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Learning Medium. By : Novi Setiowati. Identity. School : SMP Pangudi Luhur Santo Yusup Subject : English Grade / Semester : 9 / II Alocated Time : 6 x 40 minutes. Competence Standar. 11. Membaca
Learning Medium By : Novi Setiowati
Identity School : SMP PangudiLuhur Santo Yusup Subject : English Grade/ Semester : 9 / II AlocatedTime : 6 x 40 minutes
Competence Standar 11. Membaca Memahamimaknatekstulisfungsionaldaneseipendeksederhanaberbentuknarrativedan report untukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari. 12. Menulis Mengungkapkanmaknadalamtekstulisfungsionaldaneseipendeksederhanaberbentuknarrativedan report untukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari.
Based Competence 11.2 Meresponmaknadalamtekstulisfungsionalpendeksecaraakurat, lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari. 12.2 Mengungkapkanmaknadanlangkahretorikadalameseipendeksederhanadenganmenggunakanragambahasatulissecaraakurat, lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-haridalamteksberbentuknarrativedan report.
Indicators • Students group the generic structure of each paragraph of the text given by the teacher and highlight the language feature of narrative text in that text. • Students answer questions related to the text. • Students write sentence using past tense. • Students create their own simple narrative text.
Building Knowladge of the Field Narrative text Simple Past Tense
Narrative Text What is the social function of narrative text? It is used to entertain or to amuse the readers
Narrative Text These are the generic structure of narrative text. Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants Evaluations: a stepping back to evaluate the plight. Complication : a crisis arises Resolution: the crisis is resolved Reorientation : optional
Narrative Text • Language Features • Focus n specific participants • Use material processes, behavioral processes, and verbal processes. • Use temporal conjuctions, and temporal circumstances. • Use past tense
Simple Past Tense Formula of simple past tense S + V2
What are the use of simple past tense???? Completed action in the past Series of completed actions in the past. Duration in the past Habits in the past. Past facts or generalization.
Modelling Text Shahryar, A Cruel King A princess in Arabia told stories for 1001 nights to save herself from her death. It is the orientation
There was a cruel king named Shahryar, who had a very bad habit. He killed his wife and then took a new one another day and put her to death next day. It is the complication
It is the resolution Eventually, he took Sharazad, the daughter of his chief minister to marry him. She was a smart lady so she planned to put an end to these killings and on her wedding night. She began telling the king a story. But when she reached the most exciting part of it, she stopped and said if he wanted to know the end of the story, he would have to let her live for another day. What so nice stories the princess told were that the king kept on waiting for the end of the stories.
This continued for 1001 nights, until the king gave up and forgot his habit of killing his wife. It is the re-orientation
Here, the example of sentences using simple past tense • My mother cooked a cake last week. • She told me the story of Cinderella yesterday. • The prince was looking for a wife. • Hans and Gratelescaped from the witch’s house.
Join Construction of Text • Make a group of four. • Identify the generic structure and language features of narrative text given by the teacher.
On one fine summer's day in a field a Grasshopper was hopping about in a musical mood. An ant passed by bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.The grasshopper invited the ant to sit for a chat with him. But the ant refused saying that "I’m storing up food for winter". " Why don’t you do the same?" asked the ant to the grasshopper. "Pooh! Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got enough food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.Finally, when winter came, the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing corn and grain from their storage.Then the Grasshopper understood that it is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
GOOD JOB! Now, I’ll give you some pictures. Describe those pictures with a sentence using simple past tense.
Independent Construction of Text Congratulation!! You have succeeded doing the assingments in group. Now, it is time for you to work individually. Are you ready????
SWEET PORRIDGE There ……. ( be ) a poor but good little girl who ……. ( live ) with her mother. They …… ( have ) nothing to eat. One day, the child …… ( go ) into the forest, and there an aged woman …… ( meet ) her who …… ( be ) aware of her sorrow. She …… ( gift ) her with a little pot, which when she …… ( say ), "cook, little pot, cook", …… ( will ) …… ( cook ) good, sweet porridge, and when she …….. ( say ), "stop, little pot", it …… ( cease ) to cook. The girl …… ( take ) the pot home to her mother, and soon they …… ( be ) freed from their poverty and hunger, and …… ( eat ) sweet porridge as often as they chose. • Do you know that verbs that are used in the passage above are incorrect. Correct it using simple past!
You have been success so far in doing your assignments about narrative text. Before you go to the next assigments, please answer these questions! What is the social function of narrative text? What are the generic structure of narrative text? What are the language features of narrative text?
Now, create your own simple narrative text. You may choose your own theme freely. Good luck, students!!!
References Suwariyanto, Theodorus.2010. Grasp the World! English Students Work Bork Grade 9.Semarang:Yayasan PangudiLuhur English-Indonesian dictionary. http://smp3lembang.blogspot.com/2011/03/genre-kinds-of-text-in-english-language.html http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/simplepast.html http://www.englishpage.com/irregularverbs/irregularverbs.html http://kidsgen.com/ http://www.magickeys.com/books/pirate/index.html