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ARK is a resource dedicated to making social and political information on Northern Ireland available to all

ARK is a resource dedicated to making social and political information on Northern Ireland available to all. ARK currently has 7 resources. Life and Times Survey ORB – Online Research Bank CAIN – Conflict Archive on the Internet Survey Analysis Unit Surveys on Line NI Elections

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ARK is a resource dedicated to making social and political information on Northern Ireland available to all

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  1. ARK is a resource dedicated to making social and political information on Northern Ireland available to all

  2. ARK currently has 7 resources • Life and Times Survey • ORB – Online Research Bank • CAIN – Conflict Archive on the Internet • Survey Analysis Unit • Surveys on Line • NI Elections • Northern Ireland Household Panel Survey (NIHPS) Analysis Unit

  3. The Role of ARK • NIHPS Analysis Unit • Develop NI expertise in handling the survey data • Analyse the data • Promote the survey among the research community in NI • Exploit the data to its maximum benefit for policymaking

  4. Format of the day • Introduction to the NIHPS • How the survey is carried out • Main contents of the questionnaires • Overview of the data files • Using the On-Line data documentation • Finding the way around the website • Working with the NIHPS data files

  5. The NIHPS is an extension of the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) • Why do panel survey? • Can track the movement of individuals and households within society • Useful for examining what factors lead to the movement into and out of poverty, ill-health etc.

  6. Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) responsible for the technical aspects of the survey across the UK • Design of the survey • Questionnaire development • Data validation and weighting • Fieldwork in NI carried out by NISRA

  7. Wave 1 – households drawn randomly from across NI • achieved sample 1,978 households and 3,458 individuals • Household Response – 69% • Individual Response – 89%

  8. Wave 2 response rates • Within households at least 1 person responding – 87% • Complete Household Response for all eligible individuals – 70% • Interviews at Waves 1 and 2 – 83% • Fieldwork for Wave 3 ongoing

  9. Unique value of the NIHPS: • Follows the same representative sample of individuals over a period of years • Household-based, interviewing every adult member of sampled households • Allows change to be measured at the gross as well as the net level

  10. Sample Membership Status: • Original Sample Members (OSMs) -always eligible to be interviewed • All members of Wave 1 households • Their natural children born after the start of the study • Temporary Sample Members (TSMs) – eligible only while living with an OSM • People who form households with OSMs after the start of the study

  11. Sample Membership Status: • Permanent Sample Members (PSMs) • TSMs may become PSMs if they are deemed to have a sufficiently strong continuing bond to an OSM to justify following them even if they cease to live with that person

  12. There are 3 main parts to the NIHPS • Household Interview – Household Reference Person (HRP) • Individual Interviews - each member of the household aged 16+ (rising 16’s) • Self-complete questionnaire - each member of the household aged 16+ (rising 16’s)

  13. In addition: • Proxy Interview for household members unavailable at the time of the interview • At Wave 4, young people aged 11-15 will complete young person’s questionnaire, then join adult panel at age 16

  14. There are 3 components to the NIHPS: • Core component • Repeated every year • Rotating core component • Usually repeated every 2/3 years • Variable component • Asked once in the life of the panel study e.g. where born, age left school

  15. Content of Wave 1 of the NIHPS • Household Section • Household Grid • Tenure • Housing Condition/Costs • Consumer Durables • Loans

  16. Individual Section • Parental Background (job status when respondent was aged 14) • Demographic information • Health - physical • Employment History • Values and opinions

  17. Income from all sources including interest on savings, receipt of benefits etc. • Expenditure - spending patterns • Household Tasks • Major events in person's life in the last year

  18. Self-Completion Form • General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) • General well-being • Roles within the family and support networks

  19. Section 75 Groups: • Age • Gender • Marital status • Religion • Race • Dependants • Political Opinion • Disability

  20. Wave 2 of the NIHPS • Household questionnaire • Individual questionnaire • Marital, fertility and employment history • Self-completion questionnaire • GHQ • Attitudes to marriage/homosexuality/life/partner/friend-ships

  21. Wave 3 of the NIHPS • Household questionnaire • Individual questionnaire • Parenting • Self-completion questionnaire • GHQ • Attitudes to aspects of family life/life in general


  23. The 8 files are linked by 3 key variables • PID (Personal Identification) • KHID (Household Identification) • KPNO (Person Number within household) • PID is a unique person number (all waves) • KHID and KPNO – wave specific numbers

  24. KHHSAMP • contains fieldwork control, interview outcome and weighting information • one record for each issued household • KHHRESP • contains data from the household questionnaire and household level information for respondent households • one record for each household

  25. KINDSAMP • contains information on the survey outcome for all individuals in a household • KINDALL • contains individual level variables derived from the Household Composition Form • the only file that contains individual level data on children and other non-respondents

  26. KINDRESP • contains individual data from full and proxy questionnaires • all those who were eligible and who took part in the survey • KEGOALT • provides a mechanism for identifying the relationship of each individual in a household to all others • two records for each relationship pair

  27. KINCOME • benefit payment data • one record for each payment recorded at a list of specified sources • KJOBHIST • contains information from the employment history section of the questionnaire

  28. Weighting the data • Several weight variables for NIHPS Wave 1 which adjust for non-response • KXHWTSW2 • Household weight • KXRWTSW2 • Respondent individual weight • KXEWTSW2 • Enumerated individual weight

  29. Weighting the NI data within the BHPS (Cross-sectional weights) • scaled so as ensure that the NI sample contains the expected proportion of the UK population • KXHWTSW1 (Households) • KXRWTSW1 (Respondents) • KXEWTSW1 (Enumerated individuals)

  30. How to Access the Data • Download Wave 11 BHPS data from UK Data Archive (includes NIHPS Wave 1) http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/ NI User Group • Will be established as a forum for exchanging ideas, problems, solutions

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