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The Market Revolution 1800-1840. A New Economy. Created by innovations in transportation and communication Roads were primitive Transporting of goods was difficult if you didn’t live near water or a major city-Ex. New York, Boston, Philadelphia. The American System.
A New Economy • Created by innovations in transportation and communication • Roads were primitive • Transporting of goods was difficult if you didn’t live near water or a major city-Ex. New York, Boston, Philadelphia
The American System • The end of the War of 1812 started a movement of national pride known as the “Era of Good Feelings” • War also showed the improvement the US needed to make in the area of roads and transportation • Senators Henry Clay (Kentucky) and John C. Calhoun (South Carolina) knew both industry and transportation needed help from the national government
American system also supported by President James Monroe • Goal was to become economically independent of Britain • American system had three parts: • A new national bank. The charter for the First B.U.S. expired in 1811 • A protective tariff on imports to help American industry • Federal funding of “internal improvements”
New B.U.S. starts in 1816 with a 20 year charter • New tariff in 1816
New Technologies • Steamboats • Canals • Railroad • Telegraph-Samuel B. Morse • Roads-Toll Roads-”Turnpikes”
Erie Canal“Clinton’s Big Ditch” • 363 miles • Completed in 1825 • Links East Coast to the Great Lakes and trade in the Northwest • Funded entirely by New York State • $7 million
Railroads and The Telegraph • Railroads opened territories to settlement and coal mining • Building of the Baltimore and Ohio (B and O) railroad began in 1828 • By 1860, there was 30,000 miles of railroad • Telegraph developed by Samuel F.B. Morse during the 1830’s • Morse code
The Rise of the West • Between 1790 and 1840, 4.5 million people crossed the Appalachian Mountains • By 1840, the total population of people living west of the AM was 7 million people • 6 new states came into the Union • In 1819, Spain ceded Florida to the US • Adams-Onis Treaty • First Seminole War • Trouble for Andrew Jackson?
Cotton • After 1824, rise of sectionalism • North-Industrial, West-land, railroads, mining, South-Cotton and Tobacco • The South’s climate made it good for cotton growing • Tobacco exhausted the soil • Invention of the Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney
Cotton and Slavery • Around 1 million slaves came to the Deep South (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama) between 1800 and 1860 • Massive slave market develops within the US after 1808 • 1793-5 million pounds of cotton • 1820-170 million
Two main groups were Irish and Germans • Irish-Potato Famine • Germans-Land, Religious Freedom • Revolutions-1830’s and 1840’s in Europe
Rise of Nativism • Those who opposed Irish immigration were known as nativists • Term nativists comes from native born Americans • Nativists opposed the Irish because of their religion • Also blamed them for problems in society- crime, political corruption, drinking alcohol, taking away jobs from native born Americans
The Second Great Awakening • Starts at the beginning of the 19th Century • Most popular in the 1820’s and 1830’s • Many reform movements in our country • Reverend Charles Grandison Finney • Month long meetings in upstate New York and New York City • Warned of hell for those who lead a sinful life • New technologies allowed message to spread quickly • SGA led to an explosion of new Christian dominations • Ex. Mormons under Joseph Smith in upstate New York
Cult of Domesticity • Work opportunities for married women were closed to them during the Market Revolution • COD was a new definition of femininity • Woman’s “place” was in the home • Roles included love, friendship, mutual obligation, sheltering men from the competitive marketplace
“Woman, a Source of Comfort” • “Woman, a Being to Come Home to” • “Woman, Man’s Best Friend”