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Trigger Warning Da Subjunctive Mood

Explore the intriguing world of the subjunctive mood in this comprehensive guide. Learn how to use the subjunctive to express hypothetical actions, uncertain results, and more. Discover the different tenses, voices, and moods of the subjunctive in Latin.

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Trigger Warning Da Subjunctive Mood

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  1. Trigger Warning Da Subjunctive Mood

  2. In your book, open to CHAPTER 42 …page 245

  3. Subjective 101- Overview – From Carpe Diem “If anything is designed to make the blood freeze, the subjunctive is quite a brilliant frigid…Best to think of the subjunctive first of all as the ‘Let it be’ word… i.e. ‘Let the record state’, ‘Let’s Eat!’, and ‘Let him go!’ would use the subjunctive…” Vivat Regina! -(‘Long live the Queen’ or literally, ‘May the Queen live’) or Caveat Empator. -(‘Buyer Beware’ or literally, ‘Let the buyer beware’) ”

  4. Subjective 101- Overview – From Carpe Diem “…Then it’s best to think of the subjunctive as the woulda/shoulda/coulda form, i.e. when there’s a “would” or a “should” or a “could” around, it’s a pretty good bet that you should use a subjunctive. Not always, but as a rule of thumb.” Definition: (Notes start here)In short, the Subjunctiveis a grammatical Mood that expressesVagariesorAbstract Situations,such as hypothetical actions or uncertain results. “Iwent to the store to buycheese” –But did I succeed? It is uncertain. I might have bought flower-shaped sponge BTW... The other two moods are The Indicative-Concrete Statements, such as facts; TheImperative- Direct commands, such as Gimmie!

  5. Audiam Audias Audiat Audiamus Audiatis Audiant Capiam Capias Capiat Capiamus Capiatis Capiant Mittam Mittas Mittat Mittamus Mittatis Mittant Habeam Habeas Habeat Habeamus Habeatis Habeant Amem Ames Amet Amemus Ametis Ament Subjective 101- The Endings!! (Cause in Latin, the answer is always…The Endings!) Think of it… like an equation (Active) Present forms: We Fear A Liar +personal endings (m, s, t, mus, tis, nt) Examples: Amem, Habeam, Mittam, Capiam, Audiam

  6. Audiar Audiaris Audiatur Audiamur Audiamini Audiantur Capiar Capiaris Capiatur Capiamur Capiamini Capiantur Mittar Mittaris Mittatur Mittamur Mittamini Mittantur Habear Habearis Habeatur HabeamurHabeamini Habeantur Amer Ameris Ametur AmemurAmemini Amentur Subjective 101- Examples Passives Present forms: We Fear A Liar +personal endings (r, ris, tur, mur, mini, nt) Examples: Amer, Habear, Mittar, Capiar, Audiar

  7. Subjective 101- The Endings!! Equations for the Other Tenses Present forms: We Fear A Liar +personal endings (m, s, t, mus, tis, nt) Imperfect forms: Infinitive form +personal endings Perfect forms: Perfect Stem +eri+personal endings Pluperfect forms: Perfect Stem +isse+personal ending

  8. Subjective 101- Examples Active Present forms: We Fear A Liar +PE Amem, Habeam, Mittam, Capiam, Audiam Imperfect forms: Infinitive form +PE Amarem, Habērem, Mitterem, Caperem, Audirem

  9. Subjective 101- ExamplesActive Perfect forms: Perfect Stem +eri+PE Amaverim, Habuerim, Miserim, Ceperim,Audiverim Pluperfect forms: Perfect Stem+isse+PE Amavissem, Habuissem, Misissem, Cepissem, Audivissem

  10. Subjective 101- Examples Passives Present forms: We Fear A Liar +personal endings Amer, Habear, Mittar, Capiar, Audiar Imperfect forms: Infinitive form +personal endings Amarer, Habērer, Mitterer, Caperer, Audirer

  11. Present Imperfect Subjective 101- Examples Passives Perfect forms: Perfect Passive Participle+SubjunctiveEsse AmatusSim, Habitus Sis, Missus Sit, CaptusSimus, AuditusSitis (Sint) Pluperfect forms: Perfect Passive Participle+SubjunctiveEsse AmatusEssem, Habitus Esses, Missus Esset, CaptusEssemus, AuditusEssetis (Essent)

  12. Subjective 101- Present Subjunctive form of Sum, esse Sim, Sis, Sit, Simus,Sitis, Sint Imperfect Subjunctive form of Sum, esse Essem, Esses, Esset, Essemus, Essetis, Essent (still INFINITIVE + PE)

  13. 1. Mitto, Mittere Mittet Mitterem Mittit Mitteres Miserimus Mittas Mittam 2. Video, Vidēre Vidērem Videt Viderit Videam Videbo Vidissetis Videamus 3. Audio, Audire Audiar Audires Auditusesses Audimus Audirentur Auditussint Audiam 5 Iacio, Iacio Iaciet Iaciamur Iacere Iactaesint Iaceres 4. Ambulo, Ambulare Ambulet Ambularem Ambulatur Ambulissetis Ambulatiessent Identify the tense, voice…and mood

  14. Translation: May or Let May the Queen live! Vivat Regina! (is she going to? Pro’lly not.) Use “ne” to make it a negative Vivat Ne Tyrannus! May the Tyrant NOT Live! (Is he going to live? I hope not!) Subjective 101- Uses #1. Jussive Subjunctive: - Gives a vague command Sometimes called the Hortatory subjunctive (Tends to be in the Present tense and in the 1st or 3rd person) How to recognize: A subjunctive verb is alone and the main verb

  15. Subjective 101- Uses #2.Conditional Future Less Vivid: Si (if) creates an “If…then” statement. (There is no Latin word forthenin this context) - Nisi creates an “If…not, or Unless…,then” statement. Ifsi(nisi) is paired with a subjunctive verb in the present tense thentranslate it as: If…should…,then… would… How to recognize: Si(ornisi)+subjunctive verb+[COMMA] +subjunctive verb

  16. Examples: If you should give me green eggs and ham, then I would not eat them. Sidesviridia ova et pernammihi, noncomedam ea. (…but I might) Online Example I found: Sīequusremediumcēlet, ego equummordeam. Ifthe horse should hide the remedy, I would bite the horse. (...ok, well, I dunno…maybe. I’m really just bluffing here) Subjective 101- Uses 2. Conditional Future Less Vivid:

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