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SB472 Professional Development - Houghton Mifflin Reading Grade 6

Join Day 3 of our program to delve into effective teaching strategies of Houghton Mifflin word work instruction, supporting students' phonics, spelling, and vocabulary skills. Explore comprehension strategies and scaffolds for diverse learners.

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SB472 Professional Development - Houghton Mifflin Reading Grade 6

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  1. Welcome to SB472Professional Development Houghton MifflinReading: California Grade 6 Day 3

  2. NORMS Today we will: • Participate and learn from each other • Share our good ideas • Be on time • Keep cell phones on silent

  3. Day 3 Outcomes By the end of today, participants will: • Know the components of the Houghton Mifflin word work instruction section and how to teach each lesson. • Understand how the Houghton Mifflin word work instruction supports the Reading/Language Arts standards and research. • Understand and be able to scaffold support for ELD, Extra Support, Special Education, and Challenge students in phonics, spelling, and vocabulary instruction.

  4. Comprehension Strategies • Random Discussion Groups • Scaffolds for English Learners and Special Needs students as they master Reading Comprehension Standards: • 2.3 Connect and clarify main ideas by identifying their relationships to other sources and related topics. • 2.4 Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports. • 2.7 Make reasonable assertions about a text through accurate, supporting citations.

  5. Discussion GroupsHomework Debrief Activity • Gather your homework article and responses from Day 2 • Form four groups by numbering off spring, summer, winter, autumn around the room • As a “seasons” group, discuss your quotations and notes as well as why you found them important.


  7. Reading/Language ArtsFramework According to the Reading/Language Arts Framework (2007), the curriculum for reading and language arts in lower grades should provide explicit and systematic instruction and diagnostic support in:  Phonemic awareness  Phonics  Decoding  Word-attack skills  Spelling  Vocabulary In grade 6, the emphasis in reading instruction is characterized as reading and learning for life: reading to learn. However, this emphasis does not diminish the need for ALL 6th grade students to have command of the word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development strands.

  8. Third Grade StandardsGuided Browse • Find the Reading/Language Arts Frameworksection in your binder that begins on page 93, and ends on page 110 - Third Grade Standards and Instruction. • Highlight the words and phrases that guide teachers towards the explicit instruction in word analysis needed for third grade success.

  9. RESEARCH Revisiting PUT READING FIRST, page 4 Definition: Phoneme: The smallest unit of spoken language that makes a difference in the meaning of words. English has about 42 phonemes. Spanish has about 23 phonemes. Try this: How many phonemes do you hear? • Frog 4. Smile • Grab 5. Queen • Fix

  10. Graphemes Definition • a grapheme is the smallest unit of written language that represents a phoneme in the spelling of a word. • a grapheme may be just one letter (s, p, f, d, b) • a grapheme may be several letters (ch, sh, th, -ck, ea, -igh) Your trainer will read a list of phonemes- Write a grapheme for each sound you hear:

  11. Phonemic Awareness Definition: Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. Phonemic awareness can be taught and learned. Phonemic awareness instruction helps children learn to read and spell, especially when paired with instruction where children are taught to manipulate phonemes by using the letters of the alphabet. Review these terms from Put Reading First, page 6: Phoneme manipulation Blending Segmenting (Segmentation)

  12. PHONICS Definition: Phonics is the understanding that there is a predictable relationship between phonemes and graphemes—that is, spoken language can be represented by a pattern of letters and spellings in written language.

  13. Guidelines For ReadingMultisyllabic Words Structural Analysis/Decoding Longer Words 1. Provide explicit explanations, modeling, “Think Alouds”, guided practice and gradual transfer of responsibility to students. 2. Rely on examples more than abstract rules. Use word parts, not a search for little words within a word.

  14. Structural Analysis and Phonics Overview Grade 6 Theme1

  15. Modeling Phonics Instruction in Houghton Mifflin Find Grade 6 Theme 1 TE page 47F Phonics Objective Day 3: Short Vowels • Phonics skills taught correlate with spelling instruction for the selection • Sound/Spelling Cards connect Sounds to Letters • Opportunities to connect Spelling to Writing TEACH PRACTICE APPLY

  16. Scaffolding(Continued) Work with your table group to answer these questions after you have read Framework pages 165 - 166: • What ELD and support strategies would scaffold this lesson for your ELs and Extra Support/Special Education students? • What extension activities or strategies might you use to extend the learning of the Advanced students? Add your table group’s suggestions to the chart displayed by the trainer.

  17. EXTRA SUPPORT HANDBOOK • SKILL FOCUS: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS • Pre-teach Day 1 (see ES sample page 14-15) • Re-teach Day 3 (see ES sample page 18-19) • Teach – Guided Practice – Practice/Apply format The structural analysis lesson (decoding longer words) is taught on Day 2 in Houghton Mifflin. The Extra Support pre-teaching lesson is taught on Day 1 to prepare students, and re-taught on Day 3 as a review of the standard.

  18. Modeling Instruction • Your trainer will model and walk-through the “teach” sections of the Extra Support Handbook for the first selection in Theme 1 (page 14 and page 18).

  19. Modeling Instruction Think-Pair-Share • Discuss the value of the pre-teach and re-teach lessons for students. • Which students will benefit from these ES lessons? • When might you include these lessons in your day?

