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Guide to Effective Business Forecasting Techniques

Understand the importance of forecasting in private, government, and organizational management, especially in uncertain conditions or risks. Learn how forecasting impacts various aspects of planning, such as sales, financial, strategic, and operational planning.

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Guide to Effective Business Forecasting Techniques

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  2. Manajemenperusahaanswasta, pemerintahdanorganisasi lain sertaperusahaanmanufakturdanperusahaanjasaberoperasidalamkondisitidakpastiataumenghadapirisiko. Salahsatufungsi yang pentingdalamperusahaanadalahFORECASTING (PERAMALAN). Ramalanadalahtitikawaluntukperencanaan. Tujuanperamalanadalahmengurangirisikodalampengambilankeputusan. Dalamperusahaan, ramalanmerupakandasruntuk capacity planning, production and inventory planning, manpower planning, planning for sales and market share, financial planning and budgeting, planning for research and development and top management's strategic planning. Ramalanpenjualanmenjadiaspek yang pentingdalamkegiatanmanajemenkeuangantermasukanggaran, profit planning, capital expenditure analysis, and acquisition and merger analysis.

  3. Ramalandiperlukanuntuk marketing, production, purchasing, manpower, and financial planning. Top management memerlukanramalanuntuk planning and implementing long-term strategic objectives and planning for capital expenditures.

  4. Marketing manager menggunakanramalanpenjualanuntukmenentukan: • optimal sales force allocations • set sales goals • plan promotions and advertising. Perencananproduksimemerlukanramalanuntuk: + Schedule production activities + Order materials + Establish inventory levels • Manajerproduksi/operasimemerlukan: • ramalanjangkapanjanguntukmembuatkeputusanstrategikberkaitandenganproduk, proses, danfasilitas. • Ramalanjangkapendekuntukmembantumembuatkeputusandalamhalproduksi yang memilikirentangwaktubeberapaminggukedepan • Beberapabidang lain yang memerlukanramalanadalah: • material requirements (purchasing and procurement), • labor scheduling • equipment purchases • maintenance requirements • and plant capacity planning. • costs, prices, and delivery times

  5. JenisRamalan Sales Forecasts Ramalanpenjualanmenentukantingkatpenjualanprodukperusahaan yang diharapkanpadaperiode yang akandatangdanramalanpenjualaninimerupakanalatbagiperencanaanperusahaandanfungsipenganggaran. Economic Forecasts Ramalanekonomiditerbitkanolehbadanpemerintahdanlembagaproyeksiekonomiswasta. Perusahaan dapatmenggunakanramalanekonomidanmengembangkanramalannyasendirimengenaipandanganbisniseksternal yang mempengaruhipermintaanprodukperusahaan. Ramalanekonomiinimencakupberbagaivariabelyaknikesempatankerja, tingkatbungadankursvalutaasing. Financial Forecasts Ramalankeuanganharusdisusunsecaraterpisahdariramalanpenjualan. Hal inimencakupramalanvariabelkeuangansepertijumlahpendanaaneksternal yang diperlukan, pendapatan, danalirankasdanprediksikebangkrutanperusahaan.

  6. Technolonical Forecasts Ramalanteknologimerupakanprediksitingkatkemajuanteknologi. Pembuat software tertarikterhadaptingkatkemajuanteknologi computer hardware and its peripheral equipment. Perubahanteknologiakanmenyediakanperusahaandenganprodukdan material yang barusertamemenangkantingkatpersaingan. Ramalanteknologihanyabisadilakukanolehparaahliteknologi. Forecasts for Supply Chain Management Manajemensuplaimelibatkanintegrasifungsifungsi, informasidan material yang mengalirkeseluruhperusahaansepertipembelian material, merubah material, danpengirimanprodukkekonsumen. Semuabagiandalamrantaisupaliharusmemahamiperamalanseluruh item. Jikarantaitokoritailmemutuskanuntukmempromosikanpermencoklatuntuksuatuminggutertentu, makahaliniakanmeningkatkanpermintaanjikaadadiskon. Untukmenjaminsuplai yang cukupkepadakonsumen, makapabrikanharusmemahamikapanpromosidilakukandanpenyesuaianterhadapproduksidankapasitasproduksi agar dapatmemenuhikebutuhankonsumen. Pedagangbesarharusmemilikipersediaan yang cukupuntukmemenuhikebutuhanritail. Seringkalipararitaltidakmensharingrencanastrategiknyadengansekuturantainilai yang menyebabkankekuranganpersediaan.

