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Earthquake Recovery and Activities of the Machizukuri Organization in Kobe

Earthquake Recovery and Activities of the Machizukuri Organization in Kobe. Kazuyoshi Ohnishi, Kobe Univ. The Osaka Metropolitan Area. Kyoto. Kobe. Osaka. Same Scale Map of Istanbul & Kobe. Zone with Seismic Intensity of 7. HYOGO. OSAKA.

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Earthquake Recovery and Activities of the Machizukuri Organization in Kobe

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  1. Earthquake Recovery and Activities of the Machizukuri Organization in Kobe Kazuyoshi Ohnishi, Kobe Univ

  2. The Osaka Metropolitan Area Kyoto Kobe Osaka

  3. Same Scale Map of Istanbul & Kobe

  4. Zone with Seismic Intensity of 7 HYOGO OSAKA This map shows zone distribution with Seismic Intensity Scale of 7 by red color and black dots mean significantly damaged areas with big fire or high collapsed ratio. The inner city of Kobe had seriously damaged. Kobe City The epicenter

  5. Damage (observation) 1995 1995 Recovery Process 1996 1997 Recovery (census) 2000 1998 1999

  6. Existence of recovery speed Factors of recovery delay in west side 1) Damage level • The big seismic fire occurred in west side 2) Mixed land use speed • Exclusive residential zones spread in east side • Residential , commercial and industrial functions were comprehensively damaged in west side 3) Economical power • Low income people lived in west side • Status in Housing market is lower than east side

  7. Key Revival Project Distribution Map Kobe & Hanshin Area Awaji Area Action area Program area

  8. Three basic principles in projects offered by local government • Community agreement for those developments (Machizukuri) is the first consideration, and development of public facilities comes second. • Basic manners in restoration should be shared, and individual plan should be developed in each district to meet their demands. • The restoration aims to develop the urban area to be tough against the disaster together with the fine built environment.

  9. Machizukuri Organization • Machizukuri organization is based on the Machizukuri ordinance of Kobe 1981 • Through the experience of restoration process, they faced the difficulty to coordinate the local opinions among themselves to draft the future of community development • Financed by the local government grant for board management such as publishing community newsletters, and professional support system is also provided • Organized mainly by residents, properly owners and business owners • Not the corporation, but sometimes work as the management corporation

  10. Machizukuri Organization • To activate those principles and to get community agreement under Machizukuri activities, Kobe city encouraged to establish the Machizukuri organization mainly in project areas and in other damaged areas. • Machizukuri Organization is composed of residents, shop owners, landlords, land owners, private agenc, and others who are engaged in the restoration living outside the area. • The area of Machizukuri organization is basically designated under existing neighborhood residents committee area, which is called “Jichi-kai” or “Chonai-lkai”. The neighborhood residents committee is engaged in daily management in community. Takatori Area, Nagata Ward, Kobe

  11. Three principles in the land readjustment project • The average ratio of land contribution to the public facilities is to be limited under 10% ・To reduce the burden of suffers as much as possible ・To make the sharp cut in the ratio for small housing site • The re-plotting is to be arranged to promote joint rebuilding and fireproof construction ・To give priority to restoration of buildings, especially of housings ・To make effort to generate new local townscape • The most prior issue is to cope with the residents ・To provide public housing for those who have extremely small ho1using sites and for seniors who rent the old wooden apartment house ・To arrange the housing for those who move out from the project area

  12. Roles of Machizukuri organization for restoration • It played important roles in many aspects of restoration. (Machizukuri newsletter publication etc.) • Actions have been taken for the join Rebuilding and for seniors’ co-housing which is called collective housing. • Many Machizukuri Organizations which have worked since before the Kobe Earthquake 1995 took actions earlier toward the restoration with community agreements. • The earlier successes of the “Kobe style” Machizukuri were serving as models of democratic community development lessons for .

  13. Project Areas in Kobe after EQ. Redevelopment Zone Land Readjustment Zone Programmed Zone Planning Areas

  14. Designated for Machizukuri Areas In Kobe City, there are already 28 Organizations before the Earthquake, and 70 Organizations were set up after the Earthquake in order to engage in Action areas. Together. The total stands at 98.

  15. Machizukuri Organized Areas Before EQ. After EQ.

  16. Priority Reconstruction Areas Reconstruction Promotion Areas Other Areas Total Before After Before After Before After Before After Kobe City 78 (58) 11 9 98 (58) 15 63 (58) 5 6 8 1 28 70 (58) Establishment of Machizukuri Organization A community can establish its Machizukuri organization when community Machizukuri effort is to be undertaken. The Number of Machizukuri Organizations Before and After the Earthquake are shown as of June 1998.

