. add another robot to a MultiMove system or redeploy a MultiMove system as single robots (add a Control Module) Further develop modules independently Height of individual control/drive/process module: 725mm. When stacked: 650 mm due to overlap Footprint: 725(W) x 710(D) mm Minimum dependency between modules Local computing power with local supervision Local power supply Clean interfaces with minimum of cables between modules Standard communication solutions Makes it possible to: Distribute Stack on top or place side by side Optimize hardware for different needs Support MultiMove Replace/upgrade/add individual modules e.g. add another robot to a MultiMove system or redeploy a MultiMove system as single robots (add a Control Module) Further develop modules independently

    17. Panel Mounted Controller Controller modules without enclosure, to be mounted in any suitable enclosure by customer Available for IRB 140, 340, 260, 1600, 2400 Compact and fully integrated solution, e.g. for machine builders Intended for integration in existing cabinets for cost and space reduction. Also of interest for environments with special requirements on encapsulation, e.g. wash-down.Intended for integration in existing cabinets for cost and space reduction. Also of interest for environments with special requirements on encapsulation, e.g. wash-down.

    18. Inside & Interfaces

    19. Distributability Place modules where they fit best save floor space optimize cost

    21. The RAPID Language Modern, high-level language Structured “Unlimited” (no of TCP, variables…) Flexible coordinate system concept Shop floor language Customized instructions support Customer developed application support Error handling Interrupt handling Many powerful built-in functions To meet conflicting demands on a robot programming language for simplicity, flexibility and powerfulness is a challange. RAPID is the best balance of these demands on the market. Structured: program modularization, structured statements. Unlimited: infinite no of variables, tcp’s etc, positions etc (only limited by memory) Coordinate systems: support for coordinate systems in multiple levels enables portable programs, off-line programming, multi robot coordination etc Shop floor language: not “if di4=1 then goto 150”, but “if feeder=loaded then fetch_object” Customized instructions: create your own instructions which then appear as built-in in the RAPID language Customer applications: partners can create their own applications which will be seen as built-in by the end user. Error handling: flexible error handling allows automatic recovery in many cases, by programming trap routines taking adequate actions. Interrupt handling: by trigging interupts, advanced behaviors can be created, e.g. stopping on sensor signal or regular sampling of sensor inputs. Powerful functions: around 400 instructions and functions available to support all kinds of needs and requirements To meet conflicting demands on a robot programming language for simplicity, flexibility and powerfulness is a challange. RAPID is the best balance of these demands on the market. Structured: program modularization, structured statements. Unlimited: infinite no of variables, tcp’s etc, positions etc (only limited by memory) Coordinate systems: support for coordinate systems in multiple levels enables portable programs, off-line programming, multi robot coordination etc Shop floor language: not “if di4=1 then goto 150”, but “if feeder=loaded then fetch_object”Customized instructions: create your own instructions which then appear as built-in in the RAPID language Customer applications: partners can create their own applications which will be seen as built-in by the end user. Error handling: flexible error handling allows automatic recovery in many cases, by programming trap routines taking adequate actions. Interrupt handling: by trigging interupts, advanced behaviors can be created, e.g. stopping on sensor signal or regular sampling of sensor inputs. Powerful functions: around 400 instructions and functions available to support all kinds of needs and requirements

    22. Versatile I/O and Communication System Bus master functionality for DeviceNet ProfiBus-DP Interbus ProfiNet (2007) Ethernet/IP (2008) Slave gateway to DeviceNet for Profibus-DP Interbus AllenBradley RIO Ethernet/IP ProfiNet (2007) CC Link (2007) Modbus/TCP (2007) I/O units for DeviceNet available from ABB (but of course any DN unit on the market can be used) LAN plus local service connection on Ethernet OPC Server Socket Messaging FTP client and server NFS client etcBus master functionality for DeviceNet ProfiBus-DP Interbus ProfiNet (2007) Ethernet/IP (2008) Slave gateway to DeviceNet for Profibus-DP Interbus AllenBradley RIO Ethernet/IP ProfiNet (2007) CC Link (2007) Modbus/TCP (2007) I/O units for DeviceNet available from ABB (but of course any DN unit on the market can be used) LAN plus local service connection on Ethernet OPC Server Socket Messaging FTP client and server NFS client etc

