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Sunni + Shi’a Islam. Choosing as the successor of Mohammed divides the community Those who chose Abu Bakr came to be called the Sunni Muslems Those who chose Ali came to be called the Shi’a Muslims.
Sunni + Shi’a Islam Choosing as the successor of Mohammed divides the community Those who chose Abu Bakrcame to be called the SunniMuslems Those who chose Ali came to be called the Shi’a Muslims Sunna – in Arabic meansthe normative “behavior” or “practice” of Islam Shi’at – means “the faction”.
Those closest to Mohammed MEN WOMEN • Abu Talib, uncle of M., who raised and protected him. • Abu Bakr; right hand man, ally, gives his daughter Fatima to be M’s favorite wife • Ali ; cousin of M. and early, loyal follower who marries Ayesha, M’s daughter. • * Khadija: first wife of M. • Widow. Monogamous. After Khadija he married several widows. • Ayesha – favorite wife of Mohammed, given at age 14. Daughter of Abu Bakr. • Fatima – daughter of M. and Ayesha
The first Caliph is chosen • When Muhammad died in 632 CE, his closest relatives (Fatima and Ali) took charge of the funeral arrangements. While they were preparing his body, Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu Ubaidahibn al Jarrah met with the leaders of Medina and elected Abu Bakr as caliph without consulting Fatima or Ali. • Ali and his family were upset, but accepted the appointment for the sake of unity in the early Muslim community
Caliphates after Mohammed (632) 1st Caliph Abu Bakr 2ndCaliph Umar (assassinated in 644) 3rd Caliph Uthman: appointed by Umar, first Umayyid . Assassinated in 657. Anger over his attempt to establish a dynasty, the community now appoint Ali. 4thCaliph Ali (656-661): sets up his caliphate in Kufah (in present day Iran). His caliphate is contested by Ummayids, there is civil war, and he is assassinated. His son Husayn turns it over to the Umayyids in the interests of peace, but in the end is still assassinated. The 4 Righteous Caliphs ASHURA: Shi’as commemorate the martyrdom of Hussayn, with men beating their backs or cutting the heads. Damascus: new Umayyid capital. Arabic: official language. Conflicts with Persia and Byzantium are very successful. Empire expands to N. Africa Policy toward the conquered: Convert to become Islam or pay tax and live as dhimmiwith very limited freedom.
Shi’ite genealogy Shi‘as split further based on arguments over which of M’s descendents should rule • Zaydīs(Fivers) • Ismā‘īlīs (Seveners) • Imāmīs (Twelvers) Sunnis believe the savior Mahdi is yet to come. The hidden imam went into occultation in the 9th century and will eventually make himself present as savior and judge of the world.
732: Umayyads attack Western Europe via Africa and Spain. The Franks under Charles Martel turn them back before reaching Paris. Western European expansion of Islam stops at Spain, and is turned back in 1492. Eastern expansion of Islam continues until Constantinople finally falls in 1453. The Crusades were an attempt to turn the tide of Muslim expansion into all of the former Roman world by recapturing Jerusalem and its surroundings. Battle of Vienna – 1683 – stops Ottoman Muslims .
Abbasid dynasty 750 -1258 9th century Golden Age for Islam Baghdad, Cordoba, trade (steel), medicine, math (alg), Greek & Roman translations. Sufi missionaries: emphasize personal and mystical relationship with Allah.