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5th Grade. Welcome Students and Parents. Introductions. Jodie Marks Science. Brooke Potocki Math. Shannon Hollar Language Arts & Social Studies. Science Ms. Marks.
5th Grade Welcome Students and Parents
Introductions Jodie Marks Science Brooke Potocki Math Shannon Hollar Language Arts & Social Studies
Science Ms. Marks • Major Units in 5th Grade Science: Ecosystems/Biomes, Heat Energy/Matter, Human Body Systems, Genetics/traits, Force and Motion, and Weather • Students will take notes and complete labs in a 5-Subject Notebook daily. • Vocabulary is a major component of the Science End-Of-Grade Test in 5th grade. Students will keep a glossary of vocabulary words in the back of their notebooks, as well on index cards. Students need to be consistently studying vocabulary words. • There may be occasional homework to finish an assignment from class, complete vocabulary definitions, or study for a test. It is important that students are prepared for the following day’s lesson by having all homework completed. • Test/Quiz Grades will be sent home to be reviewed and signed by a parent and will count as a homework assignment.
Math Mrs. Potocki • Major concepts in math this year: fractions, decimals, volume, conversions, understanding algebraic expressions, analyzing data, and comparing geometric attributes. • We will be using a variety of sources to teach the conceptual understanding needed in order to be successful with higher level mathematics. We will also be creating interactive notebooks. Homework will be finishing daily classwork and/or work out of the homework book. All morning work is also due by Friday for a grade. • Weekly Friday test • Other resources that will be used: Pearson Realize, School Net, Greg Tang Math, and Math Olympiads. • All 5th graders should have multiplication facts memorized. They should be able to fluently work with their facts. This is critical in the development of understanding fractions. If this is not the case, please review with your child nightly until he/she has mastered them.
Language Arts/ Social StudiesMrs. Hollar • 5th grade Reading encompasses reading skills from previous grade levels. We will focus on context clues, theme, summarization, and fiction/nonfiction, text structures and much more. • Students will be learn to write in cursive throughout the school year. • Students need to read a minimum of 20 minutes a night. • Students will have weekly vocabulary words. Students will get a list on Monday and tested on Friday. • The 5th grade Social Studies Curriculum is United States History, Geography and Government. Social Studies will mainly be integrated into reading. • Class novels will be read this year. A letter will be sent home with your child on Monday.
Formal Assessment • Fifth graders will take the Math, Reading and Science EOG’s. • All EOG’s will be online this year • Students will be taking 3 NC Check-Ins this year in reading, science and math.
8:00-8:20 Homeroom (Tardy Bell 8:15) • 8:20-9:35 1st Class • 9:45-11:30 2nd Class • 10:55-11:20 Lunch with 2nd class (H, M, P) • 11:35-1:00 3rd Class • 1:05-1:45 I/E • 1:50-2:35 Block (Music, STEM/Art, P.E.) • 2:40-3:00 LIM • 3:00-3:25 Recess • 3:30 Dismissal
Field Trips • Charlotte Motor Speedway: Sept. 20th, 2019 • Catawba County Soil & Water Conservation Fifth Grade Environmental Awareness Field Days: either Sept.24 or Sept.26 at Southside Park • Shiele Museum: December 17th, 2019 • Symphony - March 6, 2020 • Harriet Tubman Play - February 11 And possibly others....
Homework Expectations • We believe that homework is an essential extension of the school day that builds accountability and responsibility. Students should have no more than 45 minutes of homework per night. This includes 20 minutes of nightly reading. When homework is incomplete or missing, the student’s participation grade will drop. This will impact the final grade. • Students who consistently complete all weekly classroom assignments and homework will be rewarded for their responsible behavior. This earned reward will occur weekly during our enrichment time on Friday’s. • Part of students’ homework is to get agendas signed nightly. We will do our best to make sure assignments are written in the agenda daily. Please follow through with checking that assignments are completed and then sign the agenda. • If a student misses homework assignments, there will be a missing homework sticker placed in the agenda. Please sign full name below the sticker.
Parent-teacher Communication • We are available via email and phone. Please be patient with us as we will try to respond within the day. • Remind- text messaging system that allows us to send grade level messages to your phone, you will also be able text back to just the teacher • Parents only Please Enter: 81010 • Text: @hg2k8b
Notices • Cell phone/electronics policy: Cell phones must remain in bookbags. Electronics will only be used for instructional purposes. Any electronics used without permission will be confiscated, turned into administration, and will result in a disciplinary action. • Change of transportation notices and excuses need to be written on a separate sheet of paper. • Please remember to turn in the prior approval form for anticipated excused absences. • Please complete InfoSnap information tonight in the Media Center if you have not already done so.
Behavior Plan • Students will receive a friendly reminder/warning. • Repeated problematic behaviors that impede learning in the classroom will result in a “Sign-In”. • A “Sign-In” is documentation of the student’s behavior. • As a consequence for the behavior, a student will walk 3 laps at recess for each “Sign-In”. • 3 “Sign-Ins” = Discipline Notice #1 Phone call • 5 “Sign-Ins” = Discipline Notice #2 Parent conference • 7 “Sign-Ins” = Discipline Notice #3 Office referral • Some behaviors may result in immediate office referral. • If a student signs in, they will receive a sticker to be put in their agenda. Please have a discussion with your child regarding their behavior, and sign full name in agenda.
Behavior Plan Continued Conduct Grades are a result of “Sign-Ins” and/or office referrals.
Behavior Plan Continued • Individuals receive ‘tickets’ for displaying good behavior and following the rules, which can be spent towards classroom rewards. These could include, but are not limited to: can drink, sit with a buddy at lunch, extra computer time, lower grade classroom helper, etc. • Classes receive ‘turtles’ from other staff members; when the grade level achieves itsgoal, the grade level will receive a reward.
I&E Expectations • Each day students will be given an assignment in Social Studies, Math, and Science they must complete. • Monday: Math • Tuesday: Science • Wednesday: Social Studies • Thursday: Catch Up • Friday: Fun Friday • Please try to limit early dismissals
Dress Code Specifics Please refer to Catawba County Parent Handbook for more detail • Please make sure that straps on shoulders are at least as wide as 2 finger widths. • Leggings are permitted, however, shirts must cover private areas. Inappropriate Appropriate
Dress Code Specifics Name Tags • Name tags must be worn at all times! Only exception(s) will be during PE (must be worn to PE) and recess. • If students lose or destroy name tag, you will be required to purchase a new name tag. • Name Tag: $2.00 Lanyard: $1.00 • Students may only wear the lanyards provided by the school.
Donations Welcome • 5 Subject Notebooks • Reams of copy paper • Extra Expo Markers • Kleenex • baggies (all sizes) • wipes • cap erasers • 3x5 index cards • Fifth grade recess equipment (balls, jump ropes, etc.) • Board games, legos, k’nex for indoor recess
We look forward to an exciting year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_gKrbWFjNc