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Stave 0 and QA plan

Stave 0 and QA plan. D. Ferrère, A. La Rossa, Y Takubo. UniGe-UniBe meeting, February 10 th 2012. Module reception tests for Stave-0. First discussion with our CERN colleagues took place on Jan. 24 : Module distributed between UniGe and CERN

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Stave 0 and QA plan

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  1. Stave 0 and QA plan D. Ferrère, A. La Rossa, Y Takubo UniGe-UniBe meeting, February 10th 2012

  2. Module reception tests for Stave-0 • First discussion with our CERN colleagues took place on Jan. 24 : • Module distributed between UniGe and CERN • First batches should be tested on both locations and both setups (USBPix and RCE) • Full calibration for first batch but investigate use of production calibration for production run (USBPix: full day per module, RCE: ~4 hours per module) • Define final list of reception test that allow to monitor all mechanical stress and other transport critical issues • UniGe equipped with: • USBPix system which allows to test only 1-chip module (requested other 3 for having two system for 2-chip module tests) • ATCA crate and RCE system which allows half-stave tests (system commissioned with 1-chip sample on PCB) • Test plan: • Test 40 planar (double chips) and 20 3D (single chip) modules • We don’t know when the modules will be delivered • Plan is to test in a reasonable time all the modules needed for the 1st stave • Test procedure and time per module not estimated yet but could be ~2h • RCE can run faster and with 8 times more modules

  3. Few pictures form SR1 Detailed description available at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/IBLSr1Setup

  4. Commissioning of UniGe RCE system + USBPix Single Chip Card HSIO interface card High speed I/O Virtex4 board ATCA crate and RCE cards USBPix test system Analog_scan result Thanks to Martin/ SLAC

  5. Schematic for half-Stave QA Alesandro & Yosuke EoS Half-Stave 16x2 AWG28 Cu To PC01 Data Type-1 Readout Interface ATCA RCE crate 16 16x2 AWG28 Cu HSIO Cmd/Clk Ethernet 16 4x2 Twisted pairs NI-6009 8 channels ADC system To PC02 Sub-D 15 NTC USB 4 4 To PC02 ISEG HV 8 channels Power supply HV 4 4 VME-crate CAM bus TTi LV Power supply LV 4 4 LV_sense TTi LV Power supply 4 4

  6. Other test equipments in Geneva • CMM – Mitutoyo: Trainning with dummy stave for mechanical probe and vision system foreseen ~mid-March • Climate chamber: Delivered on Jan 7th . Commissioning & training with Company on Feb 21st • Dry cabinet with controlled RH for 1.5m long stave: delivered & operational • CO2 plant: under cabling at UniGe with support from CERN (Jan, Lukazs and Baart) • Stave test box: Not made yet but it is foreseen a Styrofoam box with cover and feed-through • LV and HV power supplies: ordered and partly delivered. HV Iseg identical to tsrip Upgrade • DCS readout with NI6009 USB system: Already in use for strip Upgrade. DCS readout – NI6009 (home made) Climate Chamber CO2 plant under cabling

  7. Dry storage cabinet Delivered end of 2011! • Features: • Could store ~30 staves on 5 sliding shelves • RH controlled and < 3% • ESD paint + ESD mat added • Recommended for stave storage (bare or loaded one) 7

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