  7. What technique or techniques to select depends on the following criteria: • What is the cost associated with developing the forecasting model compared with potential gains resulting from its use? The choice is one of benefit-cost trade-off. • How complicated are the relationships that are being forecasted? • Is it for short-run or long-run purposes? • How much accuracy is desired? • Is there a minimum tolerance level of errors? • How much data are available? Techniques vary in the amount of data they require.

  8. Common Features and Assumptions Inherent in Forecasting Certain features and assumptions that underlie the business of forecasting. They are: Forecasting techniques generally assume that the same underlying causal relationship that existed in the past will continue to prevail in the future. In other words, most of our techniques are based on historical data. Forecasts are very rarely perfect. Therefore, for planning purposes, allowances should be made for inaccuracies. For example, the company should always maintain a safety stock in anticipation of stockouts. Forecast accuracy decreases as the time period covered by the forecast (that is, the time horizon) increases. Generally speaking, a long-term forecast tends to be more inaccurate than a short-term forecast because of the greater uncertainty. Forecasts for groups of items tend to be more accurate than forecasts for individual items, since forecasting errors among items in a group tend to cancel each other out. For example, industry forecasting is more accurate than individual firm forecasting.

  9. Definisiperamalan (forecasting) menurutparaahli, antara lain: • Menurut Jay Heizer & Barry Render (2011:136), peramalanadalahsenidanilmuuntukmemprediksikejadiandimasadepandenganmelibatkanpengambilan data historisdanmemproyeksikannyakemasamendatangdengan model pendekatansistematis. • Willian J. Stevenson (2009:72) mendefinisikanperamalansebagai input dasardalamprosespengambilankeputusanmanajemenoperasidalammemberikaninformasitentangpermintaandimasamendatangdengantujuanuntukmenentukanberapakapasitasataupersediaan yang akandibutuhkanuntukmemenuhipermintaan. Seperti, kapasitas yang diperlukanuntukmembuatkeputusanstaffing, budget yang harusdisiapkan, pemesananbarangdarisupplier, danpartner darirantaipasok yang dibutuhkandalammembuatsuatuperencanaan. • Teknikproyeksibisnismerupakansuatucaraataupendekatanuntukmenentukanramalanatauperkiraanmengenaisesuatudimasa yang akandatang

  10. Dimanaperamalanmemegangperananpenting, antara lain: (Hartini, 2011:18) • Penjadwalansumber-sumber yang ada, • Peramalanpadatingkatpermintaanuntukproduk, material, tenagakerja, finansialataujasaadalah input pentinguntukpenjadwalan, • Peramalandibutuhkanuntukmenentukankebutuhansumber-sumberdimasa yang akandatang, • Menentukansumber-sumberdaya yang diinginkan, • Semuaorganisasiatauperusahaanharusmenentukansumberapa yang merekainginkanuntukdimilikipadajangkapanjang.

  11. Manfaat forecasting yaitu : • Lebihsiapmenghadapiperubahansituasi. • Merupakandasar/ pedomandalamperencanaanbaikjangkapendekmaupunjangkapanjang. • Untukpengontrolanoperasionalperusahaan. • ArtipentingPeramalan • Hasil peramalan mampu memberikan gambaran tentang • masadepanperusahaanygmemungkinkanmanajemenmembuatperencanaan. • MenciptakanpeluangbisnisMengaturpolainvestasi

