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English Language III. September 2014. Unit 16. Unit 16. The terms of the contract are negotiable . The price was not negotiable. U nit 16. U nit 16. irrevocable letter of credit – neopozivi akreditiv
English Language III September 2014
Unit 16 • The terms of the contract are negotiable. • The price was not negotiable.
Unit 16 irrevocable letter of credit – neopozivi akreditiv Letter of credit – akreditiv, jedan od najsigurnijih (i zbog toga najviše upotrebljavanih) instrumenata plaćanja u međunarodnim razmjenama, a posebno u vanjsko-trgovniskoj razmjeni. Plaćanja akreditivom se smatraju sigurnim i prihvatljivim za sudionike u platnom prometu jer pružaju zaštitu interesa i kupcu i prodavaču (veću nego drugi instrumenti plaćanja). Kao i bilo koji drugi instrument plaćanja, akreditiv se najprije treba dogovoriti i naznačiti u ugovoru kao sredstvo osiguranja i plaćanja. Osobe koje se pojavljuju u ovom poslu su kupac, banka i prodavač. Kupac prije izvršenja ugovora stavlja na raspolaganje svojoj banci ugovoreni iznos novca i daje nalog za otvaranje akreditiva u korist svog poslovnog partnera, prodavača. Poslije otvaranja akreditiva, banka kupca dostavlja prodavaču, isporučitelju robe, izvozniku ili njegovoj poslovnoj banci obavijest o otvaranju akreditiva, što ujedno znači da će sredstva iz akreditiva staviti na raspolaganje prodavaču pošto ispuni svoje ugovorom preuzete obaveze, tj. Isporuči robu i dostavi dokumenta.
Unit 16 to sum (it/sth) up – sumirati
WISH + Past Tense / Past Perfect Tense U engleskom jeziku glagol WISH koristimo kada želimo da izrazimo želju da je situacija drugačija. Glagol koji slijedi glagol WISH je pomjeren za jedno vrijeme unazad. Ako želimo da je sadašnja situacija drugačija WISH je praćen Past Simple ili Past Continuous Tenseom. Ako želimo da je situacija u prošlosti bila drugačija, vrijeme koje slijedi iza glagola WISH jeste Past Perfect. Uz to, WISH možemo koristiti i sa modalnim glagolima.
WISH + Past Tense / Past Perfect Tense Situacija: My sister is untidy. (Present Simple Tense) Želja: I wish she was tidier. (Past Simple Tense) Situacija: I am going to London next week. Želja: I wish I wasn’t going to London next week.
WISH + Past Tense / Past Perfect Tense Situacija: I haven’t studied for the English test. Želja: I wish I had studied for the English test. Situacija: I didn’t go on holiday this year. Želja: I wish I had gone on holiday this year.
WISH + could – ability (mogućnost) Situacija: I can’t play a musical instrument. Želja: I wish I could play a musical instrument.
WISH + would – habit (navika) Situacija: He whistles in the office. Želja: I wish he wouldn’t whistle in the office.
WISH + Past Tense / Past Perfect Tense Homework: Mastering English, page 99 /135/
Passive Pasiv koristimo kada subjekat rečenice trpi radnju. • The boy kicked the ball. • The ball was kicked by the boy.
Passive Pasiv: odgovarajuće vrijeme glagola to be + past participle glavnog glagola Subjekat pasivne rečenice je objekat aktivne rečenice.
Passive Kada želimo da naglasimo vršioca radnje koristimo aktiv, a kada želimo da naglasimo radnju, ili primaoca radnje (onoga koji radnju trpi) onda koristimo pasiv. • Albert is cleaning the car. • The car is being cleaned by Albert.
Passive Present Simple Tense Mr. Brown teaches this class. This class is taught by Mr. Brown. Present Continuous Tense Mr. Brown is teaching this class. This class is being taught by Mr. Brown. Present Perfect Tense Mr. Brown has taught this class. This class has been taught by Mr. Brown.
Passive PastSimple Tense Mr. Brown taught this class. This class was taught by Mr. Brown. Past Continuous Tense Mr. Brown was teaching this class. This class was being taught by Mr. Brown. Past Perfect Tense Mr. Brown had taught this class. This class had been taught by Mr. Brown.
Passive Future Simple Tense Mr. Brown will teach this class. This class will be taught by Mr. Brown. Future Continuous Tense Mr. Brown will be teaching this class. This class will be being taught by Mr. Brown. Future Perfect Tense Mr. Brown will have taught this class. This class will have been taught by Mr. Brown.
Passive Turn the following sentences into the passive voice: • No one has used that door for twenty years. • Someone stole my watch this morning. • We use pure butter in these cakes.
Passive • The waitress brings the coffee. • The waitress is bringing the coffee. • The waitress brough the coffee. • Tha waitress has brough the coffee. • The waitress was bringing the coffee. • The waitress had brough the coffee. • The waitress will bring the coffee. • I shall bring the coffee. • The waitress will have brough the coffee.
Passive • I finished my work at about five o’clock. • We use your books in our class. • They gave him a very handsome present when he retired. • We opened the boxes and took out the cigarettes. • Do people speek English all over the world? • Somebody built this house in 1585. • You must answer all the questions on the paper. • They blamed me for something that I hadn’t done.
Passive • They are sending Mr. Brown abroad on business. • People will forget the whole incident after a few weeks. • He took them for a drive in the new car. • People are talking about him everywhere. • I told him to write to that address. • You must plan your work carefully. • Someone gave me a pair of gloves for Christmas. • They told me you had gone to Paris. • It’s time someone told him what is wrong. • They gave me a ticket for Newtown instead for Newton. • They didn’t tell me all the details of the case.