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Local Redevelopment Authorities ( LRA) Organization Strategies

Local Redevelopment Authorities ( LRA) Organization Strategies. Ann Charles, Assistant Director, Great Plains Development Authority (former Kansas Army Ammunition Plant) Michael Clarkson, Analyst and Project Manager, PuebloPlex (former Pueblo Army Chemical Depot)

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Local Redevelopment Authorities ( LRA) Organization Strategies

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  1. Local Redevelopment Authorities (LRA)Organization Strategies • Ann Charles, Assistant Director, Great Plains Development Authority (former Kansas Army Ammunition Plant) • Michael Clarkson, Analyst and Project Manager, PuebloPlex (former Pueblo Army Chemical Depot) • Ivy Owen,CEO and Executive Director, Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority

  2. Great Plains Development Authority Ann Charles June 4, 2014

  3. FromBombs X • to Business Kansas Army Ammunition Plant

  4. Has transferring your property taken so long you have forgotten what “normal” is? • Driver is no longer Pentagon, OEA and lawyers • You’re dealing with private business now Shake off the bureaucracy

  5. Act like a business to attract business • Analyze the make-up of your Board • Do elected officials fit • Build diversity for professional advice • Include members when talking to prospects

  6. One size does not fit all • Just as the LRPA is now an LRA, the former CEO may need to change, too • You owe it to yourself to have the absolute best person you can get, or you just wasted millions of taxpayer dollars Who is your leader?

  7. Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Shed the military image • Create your own identity • Take down the fences • Look at your front door

  8. IDSFA Drop the acronyms • Speak in English, not BRAC • While still involved, the driver is no longer Pentagon, OEA and lawyers • You’re dealing with private business now • Don’t look stupid in front of them AND • Don’t make them feel stupid Oh, that? It doesn’t stand for anything … DOD QCAM ESCA CO RCRA KDHE EPA OEA RAB ESCA CO RCRA KDHE OEA DOD QCAM RAB EPA ESCA RCRA KDHE EPA OEA DOD QCAM RABCO ESCA CO RCRA KDHE EPA OEA DOD QCAM RAB CO ESCA RCRA KDHE EPA OEA DOD QCAM RAB

  9. Enjoy the “new you” – the you that you were cut out to be! Announcement Pending Pending

  10. Great future … Rob Riggin

  11. Pueblo, Colorado – Pueblo Chemical Depot Michael Clarkson June 4, 2014

  12. Organization Model

  13. What Worked • Comprehensive Re-start – Collaborative Re-engagement • Search for the truth • Entropy of time – Things just get disorganized over time • Records & expertise lost, memories fade, positions harden • Search for an unbiased mindset • Changing and elongating mission devolved into mutual frustration • Challenged all parties to set aside biases to search for truth • Outside influences complicated this search for truth • Re-equip ourselves with a discipline to approach things anew • Blunted antagonism and reversed it • Grew advocacy • Improved momentum • Agnostic engagement • Focus on ensuring there is benefit to all parties

  14. What Didn’t Work Focus on closure, not on opportunity • Change is disruptive, the unknown is scary • Embrace the evolution • Journey of discovery, not a sorrowful reminiscence • Honoring a legacy is important, charting a destiny is more important Mission delay • Technology selection for weapons destruction created frustration • Caused fractures in relationships Communication • Maintenance of on-going dialogue became harder • Hierarchical operating model • Process model is essential (ongoing contributions, extractions, mixing) • Permits fluidity of processes, decision making and reinforces flexibility

  15. Lessons Learned Key To Success • Move BRAC along quickly • Project elongation leads to increasing amounts of frustration • Entropy of time leads to people’s disengagement, decaying assets, and increased expense, increased anxiety and increased hostility • Communicate • It’s the glue. Information vacuums usually fill with negative information. • Align Missions • Identify common ground rather than areas of conflict; align areas of commonality. • Negotiate areas of discontinuity to mutually-acceptable, mutually-beneficial results • Engage in continual, objective communication to assure furtherance of these objectives • Instead of camps of opposing teams, there is now one teamfocused on minimizing economic disruption to Pueblo

  16. Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority Ivy Owen June 4, 2014

  17. Organization Model • Trust created by AR Legislature • Governed by 9-Member Board of Trustees • Ex-Officio Board Members (non-voting) from cities and county within boundaries • Executive Director and Staff • Master Land Use Plan • Development guidelines

  18. What Worked • Hiring a real estate marketing firm • Creating and branding an image; national and global marketing • Expanding Master Use Plan to include walkable, sustainable mixed use areas • Partnering with local municipalities to fund capital improvement projects

  19. What Didn’t Work Waiting on DOD and other sources for funding Having a narrow focus on only industrial development and job creation Depending on EPA and other regulatory agencies to assist with asbestos clean up

  20. Lessons Learned Never burn bridges with contacts from previous career roles; nurture relationships Set development standards and stick to them Don’t overlook small opportunities that could become significant aspects of growth

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