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Office of Institutional Research and Planning

Learn about FHDA students, trends & future projections. Explore demographics & goals. Understand key findings for planning & decision-making.

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Office of Institutional Research and Planning

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  1. Office of Institutional Research and Planning The mission of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District Office of Institutional Research and Planning is to plan, organize, design, define, collect, analyze, maintain, and disseminate research, information, and data about the functioning and performance of the district, its colleges, its programs, and its students. Including: • … insure accuracy of state and federal reports on student outcomes • … provide reliable, complete and understandable data and information • … ensure the integrity of student data residing on the student information system • .. verify and interpret results for use in a variety of on-line and printed reports.

  2. Changing Demographics: An Update on FHDA Student Characteristics Andrew LaManque, Ph.D. Elaine Kuo, Ph.D. Mallory Newell, Ed.D. Institutional Research and Planning December 2, 2011

  3. Outcomes of Today’s Presentation Primary • Describe key attributes of students at FHDA, including needs, goals, and successes. • Understand future population trends in Santa Clara County and the implications for FHDA. • Articulate questions important to ask when starting a research project at FHDA. Secondary (maybe!) • Interpret and draw conclusions from a cross tabulation of descriptive statistics. • Be aware of common pitfalls in analyzing data using percents, averages, and survey samples.

  4. Office of Institutional Research and Planning The mission of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District Office of Institutional Research and Planning is to plan, organize, design, define, collect, analyze, maintain, and disseminate research, information, and data about the functioning and performance of the district, its colleges, its programs, and its students. Including: • … insure accuracy of state and federal reports on student outcomes • … provide reliable, complete and understandable data and information • … ensure the integrity of student data residing on the student information system • .. verify and interpret results for use in a variety of on-line and printed reports.

  5. Office of Institutional Research and Planning IR generally reports information useful for longer term planning and decision-making • Tends to be less frequent in use – weekly, quarterly, yearly • Tends to be in aggregate form - division, department, college • Tends to look at data over time – year to year, quarter to quarter • Tends to come from a data warehouse and includes ‘frozen’ data (currently ODS/EDW)

  6. Websites • www.research.fhda.edu • www.deanza.edu/ir • www.foothill.edu/staff/irs/FHresearch/index.php

  7. Making a Research Request • What is the purpose – how do you plan to use the data? • What do you want to know? • What is the population you would like information on? • Which students, in which classes or programs? • What is the time frame – year, quarter, etc? • Do you want to track students over time (cohort/longitudinal) or look at students at a moment in time (cross sectional) • What is the comparison group?

  8. Test Your Knowledge…… Fill in the PREDICTED column to questions 1-10. Throughout the presentation fill in the ACTUAL column on your own sheet. At the end of the presentation compare your predicted answers to the actual answers.

  9. Student Background Characteristics: Where do our students come from?

  10. Which service areas feed into De Anza College? Source: FHDA IR&P

  11. Which service areas feed into Foothill College? Source: FHDA IR&P

  12. What is the education level of our students? Based on fall enrollment. Source: FHDA IR&P

  13. What is the education level of the parents of our students? Less than a Bachelor’s Degree Source: FHDA IR&P

  14. What is the family income of our students? 1/3 of FHDA students reported their family income to be under $25,000/year Source: FHDA IR&P

  15. Student Enrollment Characteristics

  16. What is the three year trend in educational goal at each college? Based on fall enrollment. Source: FHDA IR&P

  17. What is the three year trend in full-time status at both colleges? Based on fall enrollment. Source: FHDA IR&P

  18. What is the three year trend for Pell recipients at each college? Source: FHDA IR&P

  19. What ethnic groups does each college serve at the highest rate? Native American, Pacific Islander, Unrecorded not graphed. Source: FHDA IR&P

  20. What is the distribution of student transfers across ethnic groups? Source: FHDA IR&P

  21. Summary of Demographic Trends – FHDA Students • Higher proportion from out of service area • Growing Latino population • Family incomes less than $25,000/annually • More students with a goal of transfer • Increasingly enrolled full-time • Variations in transfer rates by ethnicity

  22. Ethnicity Data See Handout

  23. County Demographics • Where do our students live? • What are the population projections for Santa Clara County?

  24. Ethnicity by Census Tract http://projects.nytimes.com/census/2010/explorer Foothill De Anza Source: American Community Survey

  25. What is the projected trend for potential FHDA students by ethnicity? 1% increase Whites 2010: 614,227 Whites: 2035: 623,295 40% increase Hispanics 2010: 315,170 Hispanics 2035: 528,331 Source: CA Department of Finance

  26. Projected net shift in sources of enrollment from 2009 to 2035 for the FHDA District +3.2% +1.8% +1.6% +1.2% 2009 capture rate: 1.5% +0% +3.9% +7.3% -0.5% -0.1% +0.6% Methodology: Percentages were calculated by applying current capture rates for each age group to 2035 projections for each of the age groups and summing across all age groups to get a projected share figure for each Zone. The 2009 share figure was then subtracted from the projected 2035 share to get a net shift figure for each Zone. 26 Source: FHDA IR&P, Gregory Stoup

  27. Onizuka Educational Center Source: Foothill GIS Class Project Fall 2011 Instructor Alan Rich

  28. County Demographic Trends • Population growth continues next 25 years • 23% increase among adult population • Latinos increasing with largest numbers • Population growth in San Jose, Santa Clara

  29. Academic Preparedness • How does Silicon Valley students compare with the rest of their peers in California? • What are the college-going rates of Santa Clara county high school graduates?

  30. How do Silicon Valley high school graduates compare to the rest of CA? Source: Joint Venture, Index of Silicon Valley 2011 & CA Department of Education

  31. What is the college-going rate by gender and ethnicity for public high school graduates to CA public institutions? Source: CPEC

  32. Economic Impact Study 1/3 of jobs will require training involving up to one year’s worth of experience, training and/or instruction. Source: Tim Nadreau, EMSI

  33. Academic Outcomes • What are some of the course success rates among FHDA students?

  34. Course Success Rates by Ethnicity Student Success Metric: less than 5 percentage point difference The bars represent the difference in course success between the group of under-served students (African American, Filipino, and Latino) and all other students (as a group). Job Corps students excluded. Source: ARCC Report

  35. Percent Successful in Basic Skills Courses * Student Success Metric: 85% or highest in peer group Peer High Source: ARCC Report * Foothill and De Anza are in the same peer group for this measure

  36. Who is progressing through the Algebra sequence? 241 out of 390 235 out of 384 36 out of 72 139 out of 310 68 out of 141 Source: FHDA IR&P

  37. Who is progressing through the Calculus sequence? 145 out of 425 25 out of 99 1 out of 6 5 out of 35 1 out of 15 Source: FHDA IR&P

  38. Academic Preparedness and Outcomes Summary • High school graduation rates for our area higher than state rate • Half of Silicon Valley HS graduates meet CSU/UC requirements • Majority of jobs will require postsecondary education or training • Course success rates reveal differences when examined at a cohort level • Percentages vs. numbers

  39. Test Your Knowledge…… De Anza 5% San Mateo Up 34% 3,985 73% 35% 50% Hispanic

  40. We want your feedback! We will be emailing you a survey to get your feedback on the presentation. Please take a few minutes to fill it out when you get it. We appreciate it!

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