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Journal Question

Journal Question. 05 Nov 2012 Answer the following three questions on the index card: Put your name and hour on top. A force is a __________ or a ____________ . A balanced force: A - causes change B – does not cause change An unbalanced force: A – causes change

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Journal Question

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  1. Journal Question • 05 Nov 2012 • Answer the following three questions on the index card: Put your name and hour on top. • A force is a __________ or a ____________ . • A balanced force: A - causes change B – does not cause change • An unbalanced force: A – causes change B – does not cause change

  2. Inertia – Friction - Gravity Force and Motion

  3. Agenda • Using only your Q-notes, complete the DR. • You will have 10 minutes to complete it. • Predict which marble, the glass marble, a wooden marble, and a larger steel marble would be the fastest, slowest, and in the middle. Why do you think this? • Next, get together with your roller coaster group and quickly re-create your original coaster. • Time a wooden marble and a steel marble along your track. Do at least 3 runs for each marble. • Record your results. • Mass the 3 marbles. Make sure you are using grams.

  4. Results • Add the speed results for the wooden and steel marbles to the graph you made last week. • Calculate average speed at 1 second. • Compare and contrast the speed results. • Which marble was the fastest? Slowest? • Did your track work for all 3 marbles?

  5. Journal Question • 07 Nov 2012 • What is friction? • How is it both harmful and useful? • What examples did Bill Nye give about friction? • How does friction effect your roller coaster?

  6. Journal Question • 09 Nov 2012 • What are 2 things that effect how much friction there is between 2 surfaces? Give an example of two surfaces with a lot of friction between them. • Science Court: Trial 2

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