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Take Out. Pencil Eraser. When finished with quiz…. Copy down “Good Data” rules from whiteboard onto the bottom of page 26 Conventions for Good Data:. Catalyst. List the 3 sections of your first 8 th grade lab report, and their corresponding objectives. Hint – They have a star next to them.
Take Out Pencil Eraser
When finished with quiz… Copy down “Good Data” rules from whiteboard onto the bottom of page 26 Conventions for Good Data:
Catalyst List the 3 sections of your first 8th grade lab report, and their corresponding objectives. Hint – They have a star next to them. What information needs to be contained in each section of the lab report? How confident do you feel in writing a lab report? Which section of the lab report do you think will require the most effort on your part? Why?
Page 29 – 5 even horizontal sections Label the sections…. Statement of Purpose: Hypothesis: Independent Variable: Dependent Variable: Constants:
Statement of Purpose To determine the mathematical and graphical relationship between ____________________ (IV) and _____________________. (DV) Independent Variable always comes first in Statement of Purpose!
Hypothesis If _________________________________ then (What will the IV do? Usually increase…) _______________________________________ (What will the DV do in response?) because ________________________________. (Why will this cause/effect happen?)
Independent & Dependent Variables What is measureable about the objects on your table? Come up with at least 4 IV/DV pairs • 1st pair • 2nd pair • 3rd pair • 4th pair
Constants Constants are….. Bulleted list! • 1st constant • 2nd constant • 3rd constant • 4th constant • Etc.
Homework Complete Constants in science notebook. Look over the “Model Lab Report” on my website Type the first part of the Experimental Design of your lab report (Statement of Purpose, Hypothesis, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Constants) Save on your computer. You are welcome to e-mail it to me so that I can check it and save an additional copy.
Take Out Pencil Catalyst Sheet Science notebook
Catalyst Write a materials list and detailed, step-by-step procedures for how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Page 30 Split page in half horizontally Split top section in half vertically
Page 31 Split page in half horizontally Top section: Raw Data Table Bottom section: Observations
Materials List • All materials used are provided • Amount of each material with units are specified • Tools and equipment are specified by name and size • Materials are presented as a bulleted list
Procedures • Procedures test the stated hypothesis • Details of how the experiment will be performed are clearly stated and thorough • Methods for precisely measuring the variables are explained in detail • Procedures are presented as a numbered list using complete sentences (with periods at the end)
Apparatus • Includes all laboratory equipment used in the investigation • Neatly diagrammed with clear labels • Demonstrates how components of the apparatus are organized and used during the experiment • Components are drawn to scale and in color • Can be created on the computer or drawn on a separate sheet of PRINTER PAPER
Raw Data Table • Descriptive title that describes what is contained • Organized into rows and columns • Row and column labels are accurate • Units are included wherever necessary • Data is recorded to one digit of uncertainty
Observations • Observations are relevant, accurate, precise and detailed • Potential sources for error are noted in the observations • Bulleted list of complete sentences • Number of observations is realistic for a lab of this scope
Homework Add typed Materials List and Procedure to lab document Create final Apparatus (on computer, or a separate sheet of printer paper)
Take Out Pencil Catalyst Sheet Science notebook
Catalyst What is a “source of error” in a lab? List at least 3 potential sources of error that you may have in the Circumference vs Diameter lab.
Circumference vs Diameter Lab • Remember that you need 4 trials for each measurement • You should have 1 uncertain digit per measurement • Underline the uncertain digit • Don’t forget to write down Observations
Take Out Pencil Catalyst Sheet Science notebook
Marie and Seth are working on a lab activity where they are tracking the amount of food provided to mealworms (independent variable) to see if this affects the length that the mealworms have grown to after 1 week (dependent variable). For each amount of food, four trials were carried out. Their data is as follows: The mealworms that were given 1 gram of food grew to 3.5 cm, 3.6 cm, 3.5 cm, and 3.4 cm. The mealworms that were given 2 grams of food grew to 4.2 cm, 4.4 cm, 3.4 cm, and 4.5 cm. The mealworms that were given 3 grams of food grew to 6.0 cm, 6.2 cm, 5.9 cm, and 5.6 cm. The mealworms that were given 4 grams of food grew to 6.2 cm, 6.0 cm, 6.2 cm, and 6.0 cm. Find the average growth length for each amount of food, and organize these values into a data table of JUST the averages.
The effect of the amount of food given to mealworms (g) on their average length of growth (cm) Amount of food given Average length of growth 1 g 2 g 3 g 4 g 3.5 cm 4.1 cm 5.9 cm 6.1 cm