  12. KeterbatasanPeramalan • Kesalahandalamidentifikasipoladanhubungan • Polaygtidaktepatdanhubunganygtidakpasti • Perubahanpolahubungan • Terjadikejadian yang tidakdapatdiramalkan Langah-langkahPeramalan 1. Mengumpulkan data 2. Menyeleksidanmemilih data 3. Memilih model peramalan 4. Menggunakan model terpilih utk peramalan • Peramalan ≠ perencanaan • Peramalan → digunakanutkmemprediksisesuatuygmungkinterjadi • Perencanaan → menggunakanramalanutkmenetapkan • target

  13. Metode Peramalan Obyektif (Kuantitatif) Subyektif (Kualitatif) Juridanopinieksekutif (jury of executive opinion) Pendekatan Naive Moving Average Metode Delphi (Delphi Method) Model Deret Waktu (Time series) Weighted Moving Average Komposit tenaga penjualan (Sales force composite) Exponential Smoothing Proyeksi Tren (Trend Projection) Survei Pasar Konsumen (consumer market survey) Model Asosiatif/Causal Regresi Linear (Linear Regression)

  14. 1. Executive Opinions The subjective views of executives or experts from sales, production, finance, purchasing, and administration are averaged to generate a forecast about future sales. Usually this method is used in conjunction with some quantitative method, such as trend extrapolation. The management team modifies the resulting forecast, based on their expectations. The advantage of this approach: The forecasting is done quickly and easily, without need of elaborate statistics. Also, the jury of executive opinions may be the only means of forecasting feasible in the absence of adequate data. The disadvantage: This, however, is that of group-think. This is a set of problems inherent to those who meet as a group. Foremost among these are high cohesiveness, strong leadership, and insulation of the group. With high cohesiveness, the group becomes increasingly conforming through group pressure that helps stifle dissension and critical thought. Strong leadership fosters group pressure for unanimous opinion. Insulation of the group tends to separate the group from outside opinions, if given.

  15. One example of the Jury of Executive Opinion takes me back to 1999-2000, when I worked for catalog retailer HammacherSchlemmer. HammacherSchlemmer convened a weekly committee to estimate the orders coming in for the next two weeks from each of the active catalogs in circulation. The committee was made up of several marketing personnel, including myself (as I was the forecasting analyst!), and managers from the warehouse, in-bound call center, inventory control, and merchandising. We would begin every Wednesday morning reviewing the number of orders that came in for each active catalog, for the prior week and the first two days of the current week. Armed with that order information, and spreadsheets detailing order history for those catalogs’ prior years, each of us would indicate our orders forecasts for the next several weeks ahead. Our forecasts were then averaged, and we would then submit the composite forecasts to the warehouse and call center to assist with their staffing, and to inventory control to ensure adequate purchasing.

  16. One of the nice things about the Jury of Executive Opinion is its simplicity. Getting executives to sound off is often pretty easy to do. Moreover, incorporating the experiences of a broad group into the forecasting process may enable companies to see the forest beyond the trees. However, simple and broad-focused as it may be, the Jury of Executive Opinion is not without its flaws. These meetings can be time consuming, for one. Indeed, at HammacherSchlemmer, during the last three months of the year – when the holiday season was in tow – those weekly meetings could take all morning, as nearly a dozen catalogs could be in circulation. 

  17. Furthermore, group dynamics may actually lead to unwise consensus forecasts. The group is often at risk of being swayed by the opinions of those members who are most articulate, or with greater seniority or rank within the organization, or just by their own over-optimism. Another problem is that the passage of time makes it difficult to recognize those experts whose opinions were most reliable and whose should be given less weight. As a result, there’s no way to hold any individual member accountable for a forecast. Finally, executives are more comfortable with using their opinions for mid-and longer-range planning than for shorter period-to-period predictions, especially since recent unexpected events can also influence their opinion.