    23. Force Control Force sensor interface Superior dynamic responsiveness Process support Assembly Grinding Machining

    24. Air cooling of IRC5 controller cabinet Standard delivery Air ducts and fans are fully open and designed to reduce the need for maintenance in most applications Environment with moist particles Moist particles are prevented from entering the air ducts and fans by a metal mesh filter (0.5 mm) Environment with moist dust Moist dust is prevented from entering the air ducts and fans by a polymeric filter Why a filter? Moist dust will be prevented from clogging the fans and heat sinks of the drive units. Customer benefits: Higher availability of robot / production cell - fewer unplanned stops The Robot controller can run for longer periods without maintenance and unplanned stops The maintenance efforts will be switched from the fans and cleaning of air channel to replacing filters Prototypes have been tested for heat, vibration and flow with satisfactory results Why a filter? Moist dust will be prevented from clogging the fans and heat sinks of the drive units. Customer benefits: Higher availability of robot / production cell - fewer unplanned stops The Robot controller can run for longer periods without maintenance and unplanned stops The maintenance efforts will be switched from the fans and cleaning of air channel to replacing filters Prototypes have been tested for heat, vibration and flow with satisfactory results

    25. Moist dust filter for foundry environment Secure the cooling capacity and availability by reducing unplanned stops Filters will protect the air ducts and fans from being clogged by moist dust Reduced maintenance costs Easily replaced without tools and without moving the controller Available also as “add on” from After Sales Available as “Add-on” from after sales for already delivered controllers (Flexible Controller D2004 and current Controller D2006) D2006, complete controller: 3HAC028831-003 Moist Dust Filter, SC D2006, drive module: 3HAC028815-003 Moist Dust Filter, DD D2004, complete controller: 3HAC xxxx Spare part: Polymeric Filter Available as “Add-on” from after sales for already delivered controllers (Flexible Controller D2004 and current Controller D2006) D2006, complete controller: 3HAC028831-003 Moist Dust Filter, SC D2006, drive module: 3HAC028815-003 Moist Dust Filter, DD D2004, complete controller: 3HAC xxxx Spare part: Polymeric Filter

    26. Electronic Position Switches Replacing mechanical switches Fully integrated in cabinet Maintenance free Increased flexibility Easier to set up Easier to replace a robot in production Enabling more compact mechanical units Mechanical alternative only available on limited number of axes and limited number of zones per axis. 6600/7600: ax 1-3, 1600/2400/4400: ax 1, 140/340: none. By not having to allow for space for the mechanical arrangements, new robots can be designed more compact. When replacing a mechancial unit, there is no need to adjust the mechanical switches – the EPS is already in place in the cabinet. Supports only 1st SMB ringMechanical alternative only available on limited number of axes and limited number of zones per axis. 6600/7600: ax 1-3, 1600/2400/4400: ax 1, 140/340: none. By not having to allow for space for the mechanical arrangements, new robots can be designed more compact. When replacing a mechancial unit, there is no need to adjust the mechanical switches – the EPS is already in place in the cabinet. Supports only 1st SMB ring

    27. SafeMove – Next Generation Robot Safety Enabling new lean cell concepts More compact cells Enabling Human – Robot cooperation Examples Upper picture: A laser scanner (could also be e.g. a detection mat) detects the entrance of an operator in the robot area. The scanner signals to the controller (normally over a safety PLC), which is programmed to reduce speed and, with a slight delay (to allow the robot to slow down) to order SafeMove to activate the speed supervision. If, for some reason, the robot still exceeds the safe speed (e.g. due to a logical error in the RAPID program), SafeMove will estop the robot. Lower picture: A zone can be defined with almost arbitrary shape. When the zone is active, the TCP will not be able to move outside the zone. If the robot risks leaving the zone, SafeMove will estop the robot early enough to still stop inside the zone. By defining a zone which covers the space needed for the robot’s work, the cell size can be optimized. Further uses are e.g. protection of equipment or preventing the robot to enter an area with an operator (zones can be both inclusive and exclusive). Examples Upper picture: A laser scanner (could also be e.g. a detection mat) detects the entrance of an operator in the robot area. The scanner signals to the controller (normally over a safety PLC), which is programmed to reduce speed and, with a slight delay (to allow the robot to slow down) to order SafeMove to activate the speed supervision. If, for some reason, the robot still exceeds the safe speed (e.g. due to a logical error in the RAPID program), SafeMove will estop the robot. Lower picture: A zone can be defined with almost arbitrary shape. When the zone is active, the TCP will not be able to move outside the zone. If the robot risks leaving the zone, SafeMove will estop the robot early enough to still stop inside the zone. By defining a zone which covers the space needed for the robot’s work, the cell size can be optimized. Further uses are e.g. protection of equipment or preventing the robot to enter an area with an operator (zones can be both inclusive and exclusive).

