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TE/MPE/EE. Grzegorz Seweryn Fabio Formenti. TE-MPE LS1 Workshop. summary. Chavannes-de- Bogis November 2012. Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) & interface Module (DQLIM) assembling during LS1. 2700 DQLPUR (2464 in the LHC tunnel). 1300 DQLIM (1232 in the LHC tunnel). Summary :.
TE/MPE/EE Grzegorz Seweryn Fabio Formenti TE-MPE LS1 Workshop summary Chavannes-de-Bogis November 2012
Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) & interface Module (DQLIM) assembling during LS1 2700 DQLPUR (2464 in the LHC tunnel) 1300 DQLIM (1232 in the LHC tunnel) Summary: • heater strip diagnostic function has to be implemented • new DQLPUR and DQLIM have to be prepared • help from MPE/EM, Steve Pemberton and EPC team is required • 1300 crates will be assembled and tested at CERN • test of internal wiring of all the DQLIM crates • functional and inuslation test of the DYPB racks
Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) & interface Module (DQLIM) assembling during LS1 Asked questions: • Rudiger: Why order main parts seperately? Knud: Due to limitations of the finance commitee, order costs need to be diluted to keep below 700kChf; this avoids the commitee protocol. No time as next commitee in March 2013. • Rudiger: Why do we need to remove the crawford boxes before the yellow crates are removed? Knud: We need to recover parts/connectors from the boxes which will be fitted to the new DQLIM modules. • Betty/Andrzej: I have concerns around the assembly of the crates and who is responsible for what? A design & coordination meeting is needed to clarify each sections workscope and the timelines expected. • Markus: Why not use the pre-made tester which Christophe developed? Reiner: There is already equipment which has been developed by Vincent that can be used to perform the testing. • Betty: for better QA procedure test of cables and single components to be done before full assembly
New DQLPU type A x 1300 Fip connector Programmingconnector Summary: • new DQLPU type A will improve dipole protection and provide remote commands • 1300 mechanical enclosures + 4 x 1350 PCBs to be produced • LS1 seems to be the most convenient time to perform the upgrade • manpower from internal and external sources • resources from other MPE sections and CERN groups • potential issues should be taken into account • new software will be developed
New DQLPU type A Asked questions: • Andrzej: Do you envisage any problems with the delivery as there are various parts still under test, i.e motherboard and Harting connectors?Vincent/Reiner: No major issues are foreseen, development is critical but so far on schedule. • Arjan: How will this conflict with the CSCM activity, any potential conflict of resources? Vincent: only manpower conflicts • Andrzej: Why do we mount the DQLPUR-S in the tunnel? Reiner: Better to mount them in the tunnel as the transport services can place the racks in any postion in the tunnel when the DQLPUR-S units are not pre-mounted. • Rudiger: Expressed concerns that timeframes for the production need to be clarified as this is a critical activity which could potentially delay the restart of the machine. Resources from internal, external groups and services need to be agreed. • Marzia/Rudiger: A planB in case of problems to define; priorities to identify. • Betty: take profit of outsourcing activities to services (PCB design, CERN stores component contracts)
Logistic for DYPB activities Pt4 25 25 25 Pt6 25 25 25 25 25 25 Summary: 25 25 • radioactivity of DYPB racks has to be checked first • (possible unexpected quantity of irradiated racks) • logistic is well scheduled • support from EE & EP sections and external collaborators will be provided • extension cables request has been rejected by EN/EL and LS1 project leader (compromise with EN/EL still possible) 25 25 Pt2 25 25 25 Pt8 Pt1
Logistic for DYPB activities Asked questions: • Fabio: Is Bldg 867 a workshop or is it usable for storage, also is there place for irradiated racks? Betty: Bldg 867 is not a strorage place but a re working facility,ISR location maybe appropropriate (to be verified) • Knud: Will there be any blockage conflict with activities in Bldg 281 with racks passing through there? No issues forseen. • Reiner: Would it not be better to perform the radiation checks of the racks in the tunnel prior to the removal? Bruno: Following discussion with RP it is difficult to measure due to background radiation along with the huge resource demand of RP in the tunnel. This point needs discussion as it believed to be possible and would be benefical if an extremely hot crate is found. Rudiger suggests a sample measurement of 10 magnets to get a feel for the radiation levels.
Thank you for your attention !