  18. 2. Delphi Method This is a group technique in which a panel of experts is questioned individually about their perceptions of future events. The experts do not meet as a group, in order to reduce the possibility that consensus is reached because of dominant personality factors. Instead, the forecasts and accompanying arguments are summarized by an outside party and returned to the experts along with further questions. This continues until a consensus is reached. Advantages: This type of method is useful and quite effective for long-range forecasting. The technique is done by questionnaire format and eliminates the disadvantages of group think. There is no committee or debate. The experts are not influenced by peer pressure to forecast a certain way, as the answer is not intended to be reached by consensus or unanimity. Disadvantages: Low reliability is cited as the main disadvantage of the Delphi method, as well as lack of consensus from the returns.

  19. The Delphi Method has the following steps: STEP 1 – Various Experts are asked to answer, independently and in writing, a  series of questions about the future of sales or whatever other area is being forecasted.                                                       STEP 2 – A summary of all the answers is then prepared. No expert knows, how any other expert answered the questions.        STEP 3 – Copies of summary are given to the individual experts with the request that they modify their original answers if they think it necessary.                                                                                                  STEP 4 – Another summary is made of these modifications, and copies again are distributed to the experts. This time,however, expert opinions that deviate significantly from the norm must be justified in writing.                                                                                         STEP 5 – A third summary is made of the opinions and justifications, and copies are once again distributed to the experts. Justification in writing for all answers is now required.    STEP 6 – The forecast is generated from all of the opinions and justifications that arise from step 5.

  20. 3. Sales Force Polling Some companies use as a forecast source salespeople who have continual contacts with customers. They believe that the salespeople who are closest to the ultimate customers may have significant insights regarding the state of the future market. Forecasts based on sales force polling may be averaged to develop a future forecast. Or they may be used to modify other quantitative and/or qualitative forecasts that have been generated internally in the company. The advantages of this forecast are: It is simple to use and understand. It uses the specialized knowledge of those closest to the action. It can place responsibility for attaining the forecast in the hands of those who most affect the actual results. The information can be broken down easily by territory, product, customer, or salesperson. The disadvantages include: salespeople’s being overly optimistic or pessimistic regarding their predictions and inaccuracies due to broader economic events that are largely beyond their control.

  21. When companies have a product that is sold by sales agents in specific territories, it is not uncommon for them to seek the opinions of their sales representatives or branch/territory managers in developing forecasts for each product line. In fact, sales representatives’ opinions can be quite useful, since they are generally close to the customer, and may be able to provide useful insights into purchase intent. Essentially, these companies have their agents develop forecasts for each of the products they sell within a territory. The added benefit of this approach is that a company can develop a forecast for the entire market, as well as for individual territories. Indeed, when I worked in the market research department of insurance company Bankers Life & Casualty during 1997-1999, we frequently conducted surveys of our sales force and branch managers to understand how many long-term care insurance policies, Medicare Supplement policies, and annuities were being sold within each market, and how much were being lost to the competition. These surveys would provide a read into the market size for each insurance product at both a regional and national level.

  22. While the closeness to the customer is a great advantage of sales force composite surveys, they too have problems. Sales agents have a tendency to be overly optimistic in their forecasts and may set unrealistic goals. In addition, because sales agents are close to the customer, their opinions are likely to be swayed by microeconomic decision purchases, when in fact aggregate sales are often driven by macroeconomic factors. Supplementing sales force composite forecasts with more formal quantitative forecasting methods, if possible, is often recommended.

  23. 4. Consumer Surveys Some companies conduct their own market surveys regarding specific consumer purchases. Surveys may consist of telephone contacts, personal interviews, or questionnaires as a means of obtaining data. Extensive statistical analysis usually is applied to survey results in order to test hypotheses regarding consumer behavior.

  24. Marketing research in this fashion is often expensive, so often surveys of expectations are used when it is believed they will provide valuable information. Surveys work well for new product development, brand awareness, and market penetration. In our December 9, 2010 Forecast Friday topic, the audience of the expectation survey was mostly executives and other business experts. In this post, the audience is consumers. NCH Marketing Services, both the leading processor of grocery coupons and a leading coupon promotion firm – and also a former employer of mine – used surveys to obtain information on coupon usage. The company even asked persons how many coupons they took to the store in a typical month. From there, the company would estimate the number of coupons redeemed in the U.S. annually.

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