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MATTER. b y Felicia West. Table of Content. Introduction Materials Objectives Assessment Resources. Get Ready to Explore Matter. Click on the arrow to move forward. Click on the title to go back to the table of content. Materials. You will create a KWL Chart.

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  1. MATTER by Felicia West

  2. Table of Content Introduction Materials Objectives Assessment Resources

  3. Get Ready to Explore Matter Click on the arrow to move forward. Click on the title to go back to the table of content.

  4. Materials • You will create a KWL Chart. • Take a sheet paper and divide it into three sections, complete part one and two and write your response on the sheet.

  5. KWL Chart

  6. Materials You will create a concept map of the major terms in this unit. Look at the example below.

  7. OBJECTIVES Describe properties of matter Classify matter Describe states of matter

  8. Matter Matter is everywhere Look up Look down

  9. Matter Turn around Clap your hand and tap your feet What do you see? Matter

  10. Vocabulary Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space

  11. Vocabulary Substances: is a kind of matter that is pure, it always has a specific makeup or composition (salt is an example). Observe the two salted pretzels.

  12. Matter can be classified into two properties, physical and chemical property.

  13. PhysicalProperty Physical property is a substance that can be observed and measured without changing the composition of matter. Look at this picture, you can change the color, and shape, this is a physical change.

  14. PhysicalProperty Some physical property features include there appearance, like color, texture, temperature, shape, size, volume, density and weight.

  15. Lookatthe popsicles below Can you describe its properties?

  16. Chemical Property A chemical property is a substance that can change into a different substance. An example is jewelry.

  17. Chemical property Have you ever purchase some sterling silver jewelry, such as earrings or a necklace? Did the color change in a few weeks? Silver reacts with sulfur in the air to form a tarnish.

  18. Chemical property Observe the gate below, can you describe its properties?

  19. Chemical Property Another example of a chemical change is fire.

  20. Chemical Property Have you observed an individual using a charcoal grill?

  21. Chemical Property Charcoal briquettes are used outside for grilling food such as hot dogs or hamburgers.

  22. Chemical Property Charcoal is fuel and can ignite. When the fire burns, it combine with oxygen in the air and change into substances water and carbon dioxide.

  23. Classifying Matter What is matter made of ? It is made of approximately 100 or more elements.

  24. Classifying Matter What is an element? A substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means. It may be identified by one or two letter symbols.

  25. Classifying Matter Some of the most common elements are the following: Na=sodium (salt) Ca=calcium ( think about milk) H2O=water

  26. Classifying Matter More elements Au=gold

  27. What is an atom? A atom is the basic particle from which all elements are made of? Oxygen Chemical bond: form when atoms combine element. When this occur it create a larger particles called molecules. O O

  28. Matter is made of small Atoms and Molecules O WATER Click on the small O above

  29. Classifying Matter A compound is a substance made of two or more elements that are chemically combined in a set ratio. Example of compounds: water, ammonia, and carbon dioxide.

  30. What is a mixture? A mixture contain two or more substances that are together in the same place but their atoms are not chemically bonded.

  31. MIX IT UP Heterogeneous Homogeneous You can see the mixture, such as a salad. You can not see the mixture, such as ketchup.

  32. Mixtures Solution is a mixture in which one substance is dissolved in another. A solution can be described as a homogeneous mixture.

  33. Mixtures Mixtures can be classified as a solid, liquid, or gas

  34. Describe States of Matter A solid, liquid, and gas are the three states of matter.

  35. What is a solid? A state of matter that has a definite shape and a definite volume. Look at the sand, wood, and pencils.

  36. What is a liquid? A state of matter that has no definite shape but has a definite volume. The cola, syrup, and milk are liquids.

  37. What is a gas? A state of matter with no definite shape or volume. Think about steam from an iron, or helium in a balloon.

  38. Hooray You just completed the unit on matter. Now, you will complete the activities. • Complete the third part of the KWL Chart. • Draw and complete the concept map of the major terms in this unit.

  39. Concept Map

  40. 3. Participate in a simulation Use Internet Explorer Click on the link below, if it do not open, copy and paste it in the address bar. Click the sorter on the simulation to classify matter. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/9_10/science_9_10.shtml

  41. What did you learn? You should be able to described the properties the of matter, classify matter, and identify states of matter.

  42. What did you learn? Complete the third part on the KWL chart. Scan the KWL chart, concept map and e-mail it to west1fd@cmich.edu

  43. Get ready for the assessment Review all the slides, and click on the link below to take the test. There are 100 points possible for this test. It contain five short answers questions, 4 true and false, and one multiple choice. http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=chemistry_528

  44. Educators Please take the survey, click on the link below. http://www.proprofs.com/survey/t/?title=matter-powerpoint

  45. Resources http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/9_10/gases.shtml http://learningscience.org/ http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-28753_38684_28760---,00.html http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/?CTT=97 (Pearson Education Inc., 2011)

  46. Resources State Standards: P.P.M.E 1 Physical Properties: Students will understand that all objects and substances have physical properties that be measured. P.P.M.E 2. Students will compare and contrast the states of matter.

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