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(Insert appropriate images as selected from Image palette). Learning Design using the renewed NT Curriculum Framework. April 2008. www.deet.nt.gov.au. DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND TRAINING. Contents of this video. Intended outcomes of piloting
(Insert appropriate images as selected from Image palette) Learning Design using the renewed NT Curriculum Framework April 2008 www.deet.nt.gov.au DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND TRAINING
Contents of this video • Intended outcomes of piloting • Gathering baseline data of perceptions • Why change the current NT Curriculum Framework • The renewed NT Curriculum Framework model and features • Contextualising the renewed NTCF in DEET initiatives through the Teachers Story • Overview to the Learning Design Model
1. Intended Outcomes of Piloting Know and understand • Similarities and differences between current and renewed NT Curriculum Framework • Similarities and differences between learning design process and current processes • What aspects of both documents enable better learning design and assessment Be able to use the learning design process to develop a learning sequence or program with a focus on: • Using the renewed NT Curriculum Framework to identify what learners need to learn • Using the renewed NT Curriculum Framework to describe how you will know learners have demonstrated the targeted / expected outcomes • Using the NT Curriculum Framework to make judgments about the learning achievements • Provide content, structure, perception and level of use feedback to Expert Focus Groups
2. Gathering baseline data of our perceptions and use of the NTCF Stages of Concern question Stages of Concern continua Using the data to inform professional learning needs
Gathering baseline data: What are our perceptions? “A concern is a perception, idea, thought or feeling and can be positive or negative”
What are your concerns? On separate pieces of paper or in an email with headers for each question, please answer the following questions and send your responses to learne.dunne@nt.gov.au Level 3: When you think about planning using the current NTCF what are your concerns? Level 4: When you think about assessing using the current NTCF what are your concerns? Both Level 3 and 4 : When you think about designing for learning using the renewed NTCF what are your concerns?
Speaking Notes Slide 3 and 5 • Concerns will be coded in relation to the Stages of Concern continuum in the Concerns Based Adoption Model • The Stages of Concern information will give pilot coordinators information about the nature of professional support you and teachers in general will need in implementing the new NTCF • You will be asked to share your concerns throughout the pilot • Prior to using the new NTCF materials • Immediately following use of the NTCF materials for planning and/ or assessing • At the end of the piloting period • Individuals and schools can receive information regarding the nature of concerns throughout the pilot
Identifying Stages of Concern IMPACT TASK SELF Hall & Hord, p. 63
Speaking Notes Why renew NT Teachers • Feedback from teachers 2000 – present indicates that: • Outcomes and indicators are too broad and general • Too much flexibility in content • Indicators are combination of examples, activities, mini-outcomes • Difficult to use to make judgments about student evidence of learning, does not build consistency of judgment • Teachers new to NT need considerable orientation to use the document for purpose intended • Outcomes often selected based on where year level expected to be not where students demonstrating at • NT Board of Studies • Asked for a review of the NTCF 5 years after implementation which started in 2001 • Federal Government • NT signed commitment to embed National Statements of Learning English, Mathematics, Science, ICT and Civics & Citizenship into curriculum • National Curriculum and National Assessment Program needs to be reflected in documents and documents used to contribute to these reforms
3. Why change the current NTCF? NT Teachers • Feedback from teachers NT Board of Studies • Review needed 2006 Federal Government • Agreement 2006-2007 National Statements of Learning • Respond to National curriculum and assessment agenda
4. The Renewed NT Curriculum Framework Model and Features
Speaking Notes Teaching and Learning Mirror • The current NTCF describes what students need to learn through Outcomes and Indicators • The renewed NTCF describes 1) what students need to learn through Learning Progress Maps and 2) support for teachers to enable this learning through Assessment Guidelines and Teaching Map • It aims to create a teaching and learning mirror - informing learning design AND making judgments about learning • Whilst the hard copy pilot materials do not adequately show this mirror the online environment being developed will allow for these documents to be interconnected
