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The Evolution of Disabled e-Sports: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives

Explore the history, changes, and significance of Disabled e-Sports, from fair play to social impact, and the prospects for job creation and quality of life enhancement. Witness the transformation of e-Sports in the digital era.

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The Evolution of Disabled e-Sports: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The present state and future prospects of Disabled e-SportsPresenter : Jangju Lee/Ph. D. Translator : AyanaJiminAhn

  2. 1. The history of e-Sports • The changes in the past 20 years • Increase in efficiency results from merchanization and automation in industry • Meximization of value- added results from the advent of knowledge and information industry • The advent of different lifestyle from previous one in the field of work and leisure $20,000 55.7 hours 41hours $6,000 In 1990 In 2010 In1990 In 2010 < Changes in working time> < Changes in income>

  3. 1. The history of e-Sports • In 2000,Nike selected IT companies such as Nintendo, Apple as their competitors not Reebok, Adidas.

  4. 1. The history of e-Sports Digital Activity: ‘The action of pursuing delights through digital.’ 4

  5. The change of value The change of tool 1. The history of e-Sports • SymbolicMedium (Semiotic mediation): People’s thoughts utilize their symbolic mediumin that it can influence sociocultural psychologymore than just simple physical means.

  6. Eyeglasses brought the concept changes about Blind people. • Blade Runner, Oscar’s prosthetic legs change the concept of race.

  7. 2. Understanding the concept of e-Sports It is organized through concepts. 2

  8. What can you see in the pictures?

  9. How well can you see? Why can’t you see well?

  10. What do you call the syndrome? 2

  11. New concept : e-Sports • Definition: A chain oforganizedactivity region where people can compete theirown skillswith others through digital gameson fair terms. 2

  12. The difference between ‘e-Sports’ and ‘Games’ • e-Sports is a competition used in games, but not all games can’t be e-Sports. • Key features of e-Sports • Fairness: It should be prepared for the fair play. • Public Acceptability(wholesomeness] : It shouldn’t have any sociocultural harmful elements such as violence, sexual suggestiveness and speculation • Popularity: It should be popular about the game. • Spectacle: It should be fun not only to play, but also to watch.

  13. The features of e-Sports: 1) The difference between e-Sports and Games

  14. The features of e-Sports: 1) The difference between e-Sports and Sports

  15. Game, e-Sports and Sports • Expansion of Game • Game has expanded enjoyable public field from the consumption of contents with the method of making gamers’ matches as contents. • Expansion of Sports • Sports made people’s desire of superiority diversified by expanding from offline where the direct skin contact can be happened to online which is physically less harmful also, virtual and imaginative environmental condition over a foothold in reality. Expansion through a combination of Game and Sports

  16. 3. The present state of Disabled e-Sports Major competition example: National Youth e-Sports Games for the Disabled

  17. There is no disability.

  18. Major competition example: IA • The Outline of International Abilympics (IA) • In commendation of International Year of Disabled Persons that was proclaimed by UN in 1981, the first IA was held in Japan in order to functional improvement, employment promotion, awareness of improvement in job capability for disabled people. It holds every 4 years.

  19. 4. The Significance and Prospect of Disabled e-Sports Rehabilitation and Quality of Life

  20. 4. The Significance and Prospect of Disabled e-Sports Jobs for Disabled people Agreement Ceremony for Establishment of the foundation and development of job fields in disabled e-Sports

  21. 4. The Significance and Prospect of Disabled e-Sports CSRandVolunteer • Scheduled to organize enterprise gamers consist of disabled people • - Effect : Improvement in company’s image and job creation for disabled peoplethrough gamers’activities

  22. Thank you!! Jangju Lee(leejj@mju.ac.kr)

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