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Butterworth Gospel Hall Returning to the Old Path I. of Biblical Worship A. Worship in Scripture (5 th June, 2011) B. Worship and the Lord ’ s Supper (12 th June, 2011) II. of Biblical Headship. The Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Divine Persons,
Butterworth Gospel Hall Returning to the Old Path I. of Biblical WorshipA. Worship in Scripture (5th June, 2011)B. Worship and the Lord’s Supper (12th June, 2011)II. of Biblical Headship • The Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Divine Persons, • and of Men and Women in Creation, Home and Church Order. • 16th October, 2011 Part 1 – Headship in Divine Order 23rd October, 2011 Part 2 – Headship in Creation Order
Study 2 Part 2B. The Headship of Man or the head of the woman is the man; I Cor. 11:3b 1. In creation Order Summary of Study 2 Part 1 I. The Rights in Divine Headship. I Cor. 11:3; 14:40 II. THE Roles and responsibilities of DIVINE Headship. A. The Headship of God or the Head of Christ is God. I Cor. 11:3c, NRV 1. Christ is Sovereign with God (His Divinity). 2. Christ is Subject to God (His Humanity)
A. The Headship of God - the head of Christ is God.B. The Headship of Man or Man is the Head of the Woman 1. The Rights of Man and Woman in Creation. Gen. 1 a. Or the Headship of “Man”before the Fall as expounded in Gen. 1:26-28 • The Headship of “Man” (i.e. the Equality of Man and Woman ) Stated. • God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over …every …thing ….upon the earth. I Cor. 11:3b the head of the woman is the man
1. The Rights of Man and Woman in Creation. Gen. 1Or the Headship of “Man”before the Fall as expounded in Gen. 1:26-28 i. His creation involved the Triune God personally. ii. He was created to bear the Triune God's image. iii. “Man” was male and female. iv. Both were appointed head over God's creation "Let Us make man.”1:26 ct. 24 "in Our image, after Our likeness” 1:26 "So God created man in His own image”1:27 "in the image of God created Hehim”1:27 "male and female created He them.”1:27 "let themhave dominion over...”“…subdue it: and have dominion over…”1:26, 28
B. The Headship of Man or Man is the Head of the Woman - the head of the woman is the man; I Cor. 11:3b1. The Rights of Man and Woman in Creation. Gen. 1 2. The Role of Man's Headship in Creation Order. Heb. 2:5-8 • The Headship of Man (over Woman) Hinted. The Woman in Man. Gen. 5:2 cf. I Cor.12:12"Male and female created He them...and called their name Adam (Man)" Ct. 1:27 • The Image in Man (and Woman) individually (not collectively.) Gen. 5:3 "And Adam... begot a son in his own likeness, after his image..." i. The Woman was created from Adam's rib to play a "Different" Role. Gen. 2:21 • God could have created Eve at the same time as Adam, i.e. man and woman together. • God could have created Eve in the same way as Adam, i.e. from the dust of the earth. Gen. 2:7 • God could have created Eve the same as Adam, i.e. with the same physical features. 6 But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. Cf. Psa. 8:4-6 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
1. The Rights of Man and Woman in Creation. Gen. 1 a. Or the Headship of “Man”before the Fall in Gen. 1:26-28 2. The Role of Man's Headship in Creation Order. Gen. 2b. Or the Headship of Man before the Fall in Gen. 2:18-25 i. The Woman was created from Adam's rib to play a "Different" Role. Gen. 2:21 ii. The Woman was the Man's Help fit for him to play a Complement Role. Gen. 2:18 • She alone was Suitable to meet Adam's loneliness. Gen. 2:18 • She alone was Suitable to meet Adam's "nature". Gen. 2:18 ct. 20 • She alone was Suitable to be "one flesh" with Adam. Gen. 2:23, 24 iii. The Woman was the Man's Help to play a Subordinate (Assistant) Role. Gen. 2:18, NIV "helper" • The Woman was created to help the man, not the reverse. • The Man is the Woman's equal, but her Head. • The Woman is the Man's equal, but his Helper. 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 19 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; 20 but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
i. The Woman was created from Adam's rib to play a "Different" Role. Gen. 2:21ii. The Woman was the Man's Help fit for him to play a Complement Role. Gen. 2:18iii. And his “Assistant” to help him in his Headship Role. iv. The Woman was named by Man in acknowledgment of her Inherent Role. Gen. 2:23 ct. 2:19, 20 • He "Defined" her for himself. (Not God) . Gen. 2:23, - "she shall be called Woman" cf. 2:19, 20 • He Distinguished her from him. Gen. 2:23b - "Man", Woman" • He "Discovered" (Identified) her in him. Gen. 2:23 - "bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh" • He would Depart from his parents for her. Gen. 2:24 - "he shall leave...he shall cleave..." Note the paradox in the Creation account: • Chapter 1 teaches the Equality of the sexes as God's image -bearers and vice-rulers on the earth; Chapter 2 makes the male the Head, and the female the Helper. Thus, a partnership of "equals" with man playing the role of the primary head to lead the partnership in a God-glorifying direction. Male Headship and Leadership is wedded to Female Help to establish a God-Glorifying Partnership.
