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Referencing to Literature. BAPP Induction Day November 2013. Objectives:. How to back up what you are saying by reference to literature How to use these references. You can have original thought . but it should be as a result of reviewing literature and analysing it. So .
Referencing to Literature BAPP Induction Day November 2013
Objectives: • How to back up what you are saying by reference to literature • How to use these references
You can have original thought but it should be as a result of reviewing literature and analysing it
So .................. You’ve found and read the literature You want to use it to support your discussion How do you acknowledge it?
Common feedback from markers: • Good point - Can you back up what you are saying with reference to literature? • Who said it? • What did they say? • Does anyone disagree with this? • What is the relevance to your discussion? • “Jones (2012) agrees …” – is he/she agreeing with you or do you agree with them?
Single Author Text: Orem began work on her model in the 1970s, basing it on the concept of ‘self-care’ (Orem, 2001) Reference list: Orem, DE. (2001). Nursing: Concepts of Practice. St Louis: Mosby My reference: Hinchliff, S, Norman, S, and Schober, J. (2008). ‘Nursing Practice and Health Care’ (5th Edition). London: Hodder Arnold) (p. 90)
Two Authors Text: As Fletcher and Bulker (1999) explain, although the influence of the regulatory body is focused on registered practitioners, those training for the professions must recognise from the outset the commitment and responsibilities that being a professional demands. Reference list: Fletcher L and Buker P (1999). A Legal Framework for Caring: An Introduction to Law and Ethics in Health Care. London: Macmillan My reference: Hinchliff, S, Norman, S, and Schober, J. (2008). ‘Nursing Practice and Health Care’ (5th Edition). London: Hodder Arnold) (p. 91)
More than 2 Authors Text: Note that Roper et al (2000) suggest that it may not be necessary to address every activity of living in every assessment. Reference list: Roper N, Logan W and Tierney AJ (2000). The Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing: Based on Activities of Living. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone My reference: Hinchliff, S, Norman, S, and Schober, J. (2008). ‘Nursing Practice and Health Care’ (5th Edition). London: Hodder Arnold) (p. 91)
Citing more than one sources Text: The early effort for recognition of the professional standing for nursing was much thwarted by its roots as an occupation carried out by women and hence of low social status (Simnett,1986; Dingwallet al, 1986). Reference list: Dingwall R, Rafferty AM and Webster C (1988). An Introduction to the Social History of Nursing. London: Routledge. Simnett A (1986). The pursuit of respectability: women in the nursing profession 1860-1900. In White R (ed.). Political Issues in Nursing Past, Present and Future. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Citing a secondary reference Text: Kleinman (1996) cited in Cunningham-Burley (1998) has argued that it is in the non-professional arena that illness is first defined. Reference list Cunningham-Burley, H. (1998) Sociological expression of health and perspectives of illness. London: Sage You only put the original author(s) in the text not the reference list
When you are quoting the same author but different publications The Standard Precautions Policy (HSSD, 2007a) discusses a range of measures to prevent the spread of infection, including good hand hygiene, although more details on this topic are given in the Hand Hygiene Policy (HSSD, 2007b). This is particularly important in the control of Clostridium dificile infection, for which a specific policy has been written (HSSD, 2010). HSSD (2007a). ‘Hand Hygiene Policy’. http://bohweb1.hssd.int.gov.gg/polione/Attachments/A0-4539-17-Dec-2007-033640-3%20-%20Hand%20Hygiene%20Policy.pdf HSSD (2007b). ‘Standard Precautions Policy’. http://bohweb1.hssd.int.gov.gg/polione/Attachments/A0-4543-17-Dec-2007-033921-7%20-%20Standard%20Precautions.pdf HSSC (2010). ‘Control ColstidiumDificille Policy’. http://bohweb1.hssd.int.gov.gg/polione/Attachments/A0-5343-01-Sep-2010-082723-C.%20diff%20policy%20update,%20August%202010.pdf
Citing an author more than once Text: Flynn Makicet al (2011) state give examples of areas where traditional practice persists despite evidence that it is not effective. They suggest that “the older practice habits or ‘sacred cows’ “are a greater challenge to change (p.38). Reference list: Flynn Makic, M., Von Rueden, K, Rauen,C and Chadwick, J. (2011). “ Evidence-Based Practice Habits: Putting More Sacred Cows Out to Pasture”. Critical Care Nurse. Vol 31, No 2. April 20011
Citing an author more than once But If the reference to the same author is not adjacent, or it is not clear that you are writing about the same piece of literature you will need to repeat the citation
Standards etc. Text: Within the professional and ethical practice domain of the NMC Standards (NMC), the nurse is advised that patient and client confidentiality is very important and that any information received must be used in the patient's best interest. Reference list: Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004). Standards of Proficiency. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council My reference: Hinchliff, S, Norman, S, and Schober, J. (2008). ‘Nursing Practice and Health Care’ (5th Edition). London: Hodder Arnold) (p. 94)
Direct quotes or your own words? Direct quotes: • Short • In quotation marks • Give the page number Sound good Useful for ‘special’ expressions Paraphrasing: • Say it in your own words Demonstrates your understanding
Direct quotes Short quotations e.g. up to 2 lines can be included in the body of the text:- Bloggs (2012) referred to the ‘gold standard’ of care being ……… Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph and single spaced:- Laverack(2007) states that "the purpose of health promotion practice is to enable others to gain more control over their health and its determinants"(p.6).”
