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Líder Global en el manejo personalizado Y Proactivo del estilo de vida de sus socios. CONTENTS. Que es Quintessentially? Quintessentially en el Mundo Quintessentially For BMW La propuesta Summary Next Steps. QUINTESSENTIALLY.
Líder Global en el manejo personalizado Y Proactivo del estilo de vida de sus socios
CONTENTS Que es Quintessentially? Quintessentially en el Mundo QuintessentiallyFor BMW La propuesta Summary NextSteps
QUINTESSENTIALLY Es el líder global en el manejo personalizado y proactivo del estilo de vida de sus Socios. Fundado en Londres en año 2000. Al día de hoy cuenta con una plataforma de 63 oficinas a nivel mundial y mas de 6000 aliados comerciales. El Grupo Quintessentially esta formado por 32 unidades de servicio entre las que se encuentran Q Travel, Q Estates entre otras. Quienes hoy acceden a una Membresía son recomendados personalmente por nuestros Socios o invitados directamente del club.
QUINTESSENTIALLYpara BMW Se busca desarrollar una plataforma de servicios únicaque genere valor a los clientes de BMW y representeun diferenciadordeterminante dentro de la industria.
Alcance y funcionamiento • Inicialmente el servicio se otorgara a compradoresde las Series 6,7, M5 y M6 (159 clientes aprox anuales). • Cada membresía es individual y exclusiva para el propietario del coche o para a quien este lo designe. • Existirá un equipo de trabajo exclusivo para atender todas las necesidades de BMW L&LS. • Se asignaran dos números de teléfono directos y el servicio será 24/7. • Se mantendrá una comunicación constante y personal con cada cliente. BMW LIFESTYLE & LUXURY SERVICES (L&LS) es un programa en donde los clientes Premium de cada distribuidor BMW, acceden a la plataforma global de servicios y beneficios de Quintessentially a través de una membresía.
El servicio se dará a través de 4 rutas: • 3. VIAJES • 1. Servicios del día a día + asistencia practica • Brindaremos constante asesoría y coordinación en cualquier tipo de viaje. Adaptaremos cada uno de los viajes a las necesidades y gustos de cada uno de los clientes BMW. Desde viajes de trabajo, de rutina hasta experiencias totalmente fuera de lo común. • 2. ENTRETENIMIENTO • 4. VIDA NOCTURNA, RESTAURANTES & • CLUBES PRIVADOS. • Brindaremos apoyo buscando a cualquier tipo de evento ya sea social, cultural o deportivo. Ej. Wimbledon, Fórmula 1, Broadway, Mundial de Futbol, Eurocopa, conciertos etc. • Quintessentially ha forjado con muchos de los mejores clubes y bares en el mundo, lo que nos permitirá ofrecer este tipo de servicios a Clientes de BMW; dándoles acceso y coordinando sus reservaciones. Quintessentially puede ayudar cualquier tipo de solicitud que se necesite dentro del estilo de vida particular de cada cliente BMW. Ej. Un regalo de aniversario, unas simples flores, transportación etc.
Cuales son los beneficios de bmwl&lS para sus propios clientes. OPTIMIZAMOS EL TIEMPO – El servicio de BMW L&LS resolverá cualquier tipo de solicitud a través de un equipo de trabajo exclusivo de BRINDAMOS SOLUCIONES PRACTICAS – El equipo de BMW L&LS proporcionara información actualizada sobre cada requerimiento que se solicite. CONSOLIDAMOS SERVICIOS – se sumaran esfuerzos y a través de nuestra red actual de proveedores y aliados estratégicos se le entregue a los clientes de BMW la mejor opción. SERVICIO PERSONALIZADO – Se ofrece un verdadero servicio personal y único con base en el perfil de cada uno de los Clientes de BMW.
