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Africa (8)

Africa (8). Mtra. Marcela Alvarez Pérez. 111,369 km 2 Campeche 51 833 Guerrero 63 794 3.7 mill. inhabitants. Oaxaca 3,866,280. GDP: 14/63/183 GDP PC 63/179/181. History. 1820: American Colonization Society First African Repbulic: 1847

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Africa (8)

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  1. Africa (8) Mtra. Marcela Alvarez Pérez

  2. 111,369 km2 • Campeche 51 833 • Guerrero 63 794 • 3.7 mill. inhabitants. • Oaxaca 3,866,280 • GDP: 14/63/183 • GDP PC 63/179/181

  3. History • 1820: American Colonization Society • First African Repbulic: 1847 • Based on American System: Constitutional republic • Executive, Legislative, Judiciary • Popular election; Two Rounds • American Liberian population 5%: dominant of economy and politics

  4. Colonialist approach: perceived themselves as the builders of Liberia civilization, education, religion to the natives, nation building • Political development: • One party system: 1877: True Whig Party (1878-1980) • Since 1890s weak formal opposition, just for the elections, with no continuity and just for a limited number of positions

  5. Liberia (1914-1935) • A few families in power distributed political positions months before the elections • Assimilation and modernization policies for the natives  political and civil rights for just a few • General dissatisfaction with the government • Corruption and bad administration • Popular Party: electoral frauds between 1915-35 • No real ideological differences • Natives not included  elite interest

  6. 19th century: decline in commerce and agriculture loans from Europe • Difficulty for payment income divided: internal revenue for the government, import tariffs to pay the debt • Recollection/administration on foreign hands: International Receivership • Danger of bankruptcy: more loans from Bank of British West Africa and attempts to get loans from the USA • Forced to introduce measures to stimulate commerce: revision of tariffs, opening of lands for investment

  7. Gradual improvement of the economy from 1923: foreign investment • Firestone Co. Invests in rubber production main employer in Liberia • Commercial balance always negative: few funds for government, continual debt payments no economic or social development

  8. Charles D.B. King (1920-1930) • 1927 most fraudulent elections in history: 234,000 votes,15,000 registered voters • Thomas J.R. Faulkner talks to the foreign press • Corruption and exploitation due to lack of salaries • Forced labor of natives in Fernando Po plantations

  9. Foreign intervention • Constant debt more foreing control from International Receivership, Bank of British West Africa and Firestone through US government por medio de gob. EEUU • Unfavorable economic, social and administrative conditions • US and Brittish press report on all this problems and critique the Liberian government • GB demands to the LoN an improvement or to place Liberian government under European control • King denies charges and the LoN sends a commission to investigate • Report:no slavery but forced labor for public works, private use and exportation; dissatisfyng relations with the natives • Reccomendation: place Liberia under “capable” white administration • USA suspension of relations until a reform program was enacted

  10. 1930: King renounces and Edwin Barclay (1930-1944) begins reform process in 1931 that could not be efficiently implemented • GB and USA refuse to recognize new administration and ask the LoN to transfer Liberian government to an International Governing Commission

  11. Liberia rejects the proposal: rendition of sovereignty and violation of their constitution • Asks assistance of the LoN: experts in economy, judiciary organization, public health and native administration General • Principles for Assistance Plan, September 27 1932: foreign specialists as provincial commissioners and a governmental advisor • Not clear how much power the main advisor would have • Problem with the payment of the experts. • Plan rejected and a new internal development plan is proposed land reforms = better relations with Firestone US accepts the plan in 1935 and GB in1936

  12. Office for Emergency ManagementOffice of War Information Domestic Operations Branch News Bureau

  13. William Tubman (1944-71) • More foreign investment, developing economy • Active role in international relations • Modernization and “stability” main rubber producer • Autocratic government • VP William Tolbert (1971-1980)

  14. April 12, 1980: Military Coup • Sgt. Samuel Doe and Krahn Tribe  Council of the People’s Redemption  Doe head of government from 1986 to 1990 • Repression to all opposition, favoritism towards Krahn ethnic group • Corruption, repression, reelections • Support from the US Cold War • Civil War 1989: • Rebel groups rise against Doe • Charles Taylor invades from Sierra Leone National Patriotic Front of Liberia • Doe overthrown in 1990 new factions

