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International Baccalaureate Information Night Wayne Central High School. IBO Mission Statement. IB Mission Statement.
International Baccalaureate Information Night Wayne Central High School
IBO Mission Statement IB Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessments. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
IBO Mission Statement IB Learner Profile IB learners strive to be: ● Inquirers ● Open-minded ● Knowledgeable ● Caring ● Thinkers ● Risk-takers ● Communicators ● Balanced ● Principled ● Reflective
Diploma vs. Certificate IB Diploma Candidate • Students take a course from each of six curricular groups • Students also work in core elements: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE), and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) • Students must take exams in at least three and no more than four higher level (HL) courses while other courses are at standard level (SL) • Completes all internal assessments given by the IB teacher and external exams administered by IBO in May. • Students can receive up to seven points per exam. Students can earn up to three bonus points for TOK and EE. • Students must earn minimum total of 24 points to earn the IB Diploma.
Diploma vs. Certificate Diploma Requirements IB Certificate Student • Students choose to study any subject area. They take the course and participate in all IB assessments. • Certificate students may enroll in any number of IB courses and earn an IB certificate for each course successfully completed. Standard level courses are not typically recognized for college credit. • IB certificate students are also required to complete the Senior Project (research paper, product, presentation, portfolio) their senior year.
Extended Essay Central Hexagon - EE • Extended Essay (EE) is an in-depth study of a limited topic within a subject of student’s choice. • Students choose a staff member who is experienced in the area of student’s topic. • The upper limit is 4,000 words (approximately 8-10 pages) for EE. Students have from March in grade 11 to December in grade 12 to complete the research paper. • The students must invest approximately100 hours into the extended essay.
Theory of Knowledge Central Hexagon - TOK • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a class that is central to the educational philosophy of the International Baccalaureate. • TOK challenges students and teachers to reflect critically on diverse ways of knowing and areas of knowledge. • Students must complete this course as well as a 1200-1600 word essay from a list of ten titles prescribed by IBO. They also complete a 10-minute presentation. • Students must be present in TOK for a minimum of 100 class hours.
Creativity, Action, Service Central Hexagon -CAS • Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) is a framework for experiential learning, designed to involve students in new roles. • Students should be spending time with others to build relationships and develop the self-worth of both server and served. • Students must be involved for at least 150 hours, approximately 50 hours in each of the three areas, over grades 11 and 12.
IB Hexagon The IB Hexagon at Wayne Central Group 1: Language A English A1 HL Group 3: Individuals and Society Group 2: Language B Spanish SL Spanish ab initio SL History HL Extended Essay (EE) Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Creativity, Action & Service (CAS) Group 4: Experimental Science Group 5: Mathematics & Computer Science Mathematics SL Math Studies SL Biology HL Group 6: The Arts Visual Arts SL or HLTheater SL or HL
IB Assessments Central Hexagon -CAS • Students have both external and internal assessments. • External Assessments (EA) are given to students on campus in May and are graded by IB officials. • Internal Assessments (IA) are given to students by the instructor throughout the courses and are graded by the instructor and moderated by IB through random samples sent to IB officials.
