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This is the agenda and meeting minutes for the Harmonisation Working Group (HWG) meeting held on May 23rd, 2012 at the NIAUR Offices in Belfast. The meeting covered various updates and previously approved market change requests (MCRs). Feedback and recommendations for approval were also discussed.
Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Wednesday, 23rd May, 2012 NIAUR Offices Belfast
Approval of Minutes Minutes from HWG meeting – 4th April 2012
Enduring Solution Project Update Ann Ferguson / Joan-Edel Smith
ROI HSP Update Peter Cabena
Market Design Update Today’s Workload Overview
Previously Approved MCR – ROI Specific • Market Change Request • Initially Approved at IGG meeting of 21.08.2008 (pre-Harmonisation) • At today’s Meeting: • Classification as ROI Specific
Previously Approved MCR – Reversioned • Market Change Request • V2.0 Classified and Approved at HWG meeting of 04.04.2012 • Reversioned following post-Harmonisation Release Planning Workshop • At today’s Meeting: • Recommendation for Approval v3.0
Previously Approved MCR – Reversioned • Market Change Request • V3.0 Classified and Deemed Approved at HWG meeting of 04.04.2012 • Reversioned following post-Harmonisation Release Planning Workshop • At today’s Meeting: • Recommendation for Approval v4.0
Previously Approved MCR – Reversioned • Market Change Request • V2.0 Classified and Approved at HWG meeting of 04.04.2012 • Reversioned following post-Harmonisation Release Planning Workshop • At today’s Meeting: • Recommendation for Approval v3.0
MCR078 Adding Registered Company Number to Market Systems Requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR HWG 23-05-12
MCR078 : Adding Registered Company Number to Market Systems ESBN is requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR , for these reasons: This MCR proposes putting the Registered Company number on market messages for change of supplier and for change to customer details (>100kVA) The reason for the change request is to prevent ESBN inferring a change of legal entity when in fact it is a mis-spelling or a rebranding of the company and thereby preventing the unnecessary sending of a connection agreement. However, this would involve a substantial effort to introduce a new layer of validation and administration including the data capture of these numbers and onto the CMS • The likelihood of this MCR making its way onto the priority list must be small given that it is on the queue since 2006. • Also the Market has operated without this functionality up to now
MCR0174 Allow incomplete set of reads for multiple meters to be accepted by ESBN Requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR IGG 23-05-2012
MCR0174:Allow incomplete set of reads for multiple meters to be accepted The intention of this MCR is to allow a Supplier to submit a 210 MM with missing meter reads without being rejected where there are multiple meters on site. The MCR proposes that ‘at a site with multiple meters, if a customer is only able to gather one read due to the other meter being obstructed or broken, the 210MM would be submitted with 1 actual read and 1 blank read’. From the MCR, ‘valuable read data is being lost and that there are some legitimate cases where it is very difficult to read both meters (e.g. no access to one of the meters). If a customer is able to provide a partial set of actual reads for their meters, it is better than not providing any actual reads. The argument is that customers are asking for their reads to be used but the reads are continually being rejected by ESBN as they fail validation in terms of being a complete set of reads. These actual reads should be kept and used to build a more accurate read history for the customer’
ESBN is requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR for these reasons: 1.Substantial under or over charges could be masked or go undetected for some time, should this MCR be implemented • ESBN need 260MM from Suppliers so that we can investigate if there are suspected problems with a meter • Volumes appear to be low ?
1. ESBN is requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR for these reasons: • This MCR would allow an incomplete set of customer reads to be accepted when there are known or suspected problems at a site • This MCR looks for missing reads to be estimated and therefore ESBN may be unaware that there is any issue at the site. This could persist for some time without correction of the underlying problem • Therefore, substantial under or over charges could be masked or go undetected for some time , should this MCR be implemented
2. ESBN is requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR for these reasons: • ESBN need 260MM from Suppliers so that we can investigate if there are suspected problems with a meter • This MCR cites as examples reasons why an incomplete set of meter reads would be submitted by Suppliers to ESBN as ………. a site with multiple meters, if a customer is only able to gather one read due to the other meter being obstructed or broken…… • The information that Suppliers would provide on the MM260 include contact details for the Customer including their phone number as well as access details
3. ESBN is requesting the IGG to rescind this MCR for these reasons: Volumes appear to be low ? • 3% of all rejectmessage 303R in 2011 had reject reason IID IID ‘The original readings provided contained invalid or incomplete data to allow Data Processor to process the readings’ • ESBN would make use of valid Customer reads; a workaround has been provided for Suppliers , but there has been little or no take up • Special note for NSH meters : In cases where NSH meters are not being used , Suppliers still need to send in the NSH meter reading even where there has been no advance since the last reading
DR 1117 V1 - MRC Consultation • Change Request • MRC currently under review and two specific processes are under development: • MP NI 506 Ability Testing Procedure - To provide a framework for Supplier Ability Testing and • MP NI 507 Market Testing Procedure - To provide a framework for Supplier Market Testing. • At today’s Meeting • Classification as NI-Specific Requested
DR 1118 V1 - Updates to Enduring Solution NI Market Documentation • Change Request • Update of the Enduring Solution NI Implementation Guides v2.3 and NI Retail Market Procedures v2.0 with the proposed changes as listed in the attachment on page 3 of this request. • At today’s Meeting • Classification as NI-Specific Requested
DR 1119 V1 - Adoption of MP NI 501 509 • Change Request • Formal adoption of MP NI 501 - 509 which are the Market Entry Procedures which apply to NI under the auspices of the MRC. • At today’s Meeting • Classification as NI-Specific Requested
HWG Action Items Open Items as at end of last meeting
HWG Meeting • AOB
Next Steps • Next HWG meeting 27th June, 2012 (Dublin) • Dates for all meetings for 2012 are on the Calendar on the RMDS website
HWG Meeting Thank You