    28. Software Products

    29. RobotStudio-Online Install and configure the robot controller to your needs Setup and download RobotWare systems Easy and controlled change of system parameters Monitor I/O signals Basic RAPID editing Managing production data Record events Backup and restore controller data Remote Access RobotStudioOnline is the tool for the robot or service technician With RobotStudioOnline you are connected on-line to the IRC5 controller RobotStudioOnline is the configuration utility of RobotStudio offered as a free subset Offers effective installation and configuration of IRC5 Quick and safe start Comes with every IRC5 for free RobotStudioOnline is the tool for the robot or service technician With RobotStudioOnline you are connected on-line to the IRC5 controller RobotStudioOnline is the configuration utility of RobotStudio offered as a free subset Offers effective installation and configuration of IRC5 Quick and safe start Comes with every IRC5 for free

    30. The entry ticket to True OffLine Programming

    31. Virtual Robot Technology So close to reality that RS does not know if it is working with a real or a virtual robot.So close to reality that RS does not know if it is working with a real or a virtual robot.

    32. RobotStudio I hope that all of you know what RobotStudio is, as said it’s a off-line programming tool for robot users. For IRC5 will now improve RobotStudio even more. Here are some of the new features. Ease of use. We work a lot to make RobotStudio easier to use. Here thanks to guidelines, similar to microsoft project (and toolbar) We have a new graphics engine that is optimized for our needs and it’s about 400% faster than today As I mentioned we now have a second generation of VRT when enables programming of multimove, multiple controller as well as new program tools At the same time, we have kept all the good stuff from today’s RobotStudio so that existing users feel familiar We think that RobotStudio is a tools that every robot programmer need on his PC, but there are customers with less needs, or customers that are not yet ready to do the investment. For them we offer to option to by parts of RobotStudioI hope that all of you know what RobotStudio is, as said it’s a off-line programming tool for robot users. For IRC5 will now improve RobotStudio even more. Here are some of the new features. Ease of use. We work a lot to make RobotStudio easier to use. Here thanks to guidelines, similar to microsoft project (and toolbar) We have a new graphics engine that is optimized for our needs and it’s about 400% faster than today As I mentioned we now have a second generation of VRT when enables programming of multimove, multiple controller as well as new program tools At the same time, we have kept all the good stuff from today’s RobotStudio so that existing users feel familiar We think that RobotStudio is a tools that every robot programmer need on his PC, but there are customers with less needs, or customers that are not yet ready to do the investment. For them we offer to option to by parts of RobotStudio

    33. IRC5 Industrial Software Product Portfolio Robot Application Builder is the ultimate tool for developing PowerPacs and other custom software for robots Comes for free with RobotWare!

    34. FlexPendant

    35. FlexPendant 3D joystick (patented) Large colour touch screen Hot Plug Connect/disconnect during operation Share pendant between multiple systems 14 languages, including full Asian character support User Authorization System, allowing different access levels for different user groups Right and left-handed support Harsh environment protected 8 hard keys (4 customizable) Hot plug – unique. Competitors do not have detachable TeachPendant English is standard. Two additional languages (out of totally 14) can be loaded and you can then switch between those three languages.Hot plug – unique. Competitors do not have detachable TeachPendant English is standard. Two additional languages (out of totally 14) can be loaded and you can then switch between those three languages.

    36. Customizable User Interface Ability to build custom applications with full use of graphics and controller information Microsoft technologies with powerful, standard, development tools Offline development support

    37. Extensive Process Support, Software & Hardware

    38. ABB Operator Concept The FlexPendant and RobotStudioOnline work together Same accessibility of data on FlexPendant as on RobotStudioOnline Select the optimal tool for each task RobotStudioOnline benefit examples: Remote access Overview (large screen) Text entry (keyboard) FlexPendant benefit examples: Portability Safety features Jogging Position teaching

    39. ABB vs. Competition For the operator the FlexPendant is very easy to use and the most intuitive. Obviously the choice for working close to the work object, teaching positions. Includes safety features. For the technician the PC gives access to all the advantages in a PC: large screen keyboard network connectivity (remote access possible) CD-player USB-interfaceFor the operator the FlexPendant is very easy to use and the most intuitive. Obviously the choice for working close to the work object, teaching positions. Includes safety features. For the technician the PC gives access to all the advantages in a PC: large screen keyboard network connectivity (remote access possible) CD-player USB-interface

    40. “Buttons, buttons, buttons…” Kuka – the biggest pendant with a total of 92 buttonsKuka – the biggest pendant with a total of 92 buttons