  15. Between 1989 y 1996 + 200,000 deaths and a million displaced • Blood Diamonds and illegal forestry funds to Sierra Leone • ECOWAS(Economic Community of West African States)  ECOMOG: multilateral armed force for intervention • 1993: UNOMIL to organize elections • Cease Fire and elections in 1997: National Patriotic Party wins with 75% votes (Taylor’s party) • 1999: Second Civil War • Liberians for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) from Guinea

  16. 2003: Taylor resigns control of just 1/3 of the country • UNMIL established to monitor peace • Special Court of Sierra Leone: accused for his collaboration with the RUF April 2012 guitly of 11 charges, including murder, rape and terrorism: sentenced to 50 years in prison

  17. 2005 Election: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, first woman President in Africa • Over 20 registered parties: bad organization, few capacities • Corruption perception index: 87 of 178 countries; 11 of 47 in sub-Saharan Africa • Global Corruption Barometer, 2010: 89% of the population declared to have to obtain a service • USAID and other programs: millions of dollars for social programs and peacekeeping: • 70% of the population works on subsistence agriculture • 85% of the population living under poverty line

  18. UNDP: over 250,000 deaths (1/14) • 1/3 Liberians displaced to neighboring countries • 51% under 18 — many orphans; 40% of children under 5 years with malnutrition • UN troops deployed: September 2012 UNMIL begins demobilization of military personnel in 3 phases (August 2012 to July 2015) augment police • Ruined economy, without basic infrastructure or services

  19. Carolyn Cole

  20. 1,100,000 Km2 • Aguascalientes, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas • 84,320,987 habs. (14/11) • GDP 14/81/183 • GDP PC 63/177/181

  21. Ethiopia • Zagwe Dinasty 1137-1270 Solomonic restoration • Monarchy central institution to unify the Amhara elite • Menelik II (1889-1913) • Orthodox church bound to the State: legitimacy in exchange for benefits—land concessions • + territorial expansion = ethnic diversity language and culture as domination tool • Calendar, religion, clothes,

  22. Power concentrated in the Amhara-Tigre group • A few noble families  armies for expansion and conquest  colonial approach and feudalism • Italy: Treaty of Wichale guns and recognition in exchange for territory Battle of Adwa 1896

  23. Menelik dies in 1913: vacuum of power political intrigue of the different factions of Ethiopian nobility  colonial powers eager to interfere: propaganda • Iyasu V 1913-1916 • Oposition bad domestic policy; closeness to Muslim population; FP supporting Germany and its allies

  24. Nobles, the Church and the Europeans conspire to depose him in September 1916 • His aunt Zawditu is crowned empress and Tafari Makonnen regent • Segmented society many social classes and groups • Slaves, peasants, intellectuals and merchants favored reforms, a strong central government and the Regent • Conservative group, most of the noble families and the high clergy constituted center of socio-cultural system, favored regional autonomy and empress Zauditu

  25. Regent extends his power over the public sector • Main promoter of economic and social change • Advantage of the LoN and collective security system joins the league in 1923 with the support of FR and IT • He asks IT, FR and GB for a port in one of their neighboring colonies • Rejection: more interested in keeping Ethioìa isolated • March 1930: the Empress dies and Tafari Makonen becomes Emperor Haile Sellassie I (“King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Lion conqueror of the tribe of Judah”) • Modernization of political system: written constitution, 1931 more power to the government and less to the nobility • Bicameral parliament selected by the emperor until the people “was in a position to choose”

  26. Few changes and little political development, no real or structural change • Strengthening of the Emperor and centralization constitution keeps absolute powers of the emperor and keeps privileged position of the nobles, just less power for them and the church • Characteristics of the empire: • Social separatism, cultural regionalism, ethnic superiority no real national integration • Few economic and social changes too limited to alter an essentially feudal economy and conservative society

  27. Foreign interventionism Tripartite Convention (1906): divided Ethiopia in 3 spheres of influence—GB, FR, IT • 1913-1919: Italy enacts program of mayor African colonization attempts to control red sea and make Ethiopia an exclusive sphere of influence • Treaty of Versailles prevents them to do it • Italy supports Ethiopia’s access to the LoN and signs a friendship and mediation agreement for 20 years • Justification for invasion: Wal Wal incident (1934)—160km from the unmarked border with Italian Somaliland • Troops clash and Ethiopia calls upon the friendship treaty • Italy rejects mediation and demands payment and recognition of Italian Sovereignty • FR and GB counsel Ethiopia to accept to avoid conflict • Haile Sellasie fears more expansionism and calls upon the LoN on December 14

