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Gross Anatomy of Urinary system

Gross Anatomy of Urinary system. Medical ppt. http://hastaneciyiz.blogspot.com. Urinary system. Functions of Urinary System. Kidneys carry out four functions Filter nitrogenous wastes, toxins, ions, etc. from blood to be excreted as urine.

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Gross Anatomy of Urinary system

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  1. Gross Anatomy of Urinary system Medical ppt http://hastaneciyiz.blogspot.com

  2. Urinary system

  3. Functions of Urinary System • Kidneys carry out four functions • Filter nitrogenous wastes, toxins, ions, etc. from blood to be excreted as urine. • Regulate volume and chemical composition of blood (water, salts, acids, bases). • Produce regulatory enzymes. • Renin – regulates BP/ kidney function • Erythropoietin – stimulates RBC production from marrow. • Metabolism of Vitamin D to active form.

  4. Urinary System • Two Kidneys • Perform all functions except actual excretion. • Two Ureters • Convey urine from Kidneys to Urinary Bladder • Urinary Bladder • Holds Urine until excretion • Urethra • Conveys urine from bladder to outside of body

  5. Renal Connective Tissue • Renal fascia- anchors the kidneys to nearby structures. It is dense connective tissue • Adipose capsule/Pararenal Fat Mass of fat tissue that surrounds renal capsule Functions • Keeps kidney in place • Provide cushion effects • Renal capsule- Layer of dense connective tissue that surrounds kidney and supports the soft internal tissues.

  6. Position of the Kidneys • Kidneys are located on either side of the vertebral column: • left kidney lies superior to right kidney • superior surface capped by adrenal gland

  7. Location and Position of the Kidneys • The kidney is positioned between the 12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. • It is retroperitoneal (lies on the posterior abdominal wall, posterior to the peritoneum). • Right kidney is lower than left kidney due to the shape of the liver. • Lateral surface of kidney is convex while medial is concave.

  8. External Anatomy of Kidney • Average size – 12cm x 6cm x 3 cm • Weights 150 grams or 5 oz • Surrounded by three membranes (deep to superficial) • Renal capsule – fibrous barrier for kidneys. • Adipose capsule – fatty tissue designed for protection / stability. • Renal fascia – dense fibrous connective tissue that anchors kidneys/ adrenals to surroundings.

  9. External Anatomy of the Kidney • Lateral surface- convex • Medial surface is concave • Renal Hilum • Indentation where blood vessels, nerves and ureters enter and exit the kidneys. • Renal Sinus • Internal cavity within kidney.

  10. Internal Anatomy of the Kidney • Cortex - Superficial region of kidney. • It is light and granular • Medulla - Deep central region of the kidney. • Deep layer • It is darker • Renal pyramids- Cone shaped structure within the renal medulla. • Base lies against cortex • Apex is the papilla • Renal column- Extensions of cortex that separate renal pyramids within the medulla.

  11. Kidney Internal Anatomy • Renal Pelvis • Flat funnel-shaped expansion of ureter • Major Calices • Large cup-shaped branches of renal pelvis • Minor Calices • Cup-shaped divisions of major calices • Surround papilla of pyramid

  12. Renal Lobe • Consists of: • One renal pyramid • overlying area of renal cortex • adjacent tissues of renal columns

  13. Blood Flow – Arteries • Renal arteries • Segmental arteries • Lobar arteries • Interlobar arteries • Arcuate arteries • Interlobular arteries • Afferent arterioles

  14. Blood Flow – Veins • From nephron • Interlobular veins • Arcuate veins • Interlobar veins • Renal vein

  15. Ureters • Continuation of renal pelvis • Slender tubes that transport urine from kidneys to bladder • Retroperitoneal/Runs behind the peritoneum

  16. Urinary Bladder and Urethra

  17. Urinary Bladder • Prostate gland: Found in In males • - Lies directly inferior to the bladder • - Surrounds the urethra • A collapsible muscular sac • Stores and expels urine - Full bladder – spherical • Expands into the abdominal cavity - Empty bladder – lies entirely within the pelvis

  18. Urinary Bladder • Muscular sac that stores and expels urine • Location • Pelvic floor • Posterior to public symphysis • Anterior to • Rectum in males • Vagina & uterus in females

  19. Urinary Bladder and Urethra in Male and Female • Trigone of the urinary bladder has three openings; • - Two openings from the ureters • One opening to the urethra

  20. Structure of the Urinary Bladder • Male: • Penis • Dual function • Female: • External urethral orifice

  21. Structure of the Urethra

  22. Urethra • In females • Length of 3–4 cm • In males – 20 cm in length – three named regions • Prostatic urethra • Passes through the prostate gland • Membranous urethra • Through the urogenital diaphragm • Spongy (penile) urethra • Passes through the length of the penis

  23. Urethral Sphincter • Internal urethral sphincter • Involuntary smooth muscle • External urethral sphincter • Voluntarily inhibits urination • Relaxes when one urinates

  24. Medical ppt http://hastaneciyiz.blogspot.com

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