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Chapter 4 Review

Chapter 4 Review. This was America’s first reading book . New England Primer. A famous American known for writing Poor Richard’s Almanac. Benjamin Franklin. This era brought about a religious revival in America. The Great Awakening. The most famous American preacher. Jonathan Edwards.

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Chapter 4 Review

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  1. Chapter 4 Review

  2. This was America’s first reading book • New England Primer

  3. A famous American known for writing Poor Richard’s Almanac • Benjamin Franklin

  4. This era brought about a religious revival in America • The Great Awakening

  5. The most famous American preacher • Jonathan Edwards

  6. This British philosopher taught that human beings had natural rights • John Locke

  7. This famous university was first established to educate ministers • Harvard University

  8. This “hand-held device” helped colonial children with their writing lessons • hornbook

  9. These three “branches” make up the U.S. federal government • The Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial

  10. These laws prevented slaves from meeting, owning weapons, even learning to read and write • “slave codes”

  11. This combination language was half English and half West African • Gullah

  12. Sugar/molasses was often made into this beverage to keep New Englanders warm • Rum

  13. This charter made King John agree to restrictions on powers of the monarchy • The Magna Carta

  14. English nobles who advised the king belong to the Great Council, which in time became known as… • Parliament

  15. This marked the transition of James II to Mary and William without bloodshed • The Glorious Revolution

  16. This right assures the arrested that he will know what the charges against him are • Habeas corpus

  17. By 1760 every colony had one • legislature

  18. He wrote the New York Weekly Journal and criticized the governor • John Paul Zenger

  19. In order to maintain strict control of commerce according to mercantilism, these laws were instituted in the colonies • Navigation Acts

  20. The colonial husband and father controlled involving this • money

  21. Owning land in Europe was proof of this • wealth

  22. These people worked in the colonies for 4-10 years and were then given “freedom dues” • Indentured servants

  23. These two groups brought most of the slaves from West Africa • The Portuguese and the Spanish

  24. The slaves took the place of this large labor force when they began dying of disease • Native Americans

  25. It was agreed in New England that when 50 families were living in an area, this would be built • A school

  26. While New England and the Middle colonies used schools, the South relied on these • tutors

  27. Sermons and history were basic parts of this • Colonial literature

  28. She was America’s first poet • Anne Bradstreet

  29. These languages were taught mostly to boys in colonial grammar schools • Latin and Greek

  30. These two new Protestant sects appeared during the Great Awakening • Methodists and Baptists

  31. This French philosopher believed that the government power must be clear and limited • Montesquieu

  32. The name for the trips Africans made to America • Middle Passage

  33. A dark syrup made from the sugar cane • molasses

  34. These trade habits had three stops • Triangular trade routes

  35. A musical instrument from Africa • Drum or banjo

  36. A crop that made slavery too valuable • Rice and tobacco

  37. The writing of untrue statements • libel

  38. He was the leader of the colony and chosen by the King • The Governor

  39. This part of the government makes the laws • The legislature

  40. This part of the government enforces the laws • The Executive

  41. This part of the government judges the laws • The judicial

  42. Women opened these to teach children how to read and write • Dame schools

  43. Families with grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. • Extended family

  44. Because of this white colonists naturally believed they were better than the black slaves • racism

  45. The saying of untrue statements • slander

  46. Name for someone who is just learning a trade • apprentice

  47. Literally translated “you should have the body” • Habeas corpus

  48. To impose a tax; to force to be paid • levy

  49. The upper class of colonial society • gentry

  50. These three groups of people could not vote in the colonies • Blacks, females, Native Americans

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