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Integrating Pixel Readout for CLIC's Timepix Detector Systems

Explore integrating pixel readout technologies such as Charge Summing and Timestamp readout for high-resolution, low-noise pixel detectors at CERN's CLIC project. Discover innovative approaches for enhancing spatial and timing information, improving data acquisition, and optimizing digital and analog circuitry designs.

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Integrating Pixel Readout for CLIC's Timepix Detector Systems

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  1. Pixel vertex options @ CLIC M. Campbell, R Ballabriga, E. Heijne, X. Llopart, L. Tlustos, W. Wong ESE/ME Group CERN

  2. Outline 1. Integrating pixel readout 2. Charge summing readout (Medipix3) 3. Timestamp readout (Timepix) CLIC Michael.Campbell@cern.ch

  3. 1. Integrating Pixel Detector readout K. Poltorak P. Jarron, J. Kaplon, K. Poltorak Integrate during pulse train (~200ns) readout during gap (20ms) Very low noise (10’s e-rms) possible thanks in part to soft reset feature Pixel dimensions 10’s of mm Very high spatial resolution – but no timing info

  4. 2. Charge Summing Pixel Detector readout R.Ballabriga Derived from Medipix3 work Pulse processing front-end like at LHC Clean pattern recognition (noise 100 e- rms, threshold 1500 e-) 10-20ns time tag

  5. 2. Charge Summing Pixel Detector readout The winner takes all • The incoming quantum is assigned as a single hit • Charge processed is summed in every 4 pixel cluster on an event-by-event basis 55m

  6. DIGITAL CIRCUITRY • Control logic (124) • 2x15bit counters / shift registers (480) • Configuration latches (152) • Arbitration circuits (100) • Total digital 856 4 5 6 7 55m • ANALOG CIRCUITRY • Preamplifier (24) • Shaper (134) • Discriminators and Threshold Adjustment Circuits (72) • Total analog 230 2 1 3 Michael Campbell 55m

  7. 2. Charge Summing Pixel Detector readout Detected MIP Spectrum Conventional readout 50mm thick Si 20mm x 150mm pixels Incoming MIP Spectrum 50mm thick Si Detected MIP Spectrum Charge summing readout 50mm thick Si 20mm x 150mm pixels Use full MIP spectrum to flag hit Read out all 4 contributing pixels L.Tlustos

  8. 50um Micromegas GEM 3. Timepix-like readout • A novel approach for the readout of a TPC at the future linear collider is to use a CMOS pixel detector combined with some kind of gas gain grid • Using a naked photon counting chip Medipix2 coupled to GEMs or Micromegas demonstrated the feasibility of such approach Michael Campbell

  9. 3. Timepix-like readout Previous Pixel Clk_Countb Clk_Read Mux 4 bits thr Adj Mask Mux Preamp Input Disc 14 bits Shift Register Shutter Timepix Synchronization Logic THR Shutter_int Ctest P0 Conf Testbit Polarity P1 8 bits configuration Test Input Ovf Control Clk_Count Clk_Read Next Pixel Analog Digital

  10. 3. Timepix-like readout • Chip architecture almost identical to Mpix2MXR20 • M0=M1=1 and Shutter ON -> FClock used as Ref_Clk • 256x256 55µm square pixels • Analog Power -> 440mW • Digital Power (Ref_Clk=50MHz) -> 220mW • Serial readout (@100MHz) -> 9.17 ms • Parallel readout (@100MHz) -> 287 µs • > 36M Transistors

  11. 3. Timepix-like readout Mpix2MXR20 layout Timepix layout X.Llopart

  12. Timepix with 3-GEM detector • DESY testbeam in November 2006 (A.Bamberger, U. Renz, M.Titov)

  13. Timepix with Micromegas • Nikhef January 2007 (J.Timmermans) Present design limits: either ampl. or arr. time info per pixel 10ns time precision Could be improved with new CMOS technologies

  14. Timepix with silicon 3297 • 90Sr 11 μs exposure time and Clk_Ref=100MHz 9282 7685 9991 3511 10310 56 Raw data Arrival Time corrected TOT Time corrected

  15. Options for CLIC Combine charge summing front-end with Timepix time stamping? Can 0.7ns time resolution be obtained? Maybe. Tradeoff with power. GOSSIPO-2 approach (Nikhef) may provide a solution. How many hits/pixel/train? Assuming 1cm radius and 1m overall length (q = 20mrad) there are 24Mpixels of 50mm x 50 mm in inner plane. Maybe one timestamp per pixel is enough? Michael.Campbell@cern.ch

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