Desarrollo de comunicación Exclusiva para bmw • Se enviará periódicamente un “Newsletter” desarrollado especialmente para BMW: • Quintessentially consolidará y adaptará mes con mes contenido relevante para cada edición del Newsletter acercando los beneficios y las experiencias a todos los clientes de BMW. • Materiales: • Desarrollar un paquete de bienvenida personalizado para cada cliente BMW
Algunos ejemplos: Quintessentially podrá ayudar a clientes de bmw • Servicios a la medida dentro las principales marcas. • Acceso a los principales restaurantes y a los chefs mas reconocidos. • Tenemos relaciones con los antros, bares y clubes nocturnos de moda. • Boletos a los principales eventos ya sea sociales, culturales o deportivos. • Acceso a los mejores Spas y tratamientos. • Poder coordinar cualquier tipo de regalo. • Coordinación y manejo de todo tipo de viajes y experiencias. Todos los Clientes de BMW que estén dentro de BMW L&L Services tendrán acceso a mas de 25,000 proveedores a nivel mundial dentro de los que se encuentran los mejores hoteles, restaurantes, bares, spas, eventos y marcas a nivel global.
QUINTESSENTIALLYFOR BMW We are a goal-orientedbusinessbuilton personal relationshipsandallourpartnersshareourvisiontodeliver a uniqueservicetailoredtoanyclient’sneeds. Quintessentiallyaimstocreate long termandmutually beneficial partnerships, someofwhich are highlightedabove. “Quintessentially Jaguar has reallyhelpedboth capture andcomplementJaguar’sstrategicdirectionandhelpeddeliverittoourcustomers. Quintessentially has beenparamount in developingthisnewinitiative, introducingmyselfand Jaguar tomanyofQuintessentially’snetworkofotherLuxurybrands, media connectionsandhighnetworthindividualsandVIP’s. I wouldhappilyrecommendQuintessentially as a service, whonotonlydeliverthemostdedicatedserviceofConciergegloballybutalsohavesuchconnections in thecorporateworldthatcouldhopefullybenefityourbrand as theyhavebeendoingwith Jaguar”. Deborah Laurent - Jaguar’s Brand Partnership Manager
QUINTESSENTIALLY AND BMW’S TARGET CONSUMER MenandWomen, 60/40 split, Ages 30– 50 Global CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, High Net Worth, Celebrities, Sports Stars, in media orarts OpinionLeader, Time Poor, Global Reach Urban, Cosmopolitan, Sociable andConnected China, Russia, EU, Middle East, Americas BMW Ambassador, TomChaplin, Keane “My Membershipis a fantastichelptome, andtheservice has beenofgreat use – andgreatfuntoo!”
WHAT IS THE PROPOSITION TO BMW? Quintessentiallyproposestocreate a bespokeconciergeprogramfor BMW’stoptierclientsacrosstheworldforalltheirlifestylemanagementneeds–thisconcept can takemanyforms; Quintessentiallywillworkwiththe BMW’sMarketing team tobetterservetheirclients by offering a worldclass, 24/7/365 Lifestyle Management Solutionwithmulti lingual capabilitiesandlocalisedknowledge; Quintessentiallywillsupport BMW in keygrowthterritorieswith a specificfocusontheAsianmarkets, perhapslooking at a travel club aimed at affluentChineseconsumers; Quintessentiallywillcreate a multilayeredpartnershipwith BMW, helpingthemachievetheircorporateaimsthroughnumerousintroductionstocurrentbrandpartners, eventsand marketing opportunitiesandourownsisterbusinesses. Weunderstandyourbrand culture –Britishness.
