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The School District of Waupaca. Preliminary Budget Hearing October 8, 2013 Budget Summary. “Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of the little children are pure … showing them many things which older people miss.“ - Black Elk , Oglala Sioux Holy Man.
The School Districtof Waupaca Preliminary Budget Hearing October 8, 2013 Budget Summary
“Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of the little children are pure … showing them many things which older people miss.“ - Black Elk, Oglala Sioux Holy Man
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The 2013-2014 Proposed Budget is based upon this Native American Proverb. “We Only Take What We Need” BALANCE
Balanced Initiatives • Wellness Program for all Staff • Health Insurance Rate Cumulative Reductions of more than 15% from 3 years ago • Security Initiatives – Cameras, Door Entry Access, Protective Glass, Communications, Student Pick-up etc. within existing District funds • Refinancing of District Debt – Taxpayer Savings • Taxing Under Allowable Revenue Limit • Cost Per Student lower than Surrounding School Districts, CESA 5, and State
“Listen, Respect, Participate and Be Safe." -- Angelo Baca, Navajo Nation, University of Washington Communications Professor
How do we get to the future? …by being in the moment
“Realizing deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” • Eckhart Tolle
The purpose of the Annual Budget is to achieve educational objectives that will impact the future.
The Annual Budget Is a financial plan based upon budget priorities throughout the year Annual Budget adjustments are made for the final certification of general aid The property tax levy to support the budget is submitted for consideration at the Budget Hearing
Budget Priorities Focus on balancing the needs of all stakeholders: students, staff, and community members to continue to deliver the best education possible. Continue to assess health insurance cost in conjunction with the Health Insurance Committee to reduce costs. Implement policies and procedures that ensure fiscal responsibility. Continue to align food service requirements by offering nutritious quality meals and ensure those qualifying for free & reduced meals are provided with them. Continue to work with the district’s environmental safety school consultant to continue to keep the district compliant with the latest safety requirements.
Budget/District Priorities Continue district exploration of energy conservation methodologies Provide financial solvency by continuing to prioritize budget priorities that are in the long-term best interest of students and taxpayers. Maintain buildings and grounds using the district’s soon to be fifteen year maintenance schedule as a repair timeline tool. Address annual transportation replacement needs to ensure children’s safety Continue to provide necessary training to teachers and support services. Continue evaluation of enrollment trends and develop long-range budget plans for the school district.
Potential Budget Roadblocks Changes in current state law regarding school finance may be altered in such a way as to reduce categorical funding and further reduce revenue limits. Changes in laws and regulations of state or federal government may render the budget assumptions incomplete or inaccurate.
Budget Assumptions District enrollment is estimated to decline by forty-six students from last year using the Revenue Limit September Third Friday Count methodology calculation It is assumed the district will accept eighty-five students under the open enrollment/tuition waiver law and that ninety-five students will the leave district under the open enrollment/tuition waiver law. . No significant program changes will be made in 2013-2014. Health Insurance cost will decrease by approximately 3%.
Budget Assumptions Reduced Positions: .5 FTE Administration, 2.8 FTE Teachers, 1.0 FTE Support Staff Replaced Positions due to retirement or resignations: 10.5 FTE Teachers, 13.5 FTE Support Staff Added Positions: 4.5 FTE Teachers, 1.0 FTE Support Staff Positions
Where does the Money Come From? School finance regulations specify the amount of dollars the district is permitted to raise from property taxes and general state aid. This amount is called the revenue limit.
The School District of Waupaca receives 95% of its money from these two sources.
Where is the Money Spent?Two different perspectives Expenditures by Function Is the purpose for which the expenditure is made. Expenditures by object Is the type of goods and services purchased.
Division of Expenditures by Function Instruction –61% Pupil & Staff Support – 37% Libraries, psychologists, counselors, nurses, therapists, transportation, co-curricular, athletics administration, utilities, building maintenance. Non- Program – 2% open enrollment and general tuition payments.
Division of Expenditures by Object Wages and Benefits 81% Non-Salary 19%
Waupaca’s School District’s Mill Rate Pattern The property tax levy required to support the 2013-14 budget is estimated at $14,785,323.
Mill Rate Analysis 2009-2010 = $8.40 2010-2011 = $8.86 2011-2012 = $9.20 2012-2013 = $10.40 Projected 2013-2014 = $10.75
Projected tax impact for a home valued at $100,000 Last years mill rate $10.40 per $1000 of property value This years projection of $10.75 per $1000 of property value. Annual Impact = increase of $35.00
Top and Only School DistrictsTaxing Under the Allowable Revenue LimitBy at least 1 Million Dollars
Tax levy Disclaimer The property tax levy and tax rates are estimates and a number of factors will change the actual levy and rate before the final levy is set by the School Board in October. These factors include actual enrollment and actual property values determined in September and the amount of state aid determined in October.
Current Educational Cost Comparisons within the Surrounding School Districts Most reliable Comparison Methods Current Educational Costs (TCEC) Overall instruction & instructional support cost per student Total Educational Cost (TEC) CEC cost plus transportation and facility cost per student
Surrounding School DistrictsCurrent Educational Cost Comparisons
Surrounding School DistrictsTotal Educational Cost Comparisons
FY 2011-2012 Comparative Cost per Member for Surrounding School Districts