Speaking Notes – NTCF Structure • Outcomes • Describe the integrated learning at the strand level • Key Learnings • these are the content standards and describe what we expect to see when a collection of student evidence demonstrates the Solid level of performance. • It is essential to see all these descriptors. • It is intended they will help teachers in making more consistent judgments • If learners are not demonstrating these they are either demonstrating at a lower level or emerging at this level. If learners are demonstrating more than this they are demonstrating at the next level or a comprehensive demonstration • Elaborations • these have been scoped and sequenced using a cognitive development model called the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome • They further describe the essential components of the Outcomes
Speaking notes • Insert Science as Inquiry Learning Progress Map and repeat messages about features • Insert Learning Technologies Learning Progress Map and repeat messages about features
5. Contextualising the NT Curriculum Framework within DEET and NT Board of Studies Initiatives
Speaking Notes Teachers Story • This table is the teachers story. Like all good stories has chapters with each chapter linking the one previous and the one following. The first chapter identifies the ‘complication’ or issue / problem or area for your investigation as a piloter. For example, will the renewed NTCF help me better plan lessons to improve students writing. You will measure this by looking at student work (Chapter 2 and 3) and communicate these findings to colleagues, piloting team, and students (Chapter 4) • The table also shows that the renewed NT Curriculum Framework is one of three system initiatives for supporting teachers to plan and assess learning. These initiatives aim to bring together Curriculum (NTCF), Pedagogy (T&LF) and Assessment (A& R policy) a necessary element of a system that improves student outcomes. • As a piloter you will be working across these chapters of the teachers story depending on the level at which you are piloting: • At this point I ask you to think about your area for investigation in this pilot. • Level 3 only – Teaching and Learning, Gathering Evidence • Level 4 only – Gathering Evidence, Judging • Level 3 and 4 – all chapters
6. Learning Design Model 8 Learning Management Questions
The Teachers Learning Design Story using the 8 Learning Management Questions What do learners need and want to be? What do learners already know? What do learners already know? How will I inform learner and others of the learner’s progress and achievements? How best do learners learn? How will we know learners have demonstrated the learning outcomes? What resources are needed and available? Who will do what? What will constitute the learning journey?
Learning Design Process: 8 Learning Management Questions(Smith,Lynch and Knight,2007)
NT Curriculum Framework (T – 10) Assessment and Reporting Policy and Guidelines Learning Management Questions – Aligning curriculum, pedagogy and assessment Where do learners need and want to be? What does the learning journey look like? What is the best context for learning? How best do learners learn this content? NT DEET Teaching and Learning Framework (T-12) What do learners already know? How will we check to see learners have achieved learning outcomes? How best do learners learn? How will I inform the learner of their progress?
7. Features of the Teaching and Assessment Support Materials Science as Inquiry English Writing Mathematics Spatial Sense Learning Technologies: Communicating through Publishing, Performing, Producing
Speaking Notes Teaching and Learning Mirror Features • The following slides show what this teaching and learning map model looks like through actual materials • Slide – Science as Inquiry • Slide – English Writing • Slide – Maths Spatial Sense • Learning progress map – go to actual doc to show how this is one part of NTCF with other being KGP/Band per page • Teaching Support Materials – published and locally developed eg Design for Learning • Assessment Support Materials – evidence of learning samples, published rubrics, eg NAPLAN • Slide – an explanation of Design for Learning Materials • Slide - links to Explore NT products • Slide – links to NT teacher developed scope and sequence documents • Slide – links to published scope and sequence document • Invite science piloters to give feedback on benefits of these
Example of Pilot Materials Science As Inquiry Assessment Support Teaching Support Materials Learning Progress Map Strand: Science As Inquiry
Example of Pilot Materials English Writing Learning Progress Map Writing Teaching Support Materials Assessment Support
Example of Pilot Materials Mathematics Spatial Sense Teaching Support Materials Learning Progress Map Strand: Spatial Sense Assessment Support