WHAT ARE THE BENEfITS TO BMW’S CLIENTS? A luxuryserviceforkeyclients. A complete lifestyleproduct 24/7 accessto a uniqueand exclusive club A businessdedicatedtoluxurylifestylemanagement–run by consumermarketers Access totheveryfinestofproductsandservices, endlessbenefits, exclusive privilegesandinvitationstopreviewson a global basis A bespokelevelofserviceprovided by Quintessentially Access to a large team oflifestylespecialistsfromallluxurysectorse.g. property, art, wine, chauffeur, security, events, PR, etc. Servicedlocally in allkey BMW territoriesaroundtheworld Create a senseofcommunityandexclusivityamongstmembers Enhancebrandaffiliationandvalues
CLIENT INSIGHT • Researchand data capture • Quintessentially can conductmarketresearchand data capture toevaluateconsumertrends / opinionsof BMW’ topclients. This data wouldprove invaluable in providingconsumerinsightforfuture marketing strategiesandproductdevelopment. • Quintessentially can generatereportsshowcasing individual lifestylerequirementsofBMW’sconsumers • Thechartrepresentsthebreakdownofyourcustomerslifestylepreferencesandrequests • Quintessentially can bespokecustomersurveystoaidwithinsight, andproductdevelopment
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE PARTNERSHIP TO BMW? • Ourexceptional team ofaccount managers alreadylookaftersomeoftheworldstopcelebrities, sportsstars, actors, CEO’sandEntrepreneurs. Weconductmemberprofilingtoensureweofferthem a trulybespoke/tailoredservice • World classsophisticated CRM software basedonSalesforce– no matterwhereourmembers are globally, our global centralisedsystemallowsustoprovideseamless, exceptionalcustomerservice. Throughthisplatform, Quintessentially can support BMW in betterunderstandingtheirclient base • Customerserviceisparamounttous–itiswhatourreputationisbuiltupon–andwealwayscommitthe time andeffortnecessarytoprovide a solution Global leader in providingconciergeserviceswithover 10 yearsexperience in dealingwith Ultra High Net WorthIndividuals Partnering a global organisation, Quintessentially has a networkofover 62 officesworldwide–Thisnetworkensuresexceptional local accesswherever a memberis in theworld Over 10 yearsofbuilding personal relationshipswiththeworlds best suppliers–over 35,000 suppliersworldwidewho are the best in theirfields Theseventuresallowourcorporatepartnerstoenhancetheirservicetotheirtopclients. Ourpartnershipsprovideanexceptionalpointofdifference. Weprovideclientswithspecificneeds, thesolutionstheyrequire at therightlevelofdelivery
QUINTESSENTIALLY fOR BMW A keyfocusonthispartnershipisforQuintessentiallyto drive ourmemberstowardthe BMW brand. Wesuggestthatwelook at someofthefollowingwaystoachievethis: Provide exclusive benefitsforQuintessentiallymemberstoenhance sales and drive newclientacquisition Have BMW as a preferentialsupplierforourmembersworldwide Bespokecustomeracquisitioninitiativesfor BMW utilisingourmembership base alongwithourotherdistributionchannelssuch as ourcorporatepartners Partnershipopportunities: Cross promotionopportunitiesthroughQuintessentiallyeventssuch as theQuintessentiallyAwards 2012 (UK and Asia), Film premieres, London Fashion Week, Cannes Film Festival, Quintessentially Wimbledon Lounge, QuintessentiallySummer Party, Monaco Grand Prix etc. Bespoke co-brandedevents Quintessentiallywouldlooktocreate exclusive eveningsoreventsforourmemberswithinthenewflagship store openings– particular focusonnewLondon store Advertisingand editorial featureswithinQuintessentially Magazine andNewsletters, Quintessentially.com, Q Insider, ELEQT Theopportunitytofeature/advertise in Quintessentially Publishing titles, Quintessentially Reserve/Pure/Living
QUINTESSENTIALLY GIfTS: THE fUTUREOf PERSONAL SHOPPING QuintessentiallyGiftsistheluxurygiftingandshoppingserviceassociatedwithQuintessentially’sconciergeservice. Wedon’t do ‘Easy’ –ourclientsexpectthe best andwedeliver. QuintessentiallyGiftsprovidesitsclientswith: Personalisedgiftrecommendations. Personal styling in fashion capitalsacrosstheworld. Personal shopping/errands. Access tohardtofind, waitlistedoruniqueitems. Hermes servicespecialising in locatingdifficult Hermes pieces. Facilitationofpurchases–i.e. exportinggoodstoclients as needed. WewouldenvisageQuintessentiallyGiftsand BMW workingverycloselytogetheron: Gettingourmembersaccessto exclusive products, Fashion Shows etc Creatingunique in-store/clienteventswith a keyfocusonthe APAC region E-Commerceopportunities
