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Bullying characteristics:

Bullying characteristics:

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Bullying characteristics:

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  1. Bullying characteristics: Bullying refers to the bullying experienced by some children and adolescents by other classmates, which consists of different types of offenses or humiliations. Bullying is in this sense, the aggressive behavior that an individual has towards another and that is accompanied by physical, verbal or psychological abuse. That is repeated frequently until the damage is generated. This type of harassment is experienced by many students, usually during the adolescence stage, and can be motivated by various reasons such as the physical appearance, religion or origin of the victim. Bullying attacks seek to maintain submission to the other person so that he feels a constant sense of fear or danger as a result of teasing, harassment and aggressions received. This type of violence can extend for months and even years. The victims of bullying are usually lonely young people with few friends, characterized by being withdrawn. Bullying can encourage social exclusion and, in some cases, can even lead your victim to suicide. Bullying is a serious situation that occurs in the coexistence between children and young people in the school space and has negative effects at the collective and individual level that are reflected in socialization at school and daily life. Its causes and consequences are a cause of alert for both the family and the teaching staff of academic institutions and friends, as it can significantly affect the future of both its victims and its aggressors. If you are a victim of bullying, it is advisable to consult a good and experienced bullying speaker like hinduja.org. The attention of parents, school authorities and young people themselves will be very important to warn and avoid such situations, as well as the strengthening of values such as respect, tolerance, and friendship in school. In this way, adolescents can live in a more fair and respectful environment. Below is a series of characteristics determined by the bullying expert: • There is a predominance of power of the stalker over the victim. • The victim develops a continuous fear of the presence or encounter with his aggressor. • The aggressions are constant, can last for months or years, and can be carried out individually or in groups. • After the constant threats and attacks, the victim develops fear and distrust in himself. • Violent behaviors include verbal, physical and psychological attacks. • Victims decrease their academic performance. • The witnesses of the violent actions do not participate and observe in a callous way what happens. • Victims do not want to attend classes, they do not tell their representatives anything about what is happening to them and they change their mood drastically.

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