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A133 IPSWICH ROAD SCHEME COMMUNICATION UPDATE (05.05.2019). Noteworthy Information.
Noteworthy Information • Harwich Road South currently remains closed until 13.05.19. We have applied for another extension due to clashes with other utilities in the area as well as the delays with the Anglian Water reinstatement. The date asked for it to be extended to is 22.05.19. • We will be beginning construction on St Andrews Avenue Eastbound on 07.05.19. This phased construction will see full traffic management in place around the works area to enable the contractor to fully carry out the demolishing and reinstatement of new footpaths and kerbs. The Traffic management will be in place for the duration of that phase. • The proposed dates for Ipswich road closure are: • 24.06.19 – 20.07.19 to finish the remaining Anglian Water works, Connections and testing etc. • 20.07.19 for the Network Rail piling mat, hoarding and retaining wall works. This is expected to be a lengthy road closure due to the structural works in this area and it is vital we maintain safety around these works for all. We are currently investigating options to minimise the impact. We will update further next week.
Noteworthy Information • Once the gas diversions have been completed and Harwich Road South has been re-opened we will be looking to begin construction on the north east corner of Harwich Road North and run this in line with the construction on St Andrews Avenue already in place.
Traffic management for week commencing 06.05.19 • We currently have lane 1 closed on Cowdray Avenue. This is to allow us to walk pedestrians safely into the carriageway whilst we carry out the UKPN connections in the footway. • Traffic has been placed into lane 1 from the Harwich Road compound to the Ipswich Road roundabout. The Eastbound traffic from Ipswich Road roundabout to Harwich Road have been put into a mini contraflow into lane 2 of the westbound traffic. This allows us to take the lane on that side for safety and construction zones. • Ipswich Road North is back running as normal with all lanes open again. • The footpath around the north east corner of Harwich road is half open to allow pedestrians and cyclists to pass by the works that have already taken place. • The temporary controlled crossing we had in place on St Andrews Avenue has been removed. • The footpath from Waitrose at St Andrews Gardens to Harwich Road has been closed for the construction phase. All members of the public have been diverted accordingly with site maps at these locations.
Traffic management for week commencing 06.05.19 • Lane 1 is taken out on the approach to the Harwich Road roundabout along St Andrews Avenue for the gas pipe diversions & other works. • The footpath along St Andrews Avenue from St David’s Close to the Harwich Road roundabout is closed. The public have been safely diverted and this is to accommodate the Cadent Gas works. • Harwich Road South remains closed. A suitable diversion is in place.
St Andrews Avenue Traffic management for the construction phase
Construction Phase set up on St Andrews Avenue from St Andrews gardens. Area is fully secured off for safety
Ipswich Road North UKPN excavation in the Footpath from Cowdray avenue
UKPN open excavations on St Andrews Avenue outside the compound and on the Waitrose side
UKPN open excavations on St Andrews Avenue on the Homebase side
Sleeves Installed for lamp columns to be moved back from the kerb line
Anglian Water reinstatement on Harwich Road South road closure
Anglian Water reinstatement on Harwich road south road closure
Cadent/Triio continued trenching on Harwich Road South road closure
Footpath closures St Andrews Avenue footpath closed on the Homebase side for UKPN. A suitable temporary footpath has been created in the carriageway around these works
Footpath closures Cowdray avenue footpath closed at the junction of Ipswich Road North for UKPN. A suitable temporary footpath has been created in the carriageway around these works
Footpath closures. Ipswich Road North footpath closed at the junction of Cowdray Avenue for UKPN. A suitable diversion has been placed around these works
Footpath closed at St Andrews Gardens onto St Andrews Avenue for construction Works
Works Completed 29.04.19 – 05.05.19. • EUROVIA CIVILS • UKPN trenches and ducting are now complete across Cowdray Avenue. • Lighting sleeves have been dug out and are situated further back on the verge to accommodate for the construction stage on St Andrews Avenue. • We Have completed the UKPN crossing across Harwich Road South into the compound. • We have completed 10 out of the 12 UKPN excavation pits around site. This is to enable UKPN to put their cable through and make their connections. • We have continued with the Cadent Gas trenching in Harwich Road South. • CADENT/TRIIO • Works in the Harwich Road area have commenced again with the laying of new pipe and connections. • BT/TLU • BT made good their manhole 6 by putting a retaining surround wall around the manhole itself. • ANGLIAN WATER • Harwich Road South has been fully reinstated and Anglian Water have now left the area.
Works Programmed for Week Commencing 06.05.19 • We have open excavations around site for the UKPN connections to be made by the UKPN team. These excavations will need to remain open whilst connections are made and are expected to take around 2 weeks. • We will be looking to move the existing lighting columns along St Andrews avenue into the new sleeves for the reconstruction phase. • The gas diversions will be continuing on Harwich Road South this week. The excavations for connections on Harwich Road North in lane 1 and St Andrews Avenue west will be backfilled when we can complete these diversions. We have re-commenced with the connections to residences and the laying of gas pipe along this route. One of our gangs will be with this team for the duration. • The reconstruction phase along St Andrews Avenue East from St Andrews Gardens to Harwich Road North will commence this week. This will see this whole area cordoned off to enable the contractors to work safely in this area.