  17. Issues of Machizukuri Organizations In a case like the Machizukuri Agreement, as it is an agreement that restricts the entire area, the requirement is for such an agreement of everybody to be obtained. However, in order to expand the Organization’s activities and to address the necessary issues and to meet the needs of the community, it is essential to enter into autonomous management, which in turn raises several problems. •  A representative system must be established and a quorum has to be set and methods for managing a general assembly for decision-making must be adopted. •  The executive arm must be vested with authority and its responsibilities clearly determined. •  As contracts become necessary to undertake projects, the organization must be legally incorporated.

  18. Present Activities of Machizukuri Organization • Rule, Regulation & Standard under agreement (Construction Agreement, Machizukuri Agreement, District Planning) • Physical Planning & Project(Monozukuri) (Facility construction, Land Adjustment, Urban Redevelopment) • Social Education Program (Hitozukuri) (Volunteers, Management)

  19. Future prospect of Machizukuri Organization • Incorporated community autonomous association • Profit-making company • CDC • NPO (Non-profit organization) • Community Business

  20. Management and Independence 1) Role of the local organization Machizukuri organization copes with the comprehensive issues in community 2)Network of local organizations Partnership / Machizukuri organization Pprofessionals Local government Network of supporters Network of Machizukuri organizations

  21. Machizukuri Organization of Kobe Machizukuri Organization of Kobe City Regulation Regulations about Urban Planning and Machizukuri Agreement of Kobe Based on citizen’s participation, Machizukuri, of which easy to live, is advanced No special regulations The zone established by the supports from the vast majority of local residents at the preparation meeting (It is determined by the opinions from autonomies) Machizukuri Organization ·Residents, entrepreneur, landowner Machizukuri Grants ·Up to 1 million yen for one year There is consultant dispatch system (technical support) No special regulations Machizukuri Agreement Urban Planning Consultation? ·The development of Machizukuri Corporation could be seen Adjustment among the residents in a zone and opinion collection Machizukuri proposal subject

  22. Canoga Park BID Machizukuri Organization of Kobe (for example, Okamoto) BID Zone Situated in Canoga Park areas of the sprawl area of San Fernando Valley Along the main street (Sherman Avenue) and Block 1 behind it (12 blocks along the street+ 24 blocks behind it: covered an area about 1 square mile?) Higashinada ward of Kobe city The central area between JR and Hankyu Railways (About 10.8 ha) Zone establishment Established in 1999 (preparation period 3 years) There is consultant dispatch system (municipal government in charge), and prepared during the course of earthquake disaster revival Supported by more than 50% landowners The Machizukuri Organization was authorized in 1986 Prepared during the activities of consultant supporting and Machizukuri questionnaire Based on supports from the vast majority of local residents Composition 253 landowners About 700 households, 1600 persons Resource of revenue Charge to landowners ·$0.018 per square feet + $9 per square feet in front of Sherman Avenue ·Annual budget $226,363 Machizukuri Grants Period 5 years Committee Canoga Park Improvement Association Board Of Directors ·Committee members: 71? General meeting-organizer meeting-sectional meeting Scheme ①Security maintenance ($75,000) Patrol by bicycles and on foot Improve the area image by improving the safety ②Scene maintenance and regional environment management ($50,000) Maintenance such as the cleaning of sidewalk, management of garbage and roadside trees (Road and scene maintenance: based on CRA Project) ③Marketing and promotion ($25,000) Banner and sign establishment, promotion event, regional publicity, regional promotion cooperated with chamber of commerce ④Business attraction ($15,000) ⑤Adjustment and management expenses ($30,000) ⑥Office, insurance related expenses, others ($31,363) Machizukuri Proposal Machizukuri Agreement Urban Planning Regional Scene Formation Agreement

  23. Canoga Park BID Machizukuri Organization of Kobe (for example, Okamoto) Project/Management Subject Canoga Park Improvement Association (NPO) ·For the moment, the primary is enterprise management of PBID ·Regional environmental improvement Hold meetings with local residents Cooperate with other CDC in the same area Public relations etc. The activity fund of NPO ·Tax credit from local enterprises ·Apply subsidy to municipal government ·Apply main street fund (intermediary) Project purpose and contents ·Stone pavement: Storekeeper’s Society Promotion Association ·Spot creation project: Organization ·Parking lot project ·Community hall

  24. Finance of the local management • Various means of financing *Government grant (CDBG type) *Assessments *Private fund (tax credit, intermediary, foundation) *Loan for the community development

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