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Sergeant-at-Arms Roles and Responsibilities

Sergeant-at-Arms Roles and Responsibilities. Rotary International District 9790. History of the Office.

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Sergeant-at-Arms Roles and Responsibilities

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  1. Sergeant-at-ArmsRoles and Responsibilities Rotary International District 9790

  2. History of the Office • "The actual title of Serjeant at Arms, however, is not met with until the days of the Crusades when Philip the August, King of France, instituted a special corps to guard his person in the Holy land in 1192. Men-at-arms, of course, were common enough in all armies of the time, but Philip's escort - being Cavaliers, or gentlemen - were styled sergents d' Armes to distinguish them from the lower orders, and whenever they appeared in public they did so encased from head to foot in armour.” The Officers of the Commons 1363-1978, Philip Marsden, HMSO

  3. THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING • Greet members • Badges • 5 minute warning • Seating • Call to order • The meal

  4. The Weekly Meeting (cont) • Late arrivals • Song books • Maintain order • Early departures • Fines Session • Farewell to guests

  5. TWO OTHER IMPORTANT ROLES • Induction of a new member • Changeover dinner

  6. IN SUMMARY • THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: - • Helps maintain orderly and effective Rotary club meetings • Works to prevent any occurrences that might detract from the dignity or prestige of the club

  7. Conclusion • Your success as sergeant-at-arms will depend not only upon how well you meet your responsibilities from week to week throughout the year but also on how well you plan your work now • Most important and satisfying of all, this job will provide you with many real opportunities for friendly service to your club - its members, officers, and guests.

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