QUINTESSENTIALLY EVENTS Quintessentiallyeventsis a multiaward-winninginternationaleventcompany Voted in theTop 5 UK agencies at theEventIndustryAwardsforthelast 3 years Recommended in Tatler’s ‘TheUltimate Party Guide’ andrecentlynamed as oneoftheir ‘Party Planning Superstars’ (Dec 2011 issue) Solerecommended party planners in Vogue’s ‘SecretAddressBook’ Highlycreative, efficientandpassionate team Uniqueandunrivalledunderstandingoftheluxury arena Diverserangeofclientsandprojectsfromglitteringstar-studdedoccasionstointimatecelebrations OuramazingcontactswithintheQuintessentially Group anditsassociatedpartnersgivesustheabilitytoofferunbeatablevalueformoney. Ourpositionpresentsuswith a steadystreamofexcitingopportunitiesandaccesstotheotherwiseinaccessiblearoundtheworld. QuintessentiallyEventscouldworkwith BMW tocreatebrandedeventssuch as: PressEvents Fashion shows VIP Eveningforcustomers
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIP TO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
QUINTESSENTIALLYpara BMW Se busca desarrollar una plataforma de servicios única que genere valor a los clientes de BMW y represente un diferenciador determinante dentro de la industria
ECONÓMICOS Precios en USD y no incluyen IVA
CONTENTS WhatIsQuintessentially? QuintessentiallyFor BMW Whatisthepropositionto BMW? Quintessentiallyand BMW –WorkingTogether Whatare theBenefitsofthePartnershipto BMW? Whatare theBenefitsofthePartnershiptoQuintessentially Summary NextSteps
WHAT IS QUINTESSENTIALLY? Theworld’sleadingluxurylifestylegroup Foundedin the UK in 2000 as a privatemembers club andconciergeservice Available24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a yearofferingfull lifevstylemanagementsupport Physicaloffices in c. 60 citiesworldwide Theonlytrulylocalised global conciergeservice in theworld Great insightintothelivesofhighnetworthindividuals QuintessentiallyGroup encompassesc. 32 sistercompanies Quintessentiallycoverover 35 languages
WHAT IS THE PROPOSITION TO BMW? Quintessentiallyproposestocreate a bespokeconciergeprogramfor BMW’stoptierclientsacrosstheworldforalltheirlifestylemanagementneeds–thisconcept can takemanyforms; Quintessentiallywillworkwiththe BMW’sMarketing team tobetterservetheirclients by offering a worldclass, 24/7/365 Lifestyle Management Solutionwithmulti lingual capabilitiesandlocalisedknowledge; Quintessentiallywillsupport BMW in keygrowthterritorieswith a specificfocusontheAsianmarkets, perhapslooking at a travel club aimed at affluentChineseconsumers; Quintessentiallywillcreate a multilayeredpartnershipwith BMW, helpingthemachievetheircorporateaimsthroughnumerousintroductionstocurrentbrandpartners, eventsand marketing opportunitiesandourownsisterbusinesses. Weunderstandyourbrand culture –Britishness.
QUINTESSENTIALLY FOR BMW We are a goal-orientedbusinessbuilton personal relationshipsandallourpartnersshareourvisiontodeliver a uniqueservicetailoredtoanyclient’sneeds. Quintessentiallyaimstocreate long termandmutually beneficial partnerships, someofwhich are highlightedabove. We are a goal-orientedbusinessbuilton personal relationshipsandallourpartnersshareourvisiontodeliver a uniqueservicetailoredtoanyclient’sneeds. Quintessentiallyaimstocreate long termandmutually beneficial partnerships, someofwhich are highlightedabove.
QUINTESSENTIALLY fOR BMW A keyfocusonthispartnershipisforQuintessentiallyto drive ourmemberstowardthe BMW brand. Wesuggestthatwelook at someofthefollowingwaystoachievethis: Provide exclusive benefitsforQuintessentiallymemberstoenhance sales and drive newclientacquisition Have BMW as a preferentialsupplierforourmembersworldwide Bespokecustomeracquisitioninitiativesfor BMW utilisingourmembership base alongwithourotherdistributionchannelssuch as ourcorporatepartners Partnershipopportunities: Cross promotionopportunitiesthroughQuintessentiallyeventssuch as theQuintessentiallyAwards 2012 (UK and Asia), Film premieres, London Fashion Week, Cannes Film Festival, Quintessentially Wimbledon Lounge, QuintessentiallySummer Party, Monaco Grand Prix etc. Bespoke co-brandedevents Quintessentiallywouldlooktocreate exclusive eveningsoreventsforourmemberswithinthenewflagship store openings– particular focusonnewLondon store Advertisingand editorial featureswithinQuintessentially Magazine andNewsletters, Quintessentially.com, Q Insider, ELEQT Theopportunitytofeature/advertise in Quintessentially Publishing titles, Quintessentially Reserve/Pure/Living
QUINTESSENTIALLY AND BMW’S TARGET CONSUMER MenandWomen, 60/40 split, Ages 30– 50 Global CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, High Net Worth, Celebrities, Sports Stars, in media orarts OpinionLeader, Time Poor, Global Reach Urban, Cosmopolitan, Sociable andConnected China, Russia, EU, Middle East, Americas BMW Ambassador, TomChaplin, Keane “My Membershipis a fantastichelptome, andtheservice has beenofgreat use – andgreatfuntoo!”
