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Answering Counterplans

Answering Counterplans. Acronym is PLOTS P ermutation L inks to their disads O ther disads to the Counterplan T heory Objections Doesn’t S olve the case The plot thickens when they run a counterplan. Doesn’t S olve Your Case. Doesn’t solve your case

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Answering Counterplans

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  1. Answering Counterplans • Acronym is PLOTS • Permutation • Links to their disads • Other disads to the Counterplan • Theory Objections • Doesn’t Solve the case The plot thickens when they run a counterplan

  2. Doesn’t Solve Your Case • Doesn’t solve your case • Why might a counterplan that uses the states not solve your advantages? • Federal Domain (Natives/Military) • Federal Symbol (raises profile of anti-poverty) • Modelling • Plan fills a federal gap (federal law has excluded a group)

  3. Links to their disads • Links to their disads • AFF teams often forget to make this answer • Inflation Disad (states still put money into the economy/causing inflation) • Net Widening Disad (states still increase control over people) • How might other disadvantages/kritiks link to the states counterplan?

  4. Other Disads to A Counterplan • Affirmative can run disads to a counterplan • Usually the affirmative will skip the uniqueness, and read a two card disad • Can we think of disads

  5. Theoretical Objections to Counterplans • There are certain reasons why some counterplans might be unfair • One reason is that “international FIAT” might be bad Not this kind of Fiat

  6. FIAT • FIAT: the power to put your plan into action • We pretend in debate that we are the Congress, or the President, or the Supreme Court • There is an argument that FIAT should be limited to the United States

  7. Status of Counterplans • A good cross-x question is: what is the status of your CP? • An unconditional Counterplan has to be defended • A conditional counterplan allows the negative to “switch back” to the status quo in the debate

  8. Status Part 2 • A dispositional counterplan is like “limited conditionality.” • We can revert back if you make certain answers • Most judges think some version of dispositionality or conditionality is fair

  9. Permutations • A counterplan must COMPETE: it must provide an answer to the question, why not do both? • A permutation is an affirmative answer that says: we should do both • A permutation is designed to prove, the counterplan doesn’t compete

  10. Answering Permutations • 1) Still links to the disadvantages. • So the answer to “why not do both” is the disadvantage • There may be disadvangtes to the permutation by itself, separate from the aff • Two basic answers: • 1) we shouldn’t do both • It links to the disadvantages • It has disadvantages to it (do both worse) • 2) we can’t do both

  11. Plan Inclusive Counterplan • Plan is give money to Afghanistan and Lebanon • Counterplan is only give money to Lebanon • Ban giving aid to Afghanistan • Can’t give aid to Afghanistan and ban aid (you would have to ban ALL OTHER AID and then give aid) • Mutually exclusive: can’t do both

  12. Illegitimate Permutations • Permutation has to be the combination of ALL of the PLAN and PART or ALL of the Counterplan • Why must a permutation be all of the plan? • Plan was: give aid to A & L • Counterplan only give aid to L • Disad: Afghan leader bad • Permutation: only give aid to L • You are not allowed to sever or get rid of parts of your plan • Plans aren’t conditional, you have to defend your plan • Sever permutation

  13. Other permutations • and PART or ALL of the Counterplan • Permutation cannot ADD anything into the mix • Intrinsiciness Permutation adds something to the mix • Run a spending disad • A) Cost a lot of money to give aid to afg • B) Destroy the deficit • C) Wreck economy • D) Big boom • Counterplan EU give aid • Permute: do the plan, have the EU give aid, and then cut the budget for boll wievel aid • We can’t run disads, you would always solve for them with your intrinsicness permutation

  14. Why are you allowed to only do part of the counterplan • Do all of the plan • But only part of the counterplan? • Plank 1: Ban your plan • Plank 2: Feed the world • Afghan stability + 10; feed the world +1000

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