    41. MultiMove

    42. MultiMoveTM

    43. How does the competition stack up?

    44. MultiMove Off-line Support

    45. MultiMove – Benefits Summary Cycle time Floor space MTBF Installation time/cost Off-line support Process quality Small cost to add one more robot Possible to redeploy as single robots (Control Module retrofit) Less controller hardware cost, space, MTBF Less production equipment/floorspace less fixtures saving investment and maintenance sharing of positioners sharing of fixed spot gun replacing conveying systems (or manpower) replacing separate motion controllers for peripheral servos replacing PLC e.g. for workspace interlocking One integration point installation time/cost One interaction point better overview, faster recovery Reduced cycle time multiple robots on same work piece processing during transport higher process speed additional axes moving in parallel overlapping workspaces Process quality reachability & optimized orientation reduction of process speed dips symmetrical heat distribution Increased lifting capacity Handling of flimsy objects Less controller hardware cost, space, MTBF Less production equipment/floorspace less fixtures saving investment and maintenance sharing of positioners sharing of fixed spot gun replacing conveying systems (or manpower) replacing separate motion controllers for peripheral servos replacing PLC e.g. for workspace interlocking One integration point installation time/cost One interaction point better overview, faster recovery Reduced cycle time multiple robots on same work piece processing during transport higher process speed additional axes moving in parallel overlapping workspaces Process quality reachability & optimized orientation reduction of process speed dips symmetrical heat distribution Increased lifting capacity Handling of flimsy objects

    46. Miscellaneous

    47. Stand Alone Controller For control of Linear mechanical units e.g. gantries Misc. automation devices one or multi axis manipulators Earlier ABB robot models upgrading to state of the art control MultiMove of course available Including combinations of IRBs and other devices The stand-alone version means that it is possible for manufacturers of mechanical units to gain from ABB´s superior motion control and extensive controller features. Typical mechanical units that can be controlled are: Gantry robots For these units we support kinematic models which enable linear/circular interpolation (i.e. easy programming of the path) and TCP speed programming. The units are typically linear, but there is also support for rotating axes (e.g. wrist axes). Simple structures For simple mechanical units, such as loaders, conveyors etc, it is efficient to do the programming axis by axis (i.e. joint programming). These units are typically one axis units. Several one axis units can be controlled by one control system. This method can also be used if the arm configuration is not represented with a kinematic model. Older ABB robot models It is also possible to retrofit the IRC5 to older IRB mechanical units from ABB. By doing so, the customer will gain from a cost efficient way of accessing the latest control system technology and to some extent also decrease cycle time. Description of a kinematic model: The kinematic model describes the relation between several mechanical arms connected together. This relation must be known to be able to calculate and plan the path executed by the control system. The kinematic model enables definition of TCP (Tool Centre Point) which makes programming easier and faster. Each programming position is set relative to a coordinate system. This makes reuse of programs more efficient. The kinematic model also enables easy programming of linear and circular paths and reorientation around the TCP. The stand-alone version means that it is possible for manufacturers of mechanical units to gain from ABB´s superior motion control and extensive controller features. Typical mechanical units that can be controlled are: Gantry robots For these units we support kinematic models which enable linear/circular interpolation (i.e. easy programming of the path) and TCP speed programming. The units are typically linear, but there is also support for rotating axes (e.g. wrist axes). Simple structures For simple mechanical units, such as loaders, conveyors etc, it is efficient to do the programming axis by axis (i.e. joint programming). These units are typically one axis units. Several one axis units can be controlled by one control system. This method can also be used if the arm configuration is not represented with a kinematic model. Older ABB robot models It is also possible to retrofit the IRC5 to older IRB mechanical units from ABB. By doing so, the customer will gain from a cost efficient way of accessing the latest control system technology and to some extent also decrease cycle time. Description of a kinematic model: The kinematic model describes the relation between several mechanical arms connected together. This relation must be known to be able to calculate and plan the path executed by the control system. The kinematic model enables definition of TCP (Tool Centre Point) which makes programming easier and faster. Each programming position is set relative to a coordinate system. This makes reuse of programs more efficient. The kinematic model also enables easy programming of linear and circular paths and reorientation around the TCP.

    48. PickMaster Ease of use software for Picking, Packing and Palletizing applications Flexible solutions Saves programming time Reliable operations Powerful built in applications tool Integrated machine vision

    49. Safety Certified!? Who cares? You should! UL 1740 and ISO 10218 are Robot Safety Standards ABB robots are subject to independent inspections by certified bodies Most competitors do not have UL certificate Most competitors do only self assessment for ISO 10218

    50. Summary - IRC5 Strong Points World class path accuracy and cycle time Flexible and powerful robot language - RAPID Customization in every aspect - for every need MultiMove – cooperating robots with unmatched coordination FlexPendant – the perfect tool for teaching and operation SafeMove – the tool for lean cell design and collaborative applications Wide range of user friendly process applications Powerful PC tools for effective on-/off-line support and network communication

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