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Journey to EXCELLENCE. Iowa Mentoring and Induction Model Session 3. Iowa State Education Association in partnership with the Iowa Department of Education July 2008. Session 3 Goals…. Welcome, Agenda, Update, Concerns, Parking Lot Ethics
Journey toEXCELLENCE Iowa Mentoring and Induction Model Session 3 Iowa State Education Association in partnership with the Iowa Department of Education July 2008
Session 3 Goals… • Welcome, Agenda, Update, Concerns, Parking Lot • Ethics • Module 2: A Continuum of Learning Focused Interaction • Role of Formative Assessment • Learning Project: ITS 6 Classroom Management • Data Collection Skills and Practice • Evidence vs. Opinion • Bias JtE Session 2Slide 3
Session 3 Goals… Module 3—Maximizing Time & Attention by Attending Fully Classroom Management Resources Closing and Next Steps JtE Session 3 Slide 2
Evaluations • Colors – When are classes taught • Classroom Management Tips • Learning Projects in the morning • Portfolios – Artifacts Electronic vs Folder
Ethics Standards Standard I: Conviction of crimes, sexual or other immoral conduct with or toward a student, and child and dependent adult abuse Standard II: Alcohol or drug abuse
Ethics Standards • Standard III: Misrepresentation, falsification of information • Standard IV: Misuse of public funds and property • Standard V: Violations of contractual obligations
Ethics Standards • Standard VI: Unethical practice toward other members of the profession, parents, students, and the community • Standard VII: Compliance with state law governing student loan obligations • Standard VIII: Incompetence
You need to have a discussion about ethics with your beginning educator Pick an area to discuss with your educator Why: • You are providing guidance and knowledge to your beginning educator • You are also giving them key advice and knowledge on your districts/community norms Document • Fill out a form to document your conversation
Ethics • Working alone with students • Student – Teacher Relationships • Driving students home • Testing for accountability • Using Technology • Professional Dress • Board of Educational Examiners Issues
What is the beginning educator working on? • Ethics • Processing the School Profile and Learning Project • Learning Project 6 • Electronic Portfolios • Classroom Management Resources and Tips • Parent Teacher Conferences • Organizing the Classroom for Learning
Ready, Set, Recall… • Number your paper 1 – 10 • Draw a line below #3 • Write 3 ideas for finding time to meet with your beginning educator • Stand up • You have 4 minutes to collect and share ideas with others in the room. JtE Session 2Slide 4
Your input on …….. • Teaching Environment Profile • Learning Project 1
Journey to Excellence Learning Projects… JtE Session 2Slide 19
Pacing of Learning Projects JtE Session 2Slide 21
Learning Projects for Beginning Educators Each project is primarily based on one Iowa Teaching Standard First Year - • ITS # 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management • ITS # 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction by researching student and school demographics • ITS # 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students • ITS # 8: Professional Responsibilities JtE Session 2Slide 22
Improving Student Achievement By Connecting InitiativesINDUCTION Focus Study Reflect Plan Apply JtE Session 2Slide 23
ITS 6: Classroom Management Learning Project JtE Session 2Slide 28
ITS 6 LEA Creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student. Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student behavior. Develops and implements classroom procedures and routines that support high expectations for student learning. Uses instructional time effectively to maximize student achievement. Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment. JtE Session 2Slide 29
LP Classroom Management Who? Mentor & Beginning Educator What? Design and implement a plan based on a selected criterion When? Fall 2009 How? Assess Needs—Plan—Implement—Evaluate Why? To increase the skills of the beginning educator in classroom management…(student achievement) JtE Session 2Slide 33
LP Classroom Management JtE Session 2Slide 34
Learning Project 6 • Step One – Assessing Needs • The beginning educator will discuss with the mentor school and district discipline policies and procedures. With the help of the mentor, the beginning educator will review A Framework to Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria (ITS Framework) pages 39-43 in order to select a criterion for the focus of your study. As a result of this review, the beginning educator in consultation with her/his mentor selects one criterion for the focus of this learning project. The beginning educator highlights his/her current levels of performance for that criterion in the Framework book. • (Activity) • Step Two - Planning • The beginning educator will develop a Learning-Focused Growth Plan to address the criterion using a learning-focused planning conversation. The mentor will work with the beginning educator to develop the plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus for growth, (2) how the beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3) implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5) assistance options. • The plan may include observing the mentor or other educators to learn how they practice the criterion that was selected. If needed, the mentor will identify articles on classroom management to read.Arrange for your mentor to later observe the class and take notes related to the selected criterion.
Activity Objective: Participants need to understand the components of each of the criterion • Table Groups • Look at your assigned Criterion (A – E) • On chart paper – bullet points the important components of that criterion that all should know about. • Pick a spokesperson
Learning Project 6 • Step One – Assessing Needs • The beginning educator will discuss with the mentor school and district discipline policies and procedures. With the help of the mentor, the beginning educator will review A Framework to Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria (ITS Framework) pages 39-43 in order to select a criterion for the focus of your study. As a result of this review, the beginning educator in consultation with her/his mentor selects one criterion for the focus of this learning project. The beginning educator highlights his/her current levels of performance for that criterion in the Framework book. • (Activity) • Step Two - Planning • The beginning educator will develop a Learning-Focused Growth Plan to address the criterion using a learning-focused planning conversation. The mentor will work with the beginning educator to develop the plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus for growth, (2) how the beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3) implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5) assistance options. • The plan may include observing the mentor or other educators to learn how they practice the criterion that was selected. If needed, the mentor will identify articles on classroom management to read.Arrange for your mentor to later observe the class and take notes related to the selected criterion.
