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Human Resource Information System

Human Resource Information System. WHAT IS HRIS?. HRIS is a systematic way of storing data and information for each employee to aid planning, decision making, and submitting of returns and reports to the external agency.

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Human Resource Information System

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  1. Human Resource Information System

  2. WHAT IS HRIS? • HRIS is a systematic way of storing data and information for each employee to aid planning, decision making, and submitting of returns and reports to the external agency. • The application of computers to the employee-related record keeping and reporting, and management decision making

  3. WHAT IS HRIS? • A set of interrelated components working together to support the functions of the HR function • Primary function: • Documenting the employment relation in all its complexity • Basic technology: • Storing, retrieving and distributing information

  4. PURPOSE • Storing of data for future reference • Providing a basis for all HR functions • Meeting daily transactional requirements • Supply data to statutory agencies

  5. IMPORTANCE OF HRIS • Strategy • Competitiveness • People • HRM

  6. EVOLUTION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS • Transaction Processing (i.e. payroll) • Management Information Systems (i.e. daily and monthly absenteeism summary) • Decision Support Systems (i.e. How many employees should we hire?) • Expert Systems

  7. DATA vs. INFORMATION • Data – “Just the facts” > raw facts • Information – data that has been transformed into a more useful or meaningful form

  8. ALL COMPUTER-BASED INFO SYSTEMS(HRIS INCLUDED) CONSIST OF: • Hardware • Software • Databases • Telecommunication • Procedures • People

  9. AN HR EXAMPLE PROCESSING (calculating net pay) INPUT (hours worked) OUTPUT (cut paycheck) Feedback Loop (Is paycheck accurate?)

  10. IS IN HR EXECUTIVE SUPPORT Plant Location Merger/Acquisition Support BASIC HRIS CAPABILTIES MANAGEMENT REPORTING EEO, OSHA, etc. Absenteeism by Department DECISION SUPPORT Staffing Benefits Planning TRANSACTION PROCESSING Time & Attendance Benefits Enrollment WORKFLOW Time & Attendance Benefits Enrollment

  11. WITHOUT HRIS – PERFORMANCE EVALUATION • Prepare evaluation forms • Print and copy evaluation forms • Distribute forms to employees • Employees fill in evaluation • Evaluation forms personally submitted to HR Manager • Re-write results to the computer or file them • Manual processing of data gathered • Prepare result sheets • Print, copy and distribute result sheets to employees • File all forms for future use

  12. WITH HRIS –PERFORMANCE EVALUATION • Define evaluation forms • Online evaluation entry • One-click access to results • History information captured • Evaluation reports • Strategic decision making process can take place

  13. WITHOUT HRIS – LEAVEAPPLICATION ADMINISTRATION • Prepare leave application forms • Print and copy leave application forms • Manually maintain employee attendance information daily • Maintain company calendar • Employees applying for leave fill out an application form • Application form personally submitted to supervisor • Manual check for employee’s leave status history • Supervisor’s approval or rejection • Application form personally submitted to HR Manager • Manual update of employee’s personal leave information file

  14. WITH HRIS – LEAVEAPPLICATION ADMINISTRATION • Define company specific leave administration processes • Online leave application form • Online leave approval or rejection • History information captured • Leave balance reports generated by the system • Saves strategic resources

  15. INTRANET – NEW DIMENSION OF HRISEmployee Self-Service View/check/modify online: • Personal information • Qualifications • Leave application • Leave balance • Leave cancellation • Leave approval/rejection • Salary information • Company calendar • Appraisal results • Online appraisal process

  16. 10. Healthcare Costs 1. What Impresses CEO Most 9. Pay Benefits 8. Cost Per Hire 2. Human Value Added TOP 10 CALCULATIONS FOR HRIS 7. Return on Training 3. Return on Human Capital Invested 4. Time to Fill Jobs 6. Volunteer Turnover Rate 5. Turnover Cost

  17. THREE LEVELS OF HRIS • Economic trends • Industry forecasts • Manpower demand forecasts • Training projects • Manpower planning • Pension fund investments • Recruiting • Employee selection • Employee placement • Employee Promotion • Assignments Matching • Employee background and • experiences • Performance evaluation • Skills inventory • Internal reporting • Absentee rates • Human resource accounting • Productivity assessments • External reporting • Equity monitoring • Vacancy reporting • Health & safety reporting Benefits programs Compensation programs Insurance programs Employee demographics Position description

  18. WHY ARE CAREFULLY DEVELOPED INFO SYSTEMS IMPORTANT TO HR? • Safer • Better Service • Competitive Advantage • Less Errors/Greater Accuracy • Higher Quality Products • Improved Health Care • Improved Communication • Increased Efficiency • Increased Productivity • More Efficient Administration • More Opportunities • Reduced Labor Requirements • Reduced Costs • Superior Managerial Decision Making • Superior Control

  19. BENEFITS • Time saving • Cost saving • Work reallocation

  20. Time Saving • Easy date maintenance • Administrated processes automated • Employee ‘self-service’ • Adequate information base that leads to timely and quick decision making • Responding faster to employee inquiries to enhance efficiency and productivity

  21. Cost Saving • Less time spent on tasks = less money • Minimal paperwork • Timely and accurate decision making includes less cost

  22. Work Reallocation • Helps the employees perform better through effective career planning and performance management • Integrating the human resource function with other business functions in the enterprise to better serve personnel

  23. HRIS – THE STRATEGIC VALUE • Efficiency – cost & time • Effectiveness – orientation on the most valuable asset of the organization - PEOPLE


  25. LIMITATION • Expensive in terms of finance • Problems of computer illiteracy • Inadequacies in design of HRIS • No substitute for human being • Regular updating of information necessary

  26. DECISION MAKING PROCESS • Strategic Create a comprehensive learning organization that enhances the knowledge capital of all employees • Functional Personal development plans for employees, individual training plans according to employees training needs, performance evaluation meeting, etc. • Operational Maintaining data in the system, administration

  27. HRIS UNPLUGGED – TIME ALLOCATION • Strategic: • Strategic decision making………………...….2% • Functional: • Functional decision making………………….23% • Operational: • Operational day-to-day tasks………………75%

  28. IDEAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS • Strategic: • Strategic decision making………………...….2% • Functional: • Functional decision making………………….23% • Operational: • Operational day-to-day tasks………………75%

  29. CONCLUSION • “By automating human resource practices, HRIS saves time and money, effectively reallocates work processes and thus provides competitive advantage, adding strategic value to the organization.” • ‘HR managers must make use of HRIS to achieve improved performance; removing routine administration allows them to become professional consultants to the rest of the organization.

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