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Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit

Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit. JARC/New Freedom Training Thursday, August 14, 2008. Welcome and Introductions. Marianne Freed Administrator ODOT, Office of Transit. PROGRESS ON PREVIOUS REQUESTS. STIP Programming Public Participation Certifications and Assurances.

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Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit

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  1. Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit JARC/New Freedom Training Thursday, August 14, 2008

  2. Welcome and Introductions Marianne Freed AdministratorODOT, Office of Transit

  3. PROGRESS ON PREVIOUS REQUESTS • STIP Programming • Public Participation • Certifications and Assurances

  4. PURPOSE & SCOPE OF CONTRACT • Definitions • Service Area • Period of Performance • Changes to Project Scope • Reference: www.fta.dot.gov

  5. GRANT FUNDING Seth Budge Program Coordination ODOT, Office of Transit

  6. GRANT FUNDING • Common Rule (A-102) • Separate Cost Center • Accrual Accounting • Payments • In-Kind Contributions & Indirect Expenses • Fares and Contributions/Net Project Cost • Reference: www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Finance/Auditing/Pages/Transit.aspx

  7. COST CENTERS • Separate accounting records required • New cost center for each grant • No new bank account needed

  8. ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING • Accrual accounting required • Choice of full accrual books or periodic accruing entries • Benefits of accrual

  9. PAYMENTS • Electronic Deposit • Warrant

  10. IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS • Volunteer Drivers • Other Contributed Services • Both a Cost and a Revenue for Budget Purposes • Requires an Approved In-Kind Plan

  11. INDIRECT COSTS • Direct Expenses • Indirect Expenses • Approved Cost Allocation Plan Required

  12. FARES AND CONTRIBUTIONS • Fares Recommended • Fare Schedules Set by Grantee • Security of Fares and Donations • Change Not Provided • Administrative Handling • Net Project Cost

  13. PROCUREMENT • Competitive Procurement • Specifications Must Be Approved by ODOT in Advance • Thresholds for Bids vs. Quotes • No “Buy Local” Preference • Applies to Services and Capital/Equipment • ODOT Must Approve Bid Awards

  14. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX EXEMPTION • Is my project eligible for this? • Where can I get more information on this? • Ohio Department of Taxation: 614-466-3503

  15. ELIGIBILITY OF INTEREST • External Financing • In Support of Program Project • For Current Period Cost • Interest on Late Payments Not Eligible • Must be Lowest Available Rates

  16. ODOT TERM CONTRACTS Joshua Gearhardt Public Transportation Manager ODOT, Office of Transit

  17. ODOT TERM CONTRACTS • What are they? • Can I purchase off of them? • What is available? • Where can I get more information?

  18. HIGHWAY PATROL INSPECTIONSOhio Revised Code Section 4513.50 • Inspections of passenger transportation vehicles • All private non profit owned vehicles without county tags must be inspected annually • Vehicles exempted are any smaller than an LTN • LTN’s and larger have a GVWR or GVW or more than 10,000 lbs and are subject to the inspection law

  19. ODOT TERM CONTRACTS • Where to get term contract information • Office of Transit website www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Local/Transit /Pages/default.aspx • ODOT Office of Contract website www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ContractAdmin/Pages/default.aspx

  20. Office of Transit Website

  21. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Barbara Piper Program Coordinator ODOT, Office of Transit

  22. INVOICES • Operating Invoices • Monthly

  23. INVOICES • Capital Invoices

  24. MILESTONE REPORTS • Capital • Vehicle procurement • Other capital items • Planning

  25. PROGRAM OUTCOME MEASURES • Program Outcome Measurers • Monthly reports required

  26. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION • Overpayment of Grant Funds • Audit/QAR findings • Availability of Records • Satisfactory Continuing Control of Federal Assets • Maintenance of Assets

  27. Project Administration • Site Visits • Conducted prior to start date of the project • Conducted at least once during the project • Conducted more often as needed • Quality Assurance Reviews • Incorporated into existing QAR’s

  28. CHARTER REGULATIONS • JARC and NF have Exemptions for Program Purpose • Persons who are low income, disabled or elderly • Exceptions may also apply • Reporting of Charter Service provided • Reference: ODOT Office of Transit Website • Charter Manual for Rural Transit

  29. CIVIL RIGHTS Kim White Training and Compliance Officer ODOT, Office of Transit

  30. Civil Rights New Circular FTA C 4702.1A Title VI and Title VI-Dependent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients, published December 14, 2005

  31. Title VI Part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Title VI – Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities “No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

  32. Title VI cont. • What is the Purpose of Title VI? • What is the Intent of Title VI?

  33. Title VI cont. Other Nondiscrimination Authorities • The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 • Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act • The 1975 Age Discrimination Act • Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice (EJ) • Executive Order 13166 on Limited English Proficiency (LEP) • Implementing Regulations

  34. Title VI cont. • New Title VI information will be required • Additional Training later this year on Civil Rights

  35. Title VI cont. USDOT’s Title VI Regulations (49 CFR Part 21) • Obligates recipients to: • Comply with Title VI • Include Title VI Provisions in its contracts • Requires recipients’ execution of Title VI assurance as a condition of Federal aid • Provides for sanctions in the event of noncompliance

  36. Title VI cont. Executive Order 12898 – Environmental Justice • Demand for fair and equitable treatment (toward low income and minority persons/population)

  37. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Covered in Title VI Circular and by Executive Order 13166 Who is a LEP Person?

  38. Limited English Proficiency cont. What is required of recipients? • Assessment • Plan of Action

  39. Limited English Proficiency cont. • Four Factor Assessment • Demography • Frequency • Importance • Resources

  40. Limited English Proficiency cont. Plan of Action – Five Elements • Identification of volume and location of LEPs and LEP communities • Language assistance measures • Staff • Outreach measures • Monitoring and Evaluation of Efforts

  41. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) • Goal Projections • Required of all Recipients • Must be submitted to ODOT electronically • The ODOT report is due to FTA August 1 • Goal projection due September 15, 2009 • Forms and instructions will be emailed

  42. DBE Con’t. • Threshold recipient • Must publish goal • Must submit plan if not already on file with ODOT or if revisions are made • Will be required to submit semi-annual reports Questions: Contact Kim White at kim.white@dot.state.oh.us or 614-644-0301

  43. AMERICAN WITH DISABILITY ACT (ADA) The American’s With Disabilities Act of 1990 • Goal • Definition of Disability

  44. ADA con’t. • Range of Issues • What Accessibility Means

  45. ADA con’t. Implementing Agencies • Title I – Employment • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission • Title II and Title III – Public services and public accommodations excluding transportation • Department of Justice • Title II and Title III – Public and Private transportation • Department of Transportation • