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Effective Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Strategies

Learn about different types of conflict, strategies, and tactics to resolve conflict positively, strengthen relationships, and prevent negative outcomes. Discover the importance of differentiation, escalation, and balance in conflict resolution for a healthier and more productive environment.

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Effective Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Strategies

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  1. Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Tamara Arrington, MA University of Kentucky & BCTCS

  2. CONFLICT What do you think of when you hear that word? Write down the first 5 words that come to mind.

  3. Is This What You Thought Of?

  4. POSITVE Air important issues New/creative ideas Release tension Strengthen relationships Assist in reevaluating goals Culture change Normal and healthy Prevents stagnation Increase creativity & innovation Positive learning experiences NEGATIVE Can spiral into frustration, tension, and more conflict Can harm trust Can create distance Can hurt identity Physical symptoms/illness Can lead to abuse and/or violence Can begin a spiral Were any of your words positive?

  5. There are a lot of ways to resolve conflicts. Some are more highly recommended than others.

  6. Interpersonal Conflict is… • An expressed struggle (both parties have to know a conflict exists – if not, it’s intrapersonal conflict) • Between at least two interdependent parties • Who perceive incompatible goals, scarce rewards, and/or interference from the other party in achieving their goals Hocker & Wilmot

  7. Conflict means… • I am an alive, thinking, and feeling HUMAN (and yet an ANIMAL) • I care about my job and the people I work with (I wouldn’t stick around and engage you in conflict if I didn’t) • I’m involved with the people I work with (and to some degree we need each other) • I “know” all about the great Social Exchanges of life – (pp=r-c) and the scarcity of rewards

  8. Two Main Types of Conflict • Substantive conflict – conflict that is focused on the issues and on disagreements about possible solutions • Affective conflict – interpersonal conflict characterized by extreme frustration – highly correlated with how critical and punishing members are to each other and how unpleasant the emotional atmosphere in the group is. (“differention gone awry”)

  9. What we know about conflicts • Relationships become strained when group members disagree over important issues. • We tend to like people who agree with us and dislike people with whom we do not agree. • Strain is usually resolved by change in beliefs on an issue or change in the liking of another • We take the path of least resistance – the issue or the person (whichever is less important we will change) • Duration of tension can lead to decreased respect and increased hostility Differentiation & EscalationBalance Theory (Swensen, 1973)

  10. Our Reflexes Are Normal • If someone makes a comment that we perceive as hostile, we are most likely to respond with further hostile responses (tit for tat) • Evaluative comments can easily elicit defensive responses from us because they seem threatening to us • Because differentiation calls for evaluation, defensiveness is likely to develop. Leary, 1957; Gibb, 1961

  11. What Strengthens Our Commitment to Conflict? • I make my position public or restate it several times - thereby increasing my commitment to the position or behavior. • When my position is called into question (via new information or argument) I often intensify my stand in an effort to preserve my “good name” and self-image. • I may respond to criticism with a more extreme position than I originally held. • Public commitment can increase defensiveness, rigidity and inflexibility.

  12. What Boosts Anxiety? • An initial personalization of the conflict • The stress of acknowledging opposing stands • Hostile and emotional statements • Uncertainty about the outcomes • Heightened awareness of the consequences of not reaching a resolution

  13. We Are Resistant To Change! • Alfred Adler – we have consistent patterns of responses. This gives us our character and the guiding principles we use to make decisions. • Sometimes these principles clash with events. • Even worse, sometimes we fasten onto our orientations despite severe clashes with reality.

  14. Are you ready for help yet? “Oh God, this relationship is killing me!”

  15. How do we get to resolution? • Differentiation – raise issues, clarify positions and reasoning, acknowledge severity of those differences • Integration – acknowledge common ground, explore options, move toward a LIVEABLE solution Walton’s (1969) Two Phase Model

  16. Strategies vs. Tactics:What’s the Difference? • Strategy – conscious plan • Tactics – actions for carrying out the strategy • Style – consistent, specific orientation towards the conflict; unifies specific tactics into a coherent whole; “the way a person usually responds to conflict” ; it is relatively stable, but has the capacity to change.

  17. Dimensions of Conflict Styles • Assertiveness – attempts to satisfy concerns with respect to the issues • Cooperativeness – attempts to satisfy concerns of the other • Disclosiveness – degree to share information • Empowerment – degree to which they grant some control • Activeness – degree of involvement • Flexibility – movement one is willing to make

  18. Styles • Competing – active, concern for self, high involvement • Forcing – use power plays (superiority) • Contending – uses explanation and expression of sympathy • Avoiding – low concern for self & other, fear loss • Protecting – “shell”, low disclosure • Withdrawing – apologetic, address some • Smoothing – downplay differences, emphasize commonalities • Accomodating • Yielding – apathy, high flexibility, low activism • Conceding – firmer yielding • Compromising – NOT as good as some think! • Firm – limited flexibility of position • Flexible – less well-defined position • Problem-solving (a win-win approach)

  19. The Conflict Grid 9 ACCOMMODATION Disagreements are smoothed over so that harmony is maintained - one party gives into another. PROBLEM-SOLVING (Collaboration) A process used to assess several points of view and alternatives. Solutions involve meeting the minimum. 8 7 6 COMPROMISE Compromise, bargaining, & middle-ground positions are accepted. “Divide the pie,” win-win is not possible. Win lose would cause negative repercussions. 5 Concern for satisfying other parties 4 AVOIDANCE DENIAL Neutrality is maintained at all costs. Withdrawal from the situation relieves the necessity for dealing with conflict. COMPETITION Win-lose power struggles are fought out, decided by the powerful, or through arbitration 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Concern for results/production

  20. Selecting the Best Style for Managing Conflicts • Is this worth addressing? • How effective will this style likely be? • What responses will this likely provoke? (What is the conflict style of the other party?) • What are the consequences to the long-term relationship? • Is this ethical?

  21. What About Gender? • Less differences than you might think • More difference in what is expected of them in conflicts • Different standard of interpretation • Men – task; women – interpretation • Women are more likely to compete back, reinforcing the demand-withdraw cycle

  22. 7-Step Problem Solving Approach • Define your needs • Share your needs with the other person • Listen to the other person’s needs • Generate possible solutions • Evaluate the possible solutions and choose the best one • Implement the solution • Follow up the solution • REWARD & REINFORCE (the Arrington addition to the model) – why is this important? (Weider-Hatfield, 1981)

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