Learning Project 6 Step Three - Implementing • The beginning educator will carry-out the plan. The beginning educator will use the Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learning's and questions as the plan is implemented. Please consult with your mentor as needs arise. • The mentor will observe classroom of the beginning educator for about 20 minutes, taking notes focusing on the criterion. This should not be on the first day you are executing the plan. Hold a brief pre-observation conference with your mentor prior to the visit to inform your mentor of plans and related issues.
Learning Project 6 • Step Four - Evaluating • Following the observation, the beginning teacher completes the ITS # 6Self-Reflection. • Then the beginning educator and mentor meet for a reflective conference. The mentor shares with the beginning educator notes from the observation. The beginning educator shares with the mentor the actions, results, the new learning's and new questions from implementing the plan. • The conversation will include determining the degree to which the goal was achieved. Using the ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a different-colored highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the beginning educator’s current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under levels of performance for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in more than one column. Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning educator and mentor) In order to keep a running history, place the date of the self-assessment on the page and then highlight it with the same color.
Standard 6Demonstrates competence in classroom management Criterion A:The teacher creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student. JtE Session 2Slide 35
Standard 6Demonstrates competence in classroom management Begin with the End in Mind Criterion A:The teacher creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student. JtE Session 2Slide 36
Classroom ManagementYour ideas… • Resources • Name three strategies you would tell a new teacher about? JtE Session 2Slide 39
Where would you place your experiences? Teacher Evaluation Formative Assessment JtE Session 2Slide 8
Formative Assessment JtE Session 2Slide 9
It’s FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT= JtE Session 2Slide 10
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT “helping to shape, develop” Webster “…the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching to meet student needs.” Inside the Black Box, Black & Wiliam JtE Session 2Slide 11
Formative Assessment • What do they know? • What do they get? • How will you change instruction from this information?
Assessments FOR Learning(Stiggins) • Reason --- to improve learning • To inform – students (involvement) • To inform – teachers (instruction) • Focus -- is on learning targets • Place in Time – during the learning • Teacher’s Role – change standards into classroom targets, provide descriptive feedback, inform and involve students • Student’s Role – See the target, use results to improve learning and to set goals
Word Splash Graphic Organizers KU Strategies (FRAME, First Word Pre-Tests Bell Ringers Journaling Concept Maps Closing Thoughts Think – Pair - Share Bar Graphs Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down Carousel Activities Quizzes Feedback Form Handout Examples of Formative Assessments
DATA COLLECTION SKILLS AND PRACTICE • Note taking ---- gathering data • Sequential…using times • Events – gather data, then sort JtE Session 3 Slide 6
Data Collection … Types of Observation Evidence • Verbatim scripting of teacher or student comments • Non-evaluative statements of observed teacher or student behavior • Numeric information about time, student participation, resource use, etc. • An observed aspect of the environment JtE Session 3 Slide 7
Data Collection … Hints for note taking • Record representative information; words and actions of the teacher and students • Once you begin to write, finish it • Develop a personalized shorthand • Abbreviate/eliminate vowels • Abbreviate/eliminate prepositions • Abbreviate common words (teacher, student..) • Do not make judgments JtE Session 3 Slide 8
At Your Tables… • Select a note taker • Brainstorm a list of 10 – 15 statements relating to what you might see or hear in a classroom • Teacher • Student • Environment JtE Session 3 Slide 9
ITS 6 Video ClipApply/Practice • Focus on Classroom Management • Iowa Teaching Standard 6 & Criteria • As you view the teaching segment collect data (JUST THE FACTS) on what you see and hear… JtE Session 3 Slide 11
Data Gathering Practice Describe the classroom you observe in the video clip JtE Session 3 Slide 10
Evidence? or ? Opinion JtE Session 3 Slide 12
What’s going on in this nursery rhyme? Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king's horses And all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again JtE Session 3 Slide 13
Who says it’s an egg? Where does it say it’s an egg? There is no evidence of an egg… Frank McCourt, 1999 What’s going on in this nursery rhyme? JtE Session 3 Slide 14
Evidence = Just the Facts JtE Session 3 Slide 15
Bias What would cause you to have a positive perception of a classroom environment? What would cause you to have a negative perception of a classroom environment? How might this impact your data gathering? JtE Session 3 Slide 17
Sort the Data 1. What type of data did you gather? Qualitative? Quantitative? 2. Evidence or Opinion? Throw out opinions 3. Does it relate to this criterion? If not, throw it out JtE Session 3 Slide 18
Prepare for Reflective Conversations Mentor: Put on your ‘Coaching’ hat Beginning Educator: Bring all documents, data Mentor and Beginning Educator: 30 – 60 minute meeting JtE Session 3 Slide 19