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Ch.12 Rebuilding The Nation. Page 420 Amnesty Freedman John Wilkes Booth . Preparing for Reunion. The Civil War is now over, what problems faced the nation? The South lay in ruin from the war A large amount of freed slaves need food, shelter, jobs. What is Reconstruction?.
Ch.12 Rebuilding The Nation Page 420 • Amnesty • Freedman • John Wilkes Booth
Preparing for Reunion • The Civil War is now over, what problems faced the nation? • The South lay in ruin from the war • A large amount of freed slaves need food, shelter, jobs. • What is Reconstruction?
Lincoln Murdered • He was shot dead on April 14, 1865, five days after Lee’s Surrender. • Shot in the back of the head while attending a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington. • Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth a confederate sympathizer. • After Booth shot Lincoln he yelled "Sic semper tyrannis“ (Latin for 'Thus always to tyrants')
Freedman’s Bureau • To provide emergency relief to people displaced by the war. • They set up schools to teach Freedmen to read and write. • Helped freedmen find jobs and resolved disputes between whites and blacks.
Lincoln’s 10% Plan • Lincoln wanted to mend the wounds of the Civil War and have the South rejoin the Union. • Lincoln stated that when 10% of the states voters swore an oath of loyalty to the United States they could begin a state government. • The states must declare and end to slavery. • The plan included amnesty for former confederates, but not for military officers or government leaders.
Warm Up • What is Reconstruction? • What was the Freedman’s Bureau? • Why did John Wilkes Booth kill Lincoln?
The Battle over Reconstruction • Andrew Johnson proposed a lenient plan of reconstruction • The Radical Republicans felt that Johnson was too lenient on the South during the Reconstruction. • Radical Republicans saw signs that the southern states were trying to turn back the clock.
Key Goals of Radical Republicans • To prevent southern planters from regaining control of the government. • To protect freedmen and guarantee them the right to vote.
Sec. 3 The End of Reconstruction Vocabulary • Poll tax • Literacy test • Grandfather clause • Sharecropper
African Americans Lose Rights • With the end of Reconstruction, African Americans began to lose their remaining political and civil rights in the South. • Southern whites used a variety of techniques to stop African Americans from voting. • They passed laws that applied to whites and African Americans but were enforced mainly against African Americans.
Jim Crow Laws • Southern states created a network of laws requiring segregation. • These “Jim Crow” laws banned the mixing of races in almost every aspect of life. Blacks and whites were born in separate hospitals and buried in separate cemeteries. • The laws decreed separate playgrounds, restaurants, and schools. • They required African Americans to take back seats or separate cars on railroads and streetcars.