  28. LoN: a committee analyzes the problem and proposes a commitment to place Ethiopia under international control to avoid placing the Italian colonies “at Risk” • October 2 1935: Mussolini orders the army to move and crosses the border without a war declaration

  29. LoN Assembly gathers on October 9limited economic sanctions in 4 separate (ineffective) embargoes to avoid offending Mussolini and pushing him towards Hitler • Mussolini orders the use of poison gas world demands to extend sanctions but FR and GB didn’t allow it. • Addis Ababa taken on May 6 1936: 5 years of Italian occupation and resistance from groups of patriots • Ethiopia on the news: becomes the symbol of anti- colonialism and arguments in favor of collective security

  30. 1941 Haile Selassie returns to a different Ethiopia • Resistance fighters expected rewards, and the nobility and others that collaborated with the Italians become a resistance

  31. 1955: constitutional changes popular election of the lower house of parliament • 1960 while abroad the army attempts a Military coup he keeps power but more political demands arise  more reforms to stop student movements by 1974 open revolts • Derg Military Committee deposes the Emperor and takes power from 1974-1987 • Lieutenant Coronel Mengistu Haile Mariam, leader of the Dergs, assumes power by himself from 1987-1991 • Military coups, armed movements • Droughts, hunger and refugees  Forced deportations • Red Terror  White Terror

  32. 1980s: hunger in Ethiopia affected over 8 million people 1 million dead • Insurrection started in 1989 USSR stops support to Ethiopian government Mengitsu’s end • Mengistu found guilty of genocide (in absentia) in 2006 • Transition government 1992 new constitution in 1994 Federal Republic • bicameral parliament • Symbolic presidency selected by the parliament • PM Meles Zenawi: 1991 until 2012 accusations of electoral fraud

  33. Madagascar • Presencia humana tardía: distintas hipótesis • Mestizaje en diversos grados: asiáticos y africanos negros • Todos los grupos étnicos características afroasiáticas en diversos grados, proporciones y formas • Mestizaje antiguo: desarrollo de caracteres originales

  34. Variedad de razas malgaches pero unidad lingüística clara emparentada con rama indonesia de lenguas malayo-polinesias • Técnicas tradicionales relacionadas con técnicas indonesias; otras costumbres de África • Situación geográfica: tampoco permite información definitiva • Más cerca de África pero no son pueblos navegantes • Indonesios navegantes expertos • fusión de elementos indonesios y africanos antes de llegar a Madagascar (posible) • Elemento africano posiblemente reforzado por la cercanía a África e importación de esclavos. • Migración lenta y extensa: no se puede poner fecha exacta a llegada de los primeros hombres

  35. Población primero en la costa; poca densidad: organización a escala familiar o familia ampliada • Suficientemente sólidos/numerosos para asimilar migraciones/aportaciones posteriores

  36. Poca presencia europea y árabe: piratería y trata de esclavos • Sakalavas: • Reinos con orígenes poco claros (clanes u organizaciones políticas con origen en un individuo) • Monopolio de superioridad técnica: armas de fuego y saqueo para establecer autoridad • Primeras unidades políticas en la costa • Dominación que se extiende aprox. 1/3 de la isla. • Reinos de la Costa Este • Costa menos propicia para cría de ganado o formación de unidades políticas grandes • Pescadores y piratas europeos

  37. Reinos de Merina • Mismos orígenes pero mayor proporción de tipos indonesios (aristocracia) • S. XVI: desarrollo de la utilización del hierro—superioridad técnica • S. XVII: primera organización del reino—monarquía absoluta y unidad del Estado: país de Merina. • Feudal, de carácter religioso-popular • Cultivo del arroz y fuerza militar • 1796: Nampoina reunifica el reino y anexa pequeños reinos vecinos • Sometimiento por diplomacia/fuerza, reconocimiento en toda la isla

  38. Radama II 1862: tratado con Francia lo reconoce como rey de Madagascar y reserva los “derechos de Francia” • Privilegio a compañía francesa • Oligarquía en contra del liberalismo y asesinan al rey • Sucesores reemplazan privilegios comerciales por tratados con GB, EEUU y FR • Organización tipo europeo sin abolir la costumbre totalmente; crea administración local, consejos de aldea y emancipa a los esclavos; reorganiza el ejército por temor a intervención francesa • Colonización: Francia no había abandonado pretensiones sobre Madagastcar—sólo evitado enfrentamiento con GB

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