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WBA Restructure

WBA Restructure. Should we or shouldn’t we?. Why are we proposing change?. WBA is now a $300,000 p/a business currently being run and directed by a volunteer committee that meets monthly.

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WBA Restructure

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  1. WBA Restructure Should we or shouldn’t we?

  2. Why are we proposing change? • WBA is now a $300,000 p/a business currently being run and directed by a volunteer committee that meets monthly. • WBA now has 1 full time and two part time employees along with a professional contracted coach on the books. These positions all require a professional management structure that provides not only direction but also secure funding streams. • Obtaining volunteers with the right skill set to be able to run WBA professionally is also getting harder and harder. Our current mix of volunteers are all passionate about the sport, however it is the increased time and energy that must be invested now that is stretching and burning out this volunteer resource. • WBA also requires a mix of highly skilled people with some sound business and financial acumen to continue successfully under its current structure. With committees being a volunteer basis we have no guarantee that we can obtain these skills into the future.

  3. So what is the change? • WBA is proposing to change from our current volunteer management committee to a Board of Governance (Possibly 5 + 2). • The board members would be appointed at the AGM by the stakeholders and usually are appointed to a minimum 2 year term. • The board once elected then would look to seek out 2 independent board members. The idea behind independent board members is to bring external professional skills to the table and also to make sure there is a good balanced and fair board mix. • The board would then look to employ a CEO to implement and drive not only the day to day operations but also to achieve and focus on the long term strategic plan that would be made up of measurable short term and long term goals put in place by the board.

  4. What is the roll of the board? • Sets strategic direction and priorities in place • Sets all policy and management performance expectations in place • Characterises assessors and managers all risk that could affect the association • Monitors and evaluates the organisational achievements in order to exercise its accountability to the organisation and stakeholders. • The key note here is that the boards roll is to govern the Association and provide direction and leadership. The Boards roll is not to manage the Association and or the implementation of these goals. Management and implementation is the roll of the appointed CEO. Also note Board members can be on sub committees however they must not confuse the two rolls together, all committees and the management activities they may undertake are at the direction of the CEO and are answerable to the CEO directly.

  5. What is the roll of the CEO? • The CEO’s roll is to Manage all of the operations of the Association. • To manage the day to day financial management of the Association. • To manage all of the of the Staff and or contractors that may be employed / contracted by the Association. To form and manage key external and internal relationships with Clubs / RSO’s / NSO’s that may contribute to these positions. (e.g. Sport Waikato). • To implement and manage the strategic directions given by the board and also in the order of priority set out by the board. • To delegate / manage and set up all sub committees and to provide guidance and direction to them to fulfil the boards goals. These sub committees report back to the CEO only. • Further examples of the CEO’s roll and performance indicators would be: To secure and increase funding sources from not only charitable gaming but also external commercial sponsorships. To increase hall revenue and usage through hall hire and signage.

  6. What can stakeholders expect if the change happens? • Better service / communication / funding and results to its stakeholders. • A focused direction and path that has measured and manageable results easily monitored and reviewed by stakeholders. • Better long term and medium term planning with a more strategic approach for future proofing the Association. • More help and resources available to all stake holders • Ultimately a more professional organisation that self funds itself so that it can lesson the burden on the stakeholders.

  7. How do we afford it? • Under the current financial structure and from within our current budget it is our belief that we can trim costs and maybe restructure some positions to cover a reasonable portion of this new position (Estimate 15-20 hours per week in trimming or restructuring on expenses). • Also one of the key performance indicators and job rolls of the CEO will be to self fund there own position within the Association. (So that would mean 20-25 hours more would be required to cover a full time position) • I also believe that there are options around what potential mix is created (Based on suitable applicants). Options could be start the position off at a 20 hour a week position or a 30 hour a week position. • The current administration wages would be reduced with a new CEO position as a lot of this job would be covered within the CEO’s role. Depending on the accounts capabilities of the applicant would depend just how much of the administration wages could be cut in total. • Other potential saving areas could be to reduce our current coaching budget. If the potential applicant was capable of doing some coaching we could shift some of this budget to full a 40hour a week position.

  8. What are the risks? • That the new CEO is not able to secure extra funding to cover the added costs of their position. This would mean that WBA would have to absorb the costs financially for one year. • Change….. new systems and new directions need support from all stakeholders. • Letting go….. Trusting the CEO to implement the plans and goals set out by the board

  9. Where to from here? • I would like everyone now to give us a little indication on how they believe they would vote at the AGM if the Remit was put forward by WBA. • If it is to pass at the AGM the committee elected during the meeting will be a temporary committee charged with setting up the restructure to a Governance Board.

  10. Potential Structure

  11. “People or organisations that fail to plan, plan to fail…..”Thank you for your attendance tonight

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