Group 1 – Language A IB English A1 HL External Assessments (70%) Written Papers [50%] Paper 1 Commentary {25%} Paper 2 Essay {25%} World Literature Assignments [20%] Assignment 1 Comparative Study {10%} Assignment 2 Other works {10%} Internal Assessments (30%) Individual Oral Commentary [15%] Individual Oral Presentation [15%]
Group 2 – Language B IB Spanish SL and Spanish ab initio SL External Assessments – Written component (70%) Paper 1: Manipulation of texts (1½ hours) [40%] Reading Comprehension {30%} Written Response {10%} Paper 2: Written Production (1½ hours) [30%] Internal Assessments – Oral component (30%) Individual oral {15%} Interactive oral {15%}
Group 3 – Individuals & Societies IB History HL External Assessments(80%) Paper 1: document-based exam {20%} Paper 2: essay-based exam on six 20th Century topics {25%} Paper 3: essay-based exam regarding the Americas {35%} Internal Assessments (20%) Each student will choose a topic, preferably, but not limited to the time frame of 1880-1980
Group 4 – Experimental Science IB Biology HL External Assessments(76%) Paper 1 [20%] Multiple choice questions that survey curriculum Paper 2 [36%] Two parts of analysis and solving problems on core material. Paper 3 [20%] Short answer questions in the two advanced options studied Internal Assessments (24%) Composed of experimental labs and the Group 4 Project
Group 5 – Mathematics IB Math SL or Math Studies SL External Assessments (80%) Paper 1: No Calculator [40%] Section A - Short-response questions [20%] Section B - Extended response questions [20%] Paper 2: Same breakdown, but students use graphing calculator (Math Studies papers are slightly different in format) Internal Assessments (20%) Math SL students complete a portfolio – Type 1 is a mathematical investigation Type 2 is a mathematical model. (Math Studies students complete project based on mathematical discovery)
Group 6 – The Arts IB Visual Arts (SL or HL) External Assessments(60%) Studio: The student prepares a selection of his or her studio work in the form of an exhibition. This is externally assessed by a visiting examiner following an interview with the student about the work. Internal Assessments(40%) Investigation: The student presents selected pages of his or her investigation workbooks that have been produced during the course. This selection is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO at the end of the course.
Group 6 – The Arts IB Theater (SL or HL) External Assessments(50%) Research investigation 25% Students are required to produce a research investigation of 2,000–2,500 words with Supporting visual materials. Practical performance proposal 25% Students are required to produce a proposal of 250 words with supporting visual materials and a report of 1,000–1,250 words. Internal Assessments (50%) Theatre performance and production presentation 25% Students are required to do an oral presentation lasting 30 minutes with 7–10 images. Independent project portfolio 25% Students are required to produce a portfolio of 3,000 words on their independent project (either option A or option B) and its connection to their experiences in the core syllabus.
Cost of participating in IB • The program is cost effective as compared to other pre-college preparatory courses and is equal to cost of AP exams (currently $86 per course or $602 for the entire diploma program) • Payments for courses are due in September of Junior and Senior year for respective May examinations • Higher level courses afford significant cost savings ($86 versus the national average of $1,112 per three credit course) if accepted for college credit (typically a score of a five, six, or seven are accepted at most colleges and universities as general elective credit) • In some cases where students have done exceptionally well, they have earned enough credits to start college as a sophomore • Families who receive financial assistance may qualify to be exempted from examination fees Note: Rates are based upon 2008-2010 prices and are subject to change for 2010 – 2012. Wayne Central covers the cost (currently $135.00) for students to be designated with an IB certificate and IB diploma.
The Advantages of the IB Diploma • Most respected high school preparation program for college in the world for over 40 years • Students are provided with an international-mindedness towards life and education • Offers rigorous and challenging academic experience based upon more than the results of the exams • Diploma reflects a balanced and varied curriculum more closely aligned with a collegiate experience • Provides students with opportunities to gain college credit (higher level subjects only) based upon assessment scores and in some cases scholarships • Allows student to master weaker subjects and become more of a balanced student while enhancing critical thinking skills • Encourages academic honesty and originality • IB Diploma program fosters qualities that are strongly favored by both colleges and employers
The Advantages of the IB Diploma • Encourages teamwork and compassion towards others • Increased group interaction and teacher contact time • Many of the assessments are driven by personal choice and interests including CAS, TOK, and Extended Essay • IB Students have the option of challenging an AP exam through a like-IB course (e.g. AP Literature & Composition exam through IB English A) • IB teachers work as a team to support students and to connect the curriculum across disciplines • External assessments are moderated both internally and externally by highly qualified examiners • The University of Rochester invites students that participate in the IB Diploma to attend an EE camp where students work on campus with professors • Students are taught to value culture and to be able to better empathize with differences of those in other regions of the world
IB DIPLOMA RESOURCES • International Baccalaureate website: www.ibo.org • Wayne Central School District IB website: http://www.wayne.k12.ny.us/webpages/hsib/ • Wayne Central High School IB Coordinator: croods@wayne.k12.ny.us
Thank you for coming! Victoria VerSchneider 2011 IB Diploma student Amanda Wilson 2010 IB Diploma student Julie Collier 2010 IB Diploma student