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Unit 1 Vocabulary

Unit 1 Vocabulary. Unit 1, VCB Words 1-5. Adjunct (N.) . Something added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential; an assistant or helper. Synonyms: Associate, addition, accessory. Bellwether (N.).

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Unit 1 Vocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 1 Vocabulary

  2. Unit 1, VCB Words 1-5

  3. Adjunct (N.) Something added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential; an assistant or helper Synonyms: Associate, addition, accessory

  4. Bellwether (N.) The male sheep that leads the flock to the slaughterhouse; a leader, as in a desperate or violent undertaking; an indicator of trends Synonyms: ringleader, initiator, barometer Antonyms: follower, imitator, emulator

  5. Caterwaul (V.) To howl or screech like a cat; to quarrel; Synonyms: (v.) whine; (n.) wail, screech

  6. Chimerical (Adj.) Absurd; wildly fantastic; impossible Synonyms: fanciful, visionary, quixotic, pie-in-the-sky Antonyms: realistic, down-to-earth, practicable

  7. Effete (Adj.) Lacking in wholesome vigor or energy; worn-out or exhausted; sterile or unable to produce; out-of-date Synonyms: decadent, enfeebled, outmoded Antonyms: thriving, burgeoning, vigorous, dynamic

  8. Fait accompli (N.) • An accomplished and presumably irreversible deed, fact, or action Synonyms: accomplished fact

  9. Hidebound (ADJ.) • Narrow-minded and rigid, especially in opinions or prejudices; stubbornly and unthinkingly conservative Synonyms: intolerant, inflexible Antonyms: open-minded, tolerant, liberal, progressive

  10. Hierarchy (N.) • Any system of things or people arranged or graded; one above another in order of rank, wealth, class, etc. Synonyms: chain of command, pecking order

  11. Liturgy (N.) • A religious service or rite; the form of a ritual or other act of public worship Synonyms: ceremony, observance

  12. Mirage (N.) • Something illusory, without substance or without basis in reality; an illusion Synonyms: optical illusion

  13. Morass (N.) • A patch of low, soft, wet ground; a swamp; a confusing situation in which one is entrapped, as in quicksand Synonyms: Bog, quagmire Antonyms: Solid ground, bedrock, terra firm

  14. Noisome (Adj.) • Offensive or disgusting; foul-smelling; harmful or injurious Synonyms: fetid, noxious, vile, loathsome Antonyms: wholesome, pleasant, sweet-smelling

  15. Oblivious (Adj.) • Forgetful; unaware Synonyms: insensible Antonyms: aware, mindful, cognizant, alert

  16. Poltroon (N.) • A base coward Synonyms: craven, dastard, “chicken” Antonyms: hero, stalwart, gallant

  17. Proselyte (N.) • A convert; a disciple Synonyms: novice, neophyte Antonyms: master, teacher, guide, guru

  18. Quasi (Adj.) • Resembling but not actually being; seemingly but not actually or completely Synonyms: kind of, semi-, as if Antonyms: totally, completely, actually, in fact

  19. Raillery (N.) • Good-humored ridicule; teasing Synonyms: banter, persiflage

  20. Ribald (Adj.) • Irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or indecent in language Synonyms: bawdy, risque Antonyms: seemly, proper, decorous

  21. Supine (Adj.) Lying flat on one’s back; listless or lethargic; apathetic or passive Synonyms: Prone, prostrate, inert Antonyms: Upright, erect, perpendicular, vertical

  22. Vignette (N.) • A short description or sketch; a picture or illustration with edges that gradually shade off; a decorative design on the title page of a book or at the beginning or end of a chapter Synonyms: thumbnail sketch, anecdote Antonyms: epic, full-length treatment

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