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Unit 1 Vocabulary

Unit 1 Vocabulary. tedious (tee-dee-us). POS: Adj. Definition -long and tiresome Knitting that sweater was a tedious task. Synonyms: endless, exhausting, dragging. nestled. POS: V. Definition -to lie close and snug The cottage lay nestled between the trees.

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Unit 1 Vocabulary

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  1. Unit 1 Vocabulary

  2. tedious (tee-dee-us) • POS: Adj. • Definition -long and tiresome • Knitting that sweater was a tedious task. • Synonyms: endless, exhausting, dragging

  3. nestled • POS: V. • Definition -to lie close and snug • The cottage lay nestled between the trees. • The puppy nestled by its mother. • Synonyms: nuzzled, snuggled, cuddled

  4. verdant • POS: Adj. • Definition- green with vegetation (plants, vegetables, flowers, etc..) • My verdant lawn died over winter with the harsh weather. • Synonyms: leafy, grassy, lush

  5. shrilled • POS: V • Definition- to scream in a high-pitched way. • She shrilled when her brother jumped out of the closet to scare her. • Synonyms: yell, shout

  6. ingenuous (in-jen-u-ous) • POS: Adj. • Definition - innocent and naïve • The ingenuous girl sat there silently. • Synonyms: honest, childlike

  7. auburn • POS: Adj. • Definition- a reddish-brown color • The baby was born with auburn hair. • Synonyms: chestnut, copper

  8. insipid • POS: Adj. • Definition-without distinguishing or interesting qualities. • The child’s personality was insipid. • The soup was rather insipid. • Synonyms: dull, uninteresting

  9. waggish • POS: Adj. • Definition- good humored, funny, humorous • My dad is always waggish when he sees me in the afternoon. • Synonyms: playful, amusing

  10. Sagacious (sa-gay-shus) • POS: Adj. • Definition- have practical sense; knowledgeable • My first hour seems to be very sagacious when it comes to reading. • Synonyms: clever, smart

  11. otiose (oh-shee-ohs) • POS: Adj. • Definition-lazy and ineffective • We are very otiose on Sunday afternoons. • Synonyms: idle, slothful

  12. retorted • POS: V. • Definition- to reply to or answer, usually in a sharp way. • When the mother told her child to pick up his toys, he retorted, “No!” • Synonyms: snap back, talk back

  13. fey • POS: Adj. • Definition- whimsical, strange, or enchanted. • When Alice went to Wonderland she thought it was a very fey place. • Synonyms: elflike, fairylike magical

  14. meager • POS: Adj. • Definition- lacking in quantity or quality • The salary was meager, but I had to take the job. • Synonyms: insufficient, small, poor

  15. Awry (uh-ry) • POS: Adj. • Definition-away from the expected direction. • Our plans to go to the mall went awry when there was traffic. • The student looked awry when the teacher gave her a mean look. • Synonyms: off course, amiss

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