The Headship of “Man”a. before the Fall as expounded in Gen. 1:26-28b. before the Fall as expounded in Gen. 2:18-25 c. The Headship of Man during and after the Fall. Gen. ch. 3 i. Eve usurped Adam's Authority and led the way into Sin. • Eve Acted as Head and was deceived. Gen. 3:6b - she took the fruit...did eat...and gave also... Cf. I Tim. 2:14 - the woman being deceived was in the transgression. • Adam Abandoned his responsibility as Head. Gen. 3:6b - her husband with her; and he did eat. Note: not "....her husband, who was with her, also took and did eat." but“…she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate.”NRSV
i. Eve usurped Adam's Authority and led the way into Sin. ii. Adam had to Answer for both their Sin, as God's Appointed Head. • Both sinned, but Adam was Searched out - God called unto Adam ...Where art thou? Gen. 3:9; I Tim. 2:14 • Both sinned, but Adam was Singled out - By one man sin entered into the world... Rom. 5:12-21
iii. God's Administration of Judgment on Eve and Adam. Gen. 3:16-19 • To EVE, (1) as mother, she will Suffer pain in childbirth. Gen. 3:16 • (2) as wife, she will Submit to her husband. • Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Gen. 3:16 (a) She will Help her Husband – thy desire shall be to thy husband, (b) He will be Her Head – and he shall rule over thee. • Thus, Redemption does not Redefine creation; it Restores creation, so that wives learn the role of godly submission and husbands learn the role of godly headship in an equal partnership of persons.
iii. God's Administration of Judgment on Eve and Adam. Gen. 3:16-19 To EVE… • To ADAM, (1) he will Suffer in working the ground, Sweat and eat bread. 3:17-19 Because thou has hearkened unto...thy wife Gen. 3:17a (2) Eve was not addressed in this way - no formal indictment. cf. 3:16. (3) He would die; but Eve was not told that, though she too would die. 3:19 cf. 2:15-17
Conclusion: • Adam accepted the punishment and "called his wife's name 'Eve', because she was the mother of all living" instead of blaming her for the punishment any more. (3:20) • Out of death and despair, there appeared faith and hope in living, as they faced life together with a better understanding of their roles of headship and subordination as decreed by God in creation and in the fall in a delightful fellowship of equality in personal worth as they set up home together, leading to the Role of Man’s Headship in Home Order (Part 4).
SUMMARYI. DIVINE HEADSHIP AND ORDER. I Cor. 11:3A. THE "RIGHTS" ("EQUALITY") OF DIVINE PERSONS. B. THE ROLES OF DIVINE PERSONS – 1. The Son’s Rights with the Father: 2. The Son’s Role under the Father: 3. The Son’s Responsibility as Man: • the head of Christ is God. I Cor. 11:3 cf. Phil. 2:5-8, NIV • Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, • but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, • He humbled Himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!
I. DIVINE HEADSHIP AND ORDER. I Cor. 11:3II. APPOINTED HEADSHIPS AND ORDER. I Cor. 11:3 (1) The Rights of Man and Woman in Creation. Gen. 1 (a) The Headship of Man before the Fall in Gen. 1:26-28 – Man and Women Equal. (2) The Role of Man's Headship in Creation Order. • The Headship of Man before the Fall in Gen. 2:18-25 – Man as Head, Woman as Help. • The Headship of Man during the FallGen. 3:1-15 - Man and Woman Irresponsible. • The Headship of Man after the Fall in Gen. 3:16-24 – Man and Woman Made Responsible:
Returning to the Old Path of Biblical Headship– Study II. • Part 1 – • Headship in Divine Order • The Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Divine Persons, • and of Men and Women in Creation and Redemption - • Home and Church Order. Part 2 – • Headship in Creation Order Part 3 – • Headship in Redemption Order
A. The Appointed Headships in Redemption Order. I Cor. 11:3a1. Between Christ and His Church.The head of every man is Christa. The Rights of Christ and His Church Stated. i. Heb. 2:10-13, 17, 18 ii. Gal. 4:6, 7 iii. Rom. 8:17 • “Brethren” - both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one (2:14) – cf. Mt. 12:48-50 • "Sons" with an inheritance to Share – cf. Jn. 1:12 • "Heirs and Joint-heirs" to Suffer and to be Glorified with Him. cf. Gal. 3:29
A. THE APPOINTED HEADSHIP IN REDEMPTION ORDER 1. Between Christ and His Church.a. The Rights of Christ and His Church Stated. • I Cor. 3:23 • Jn. 13:13, 14 • Mt. 23:8, 10 • And ye are Christ's. Cf. Gal. 3:29a • Ye call Me Master and Lord...for so I am. Cf. Lk. 6:46 • For One is your Master, even Christ. (all ye are brethren, 23:8) b. The Roles of Christ and His Church Stressed. Thus: The Rights: We are children of God, heirs and joint-heirs with Christ – His Brethren. The Roles: Christ is Head, Master and Lord of us all – His Body.
A. The Appointed Headships in Redemption Order (Pt. 3) 1. Between Christ and His Church.2. Between Man and Woman. a. The Rights of Man and Woman in Redemption Order – all are equal. Gal. 3:26-28 i. All are children[huios = lit. sons]of God. Gal. 3:26;Eph. 1:5 • To those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children [teknon = a child] of God. Jn. 1:12, NIV • See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children [teknon] of God; I Jn. 3:1, NRSV • How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! I Jn. 3:1, NIV, NRSV; cf. Rom. 8:14 (huios), 16, 17 (teknon)
2. Between Man and Woman in Redemption Order a. The Rights of Man and Woman in Redemption Order . Gal. 3:26; I Jn. 3:1 viii. All are Christ's. Gal. 3:29 • i. All are children [lit. sons] of God • ii. All are of the Same Status - no male or female. • iii. All are of the Seed of Abraham. • iv. All have faith in Christ. • v. All have been baptized into Christ. • vi. All have put on Christ. • vii. All are one in Christ • Gal. 3:26; I Jn. 3:1 • Gal. 3:28 • Gal. 3:29 • Gal. 3:26 • Gal. 3:27 • Gal. 3:27 • Gal. 3:28
Ask for the Old Paths Visit: www.berita-bethel-ung.com for notes and review.