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIP TO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
QUINTESSENTIALLY AND BMW’S TARGET CONSUMER MenandWomen, 60/40 split, Ages 30– 50 Global CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, High Net Worth, Celebrities, Sports Stars, in media orarts OpinionLeader, Time Poor, Global Reach Urban, Cosmopolitan, Sociable andConnected China, Russia, EU, Middle East, Americas BMW Ambassador, TomChaplin, Keane “My Membershipis a fantastichelptome, andtheservice has beenofgreat use – andgreatfuntoo!”
QUINTESSENTIALLY FOR BMW We are a goal-orientedbusinessbuilton personal relationshipsandallourpartnersshareourvisiontodeliver a uniqueservicetailoredtoanyclient’sneeds. “Quintessentially Jaguar has reallyhelpedboth capture andcomplementJaguar’sstrategicdirectionandhelpeddeliverittoourcustomers. Quintessentially has beenparamount in developingthisnewinitiative, introducingmyselfand Jaguar tomanyofQuintessentially’snetworkofotherLuxurybrands, media connectionsandhighnetworthindividualsandVIP’s. I wouldhappilyrecommendQuintessentially as a service, whonotonlydeliverthemostdedicatedserviceofConciergegloballybutalsohavesuchconnections in thecorporateworldthatcouldhopefullybenefityourbrand as theyhavebeendoingwith Jaguar”. Deborah Laurent - Jaguar’s Brand Partnership Manager
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIP TO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
QUINTESSENTIALLY FOR BMW We are a goal-orientedbusinessbuilton personal relationshipsandallourpartnersshareourvisiontodeliver a uniqueservicetailoredtoanyclient’sneeds. “Quintessentially Jaguar has reallyhelpedboth capture andcomplementJaguar’sstrategicdirectionandhelpeddeliverittoourcustomers. Quintessentially has beenparamount in developingthisnewinitiative, introducingmyselfand Jaguar tomanyofQuintessentially’snetworkofotherLuxurybrands, media connectionsandhighnetworthindividualsandVIP’s. I wouldhappilyrecommendQuintessentially as a service, whonotonlydeliverthemostdedicatedserviceofConciergegloballybutalsohavesuchconnections in thecorporateworldthatcouldhopefullybenefityourbrand as theyhavebeendoingwith Jaguar”. Deborah Laurent - Jaguar’s Brand Partnership Manager
QUINTESSENTIALLY FOR BMW We are a goal-orientedbusinessbuilton personal relationshipsandallourpartnersshareourvisiontodeliver a uniqueservicetailoredtoanyclient’sneeds. Quintessentiallyaimstocreate long termandmutually beneficial partnerships, someofwhich are highlightedabove. Quintessentiallywillcreate a multilayeredpartnershipwith BMW, helpingthemachievetheircorporateaimsthroughnumerousintroductionstocurrentbrandpartners, eventsand marketing opportunitiesandourownsisterbusinesses. Weunderstandyourbrand culture –Britishness. Quintessentially can conductmarketresearchand data capture toevaluateconsumertrends / opinionsof BMW’ topclients. This data wouldprove invaluable in providingconsumerinsightforfuture marketing strategiesandproductdevelopment.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIP TO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIP TO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIP TO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIPTO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OFTHE PARTNERSHIPTO QUINTESSENTIALLY? Partneringwith a global leader in fashion Associationwith a leadingBritishbrand–BriTishness Access tonewclientsandemergingwealth Abilitytogrowthepartnershipintonewterritoriesforbothbrands PartnershipandsponsorshipopportunitiesonnewQuintessentiallyevents Introductionstosomeof BMW’ currentpartners Partnershiponcharity