  20. Spelling Instructionin Houghton Mifflin • We will take a closer look at spelling concepts in Houghton Mifflin • Each group will create a chart mapping the five days of spelling instruction for the spelling concept on which we will focus for one week of instruction.

  21. Spelling Instruction Sample: Theme 2 Selection 1Standard 1.5 Spell frequently misspelled words

  22. Spelling Patterns Look at the spelling charts you created from Houghton MifflinTheme 1 spelling patterns • What do you notice about the spelling patterns and concepts taught in this theme? • Look at the activities for the 5 days of instruction. • What can you say about the activities and practice suggested in the TE?

  23. Word Study Research • Find the article “Integrated Word Study: Spelling, Grammar, and Meaning in the Language Arts Classroom” by Invernizzi, Abouzeid, and Bloodgood. • Read and highlight this article using the “Insert Strategy” as you read about many word study extension activities for ELs and other special needs groups of learners.

  24. Insert Strategy • Mark the article with the following symbols as you read: ? Information that you need clarified □Information that you already use !!Information that is new Information that you want to apply Reading Comprehension 2.4 Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports. 2.7 Make reasonable assertions about a text through accurate, supporting citations.

  25. English LearnersSpecial Needs Learners • Think-Pair-Share: Reflect with a partner using the article and charts just created: • Which strategies and ideas might be used with English Learners? • Which strategies might be used with special needs or Special Education students?

  26. Sound/Spelling Cards • Suggestions for use • Display for use during spelling, phonics, and writing • In grade 6, display cards with the “spelling side” (yellow and orange border) out • Make sure cards can easily be seen by all • Use direct instruction to teach the correct name, sound, and spelling for each card.

  27. Displaying the Sound/Spelling Cards • Arrange the S/S cards: A-Z in order, including short vowels Digraphs ch, sh, th, wh Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u R Controlled Vowels ar, ir, or Vowel Combinations aw, oo Diphthongs oi, ou Students need to have a clear view of the cards

  28. PracticeUsing the Sound/Spelling Cards • Directly teach the use of the Sound/Spelling cards and the color code: • Short vowels have a green background • Long vowels have a yellow background • Vowels are red • Consonants are black Use for decoding and encoding

  29. Making Connections How might spelling or phonics instruction be extended to meet the needs of Advanced Learners? What English Language Development or Special Education strategies could be put in place to meet the needs of diverse learners in your classroom?

  30. VOCABULARY What does scientifically-based research tell us about vocabulary instruction? Refer to pages 34 – 45 in Put Reading First for this next activity: “GIVE ONE — GET ONE” Reading Comprehension 2.4 Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports. 2.7 Make reasonable assertions about a text through accurate, supporting citations.

  31. Teach Vocabulary All Day Every Day • Browse the Reading/Language Arts Frameworkpage 155. • Highlight the sections that focus on vocabulary and concept development.

  32. Model: Vocabulary Skills Lesson • Follow along in your TE: Grade 6 Theme 1 pages 47I-47J Teach: Using Context Model: Think Aloud Guided Practice: Student Pairs Apply: Independent Practice

  33. Context

  34. Vocabulary Lesson Reflection • Find the lesson in the Daily Lesson Plans, page 22A and 23A • Find the Day 5 vocabulary lesson in the TE • Discuss how you will use this lesson in the classroom

  35. Meeting Special Needs • Discuss in your table groups examples of how the vocabulary lessons found in Theme One may be differentiated to provide support for Special Education students and English Learners? • Check the Extra Support Handbook and Handbook for English Language Learnersfor lessons.

  36. Reaching All Learners

  37. Vocabulary – Review of the Research:Put Reading FirstPage 34 • Four Types of Vocabulary • Listening Vocabulary • Speaking Vocabulary • Reading Vocabulary • Writing Vocabulary

  38. Four Kinds of Word Learning 1. Learning a new meaning for a known word; 2. Learning the meaning for a new word representing a known concept; 3. Learning the meaning of a new word representing an unknown concept; 4. Clarifying and enriching the meaning of a known word. Source: Put Reading First page 43

  39. Vocabulary InstructionReview from Put Reading First □Indirect Learning: Daily oral language Listening to adults read Extensive independent reading □ Direct Learning: Specific Word Instruction Prior to reading text Repeated exposures Extended instruction Word Learning Strategies Use of dictionaries, reference material Word parts (affixes, word roots) Use of context clues

  40. Putting It All Together Using one of the selections found in Theme 1, prepare a chart indicating where in the Houghton Mifflin lessons there is evidence of the research-based strategies and ideas found in the Reading/Language Arts Framework and Put Reading First. How will you reach all learners?

  41. Reflection Take a few minutes to reflect on the WORD WORK sections of Houghton Mifflin we have studied on Day 3. Turn to your Elbow Partner and share two important ideas you plan to implement when you return to your classroom.

  42. Homework Assignment for Day 4 • Read Multisensory Vocabulary Instruction: Guidelines and Activities from Reading Rockets • Complete the reflection and response form in your binder for Day 4.

  43. Daily Feedback • Please remove and complete the DailyFeedback form for Day 3 found in your binder. • Your thoughts will be read and any concerns or questions will be addressed in the morning.

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