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Why Segregaton . The Barbers. Jim Crow law/ Technolgy. JCL-No colored barber shall cut a white women or girls hair http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=165x165&cht=qr&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|2&chl=http://delivr.com/1ghrh_qr http://www.wordle.net/create. Barbers 1-Because we are all humans
Why Segregaton The Barbers Jim Crow law/ Technolgy JCL-No colored barber shall cut a white women or girls hair http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=165x165&cht=qr&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|2&chl=http://delivr.com/1ghrh_qr http://www.wordle.net/create • Barbers • 1-Because we are all humans • 2-We should have equal rights