Quoting electronic resources The NMC (2008) code of conduct states that “The people in your care must be able to trust you with their health and wellbeing” (p.8). In Reference list: “ NMC. (2008) The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives [online]. Available from: http://www.nmc-uk.org/Documents/Standards/The-code-A4-20100406.pdf [Accessed 29th February 2012]
Comparing one source with the other –and making a judgment “The Trendelenberg position has been studied for more than 50 years. …… It is estimated that a head-down position results in a 1.8% displacement of blood volume (18). HoweverWeil and Whigham (19 ) reported deleterious effects of using the position in animals and humans. …….. In reviewing the literature related to the physiological effects of the Trendelenburg position and its use to treat hypotension and shock, we encountered a number of limitations that made it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.” (pages 40 – 41) Reference: Flynn Makic, M., Von Rueden, K, Rauen,C and Chadwick, J. (2011). “ Evidence-Based Practice Habits: Putting More Sacred Cows Out to Pasture”. Critical Care Nurse. Vol 31, No 2. April 20011
7. Mrs. Jones found was very upset by the problems she was experiencing with incontinence, Mangnall, (2011) agrees that this is likely to be the case. Magnall, J. (2011). ‘Continence during progressive neurological disease’. Nursing and Residential Care. Vol. 13, No. 12. Pp 582 - 586
Referencing Figures and Diagrams Figure 1: (Fader et al, 2009, cited in Mangall, 2011, p.586)
10. Figure 2 Figure 1: (Fader et al, 2009, cited in Mangall, 2011, p.586)
Make yourself a list of possible words: • Found, leant, determined, realized, ascertained, • Describe, explain, express • Propose, suggest, recommend, advise, put forward • State, affirm, maintain • Refer to, mention, speak of, raise, introduce, allude to, • Signify, indicate, imply
1. “I believe that it is important that comprehensive continence assessment is essential to ensure any continence problems are treated and managed in a manner that does not adversely affect the person’s quality of life.” Magnall, J. (2011). ‘Continence during progressive neurological disease’. Nursing and Residential Care. Vol. 13, No. 12. Pp 582 - 586
2. If patients with MS are given regular toileting assistance, 40-60% of them will show immediate improvement (Schnelle and Leung (2004).
3. Mangnall believes that residents should not be seen as ‘lost causes’ (Mangnall, 2011. P.582)
4. Queen’s square bladder simulators can be used to help the bladder to empty more efficiently. (Mangnall, 2011).
5. Bladder and bowel logs are a necessary piece of the evaluation procedure. (Mangnall, 2011) • An essential part of the assessment process are bowel and bladder diaries. • Bladder and bowel logs are a necessary piece of the evaluation procedure. • A crucial constituent of the judgement means are bowel and bladder memoirs.
6. Chapple et al. (2005) recognise that antichollinergic agents are recognised as the the most commonly prescribed medication for relief of overactice bladder problems. They have an affect on the bladder smooth muscle to reduce frequency (Ramsey, 2007).
8. Arahams et al. (2002, p. 584) believe that “overactive bladder syndrome is defined as ‘urinary incontinence with or without urge urinary incontinece and usually including frequency and notruria’ .