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French and Indian War

Explore the causes and impacts of the French and Indian War, including the tension between the French, English, and Native Americans in North America. Learn about the Proclamation Act of 1763 and its effects on the colonists.

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French and Indian War

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  1. French and Indian War • Tension in the Colonies • Map. • French and Indians vs. English • Proclamation Act

  2. Tension in the Colonies:The French and Indian War ( Remember, this is a war between the French Army and their Indian allies and the British Army, English Colonists, and their Indian allies). The Indians sided with either the French or the English because they had Indian enemies that they needed protection against.

  3. Colonial Government • When colonists left England to settle in America, they took with them their beliefs about their _________________. • Among these rights were: • The right to be tried by _______ when accused of a _________ • The right to __________ the government • The right to live under laws made by ________________ Rights as English subjects a jury crime petition representatives

  4. In 1618, the Virginia colonists were granted their full rights as English citizens, including the right to have their own _____________________. called the House of Burgesses, the _________________________. Legislative assembly 1stelected law making body

  5. By 1750, all of the colonies had its own __________ but had to share power with a ________ appointed by the King. • Very few of these governors were __________ to run a colony. assemblies governor qualified

  6. North American Land Claims France England • Both _______ and ________ wanted the ________________ Ohio River Valley • Both saw it as an important part of their colonies.

  7. trapping animals and selling their furs. • French fur traders made their living _____________________________. • British fur traders began moving into the ___________________, and British land companies were planning to _________________ there. Ohio River Valley settle colonists

  8. forts • When the governor of Virginia heard that French troops were building ______ in the Ohio Valley. He sent a young surveyor named _______________ to warn the French that they were trespassing on English property! George Washington

  9. Bug off!!! • The French (politely) said, _________. So you know….trouble was a’brewin • Meanwhile…the ________ in the region did not know who to support. natives France England

  10. allied • When G. Washington was forced to surrender Fort Necessity to the French, the Indians then _______ themselves with ________. France • Thus the ___________________ began. French and Indian War

  11. Benjamin Franklin • ________________ suggested that the colonies band together for defense. His ____________________ was the first formal proposal to unite (___________) the colonies. Albany Plan of Union Join together

  12. On a blank page in your binder, write “by Benjamin Franklin” underneath the cartoon. Then write a paragraph explaining what it means and what he was trying to say.

  13. Colonial legislatures • _________________ defeated Franklin’s plan because they did not want to give up control of their own affairs. I’m a whiney butt because I don’t want to share my power with anyone! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  14. The French and Indians English vs

  15. Causes of the war • France claims _________US; Britain claims ________ • France is making _______ trading with the Natives • British __________ move into the Ohio River Valley • France and Britain ____ different Native Americans interior East Coast money colonists arm France builds ______ to keep the British out of the Ohio Valley forts

  16. The war eventually spreads to Europe, the West Indies, Africa and even Asia and includes Spain, too. • The British were able to beat the French and get the land in the New World • The first ____________ was signed ending the war. Treaty of Paris

  17. Treaty of Paris • Was signed in 1763 • ________ agreed to give up all its land in America • _________ took Canada and Louisiana • _______ took all of the lands west of the Mississippi • Great Britain became the most _________ nation in the world. France England Spain Powerful

  18. North America before the war English Label the Mississippi Spanish French

  19. North America in 1763 (after the war) English Label the Mississippi Spanish French

  20. Proclamation Act of 1763 • In order for the British to “protect” its citizens, the new King, ____________ announced a new law called the __________ _____________ ( First, the Navigation Acts and now the Proclamation Act put a wedge between King George and his colonial subjects ) George III Proclamation Act of 1763

  21. Indian Reservation • This act (or law) set aside all the new land for an ___________________. • The colonists could not legally pass the _____________________________. Proclamation line (Appalachian Mtns)

  22. North America in 1763 Proclamation Line

  23. The colonists felt betrayed because the King had promised them the land in the ________________ if they fought for him. • Now he was breaking his promise. Ohio River Valley

  24. To enforce the Proclamation of 1763 and to keep _______ between the colonists and Indians, the British government placed a permanent _______ of British soldiers in America. peace army

  25. The French and Indian war had cost the British government a large amount of _______ (about $_______________.) • The British had to do something to pay for the war… money 150,000,000

  26. Effects of the war revolt • Natives ________ against the British • Britain _________ settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains • Britain ______ taxes to pay for the war • Colonists become _________ bans raises angry

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