Example of Pilot Materials Learning Technologies – Communication through Publishing, Performing, Producing Learning Progress Map Element: Learners consider audience and purpose when designing and producing a multimedia presentation or performance. Teaching Support Materials Assessment Support Learning Federation Learning Objects Explore NT or www.curriculum.edu.au
Teacher Support Materials:Design For Learning packages • Purpose: • Guide for designing for learning for multilevel classes • Contents: • Assessment task • Marking Guide / Rubric • Samples of student evidence of learning • Use of 8 Learning Management Questions to scaffold teachers to design to improve learning • Audience:Teachers who want a ‘design’ guide
Teaching Support Materials: From Explore NT NT teacher developed resources linked to NTCF Published resources NT teacher developed programs
Teaching Support Materials: For School / Team Level Planning English Writing Examples Grammar scope and sequence Word Study Scope and Sequence
Teaching Support Materials: For School / Team/ Faculty Level Planning A scope and sequence of conceptual development in relation to understanding states of matter in Science Natural Processed Materials Strand. DET Victoria, Victorian Essential Learning Standards www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/teachingresources/science
Teaching Support Materials: Web 2.0 Links to useful websites that expand on content e.g. Science www.environorth.org.au www.primaryconnections.edu.au Links to Learning Federation Learning Objects e.g Science www.curriculum.edu.au Link to interactive online spaces • Wikis • Blogs • Teacher TV • Teacher Tube
Contacts General / Learning Design Model / Planning for Learning/ Stages of Concern responses learne.dunne@nt.gov.au 89994355 OR gail.smith@nt.gov.au 8999 3780 English lorraine.vanhaeften@nt.gov.au Mathematics geoff.gillman@nt.gov.au Science louise.fogg@nt.gov.au Learning Technologies cassy.coggins@nt.gov.au
8. Understanding and using the 8 Learning Management Questions to design for learning
Current planning for learning cycle Current NTCF planning and assessment cycle • What is your personal planning and programming cycle? • Starting point • Questions you ask and answer • What you record
8 Learning Management Questions – a process for designing for learning
Getting started What’s your starting point for this learning sequence or program? • Student evidence of learning or student reports • Student interest, question • Context opportunity, eg school or community event, NAP testing, a competition • School curriculum map • Teacher identified need
Setting SMART Goals A model for writing SMART learning focused goals and targets By (date), learner/s will [do more or better on specific aspect of learning] by an increase/ change / improvement of (amount of change) as demonstrated by (NTCF outcome, level, key learning and behavioural criteria. Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Time-framed
AssessmentFORlearning: occurs when teachers use inferences about student progress to inform their teaching. Assessment AS learning: occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals. How will we know when learners have achieved the learning outcomes? Assessment design AssessmentOFlearning:occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgements on student achievement against goals and standards. DET Victoria, Assessment Professional LearningModule 5: Making Consistent Judgments
How will we know when learners have achieved the learning outcomes? Assessment design
How will we know learners have achieved the learning outcomes? Assessment design Fairness Are the tasks constructed, presented and conducted so that all students have an equal chance of demonstrating their learning against the NTCF? Do the assessment tasks require specific knowledge or skills which some students may not have, and which have not been explicitly taught? Curriculum relevance Do the tasks represent all the valued learning you want the students to have undertaken? Do they assess a sample of all the important aspects of the learning? Method of Assessment Instructional utility How useful is the method in yielding insights into students knowledge and conceptual understandings and can be used to guide teaching and learning? Reliability and comparability How accurately does the collected evidence reflect what the learner knows and can do? Practical Convenience Is the method and task easily incorporated into classroom activities?
How will we know when learners have achieved the learning outcomes? Marking guide design • Design or choose a published rubric • NAPLAN Narrative Writing Marking Guide 2007 • Examples in Science Design for Learning materials • Choose example samples of work to show students expected levels of performance • DEET website, www.deet.nt.gov.au has samples for Maths (mostly Number Sense) and English (mostly writing) • Other States websites eg. DET Victoria http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/assessment/default.htm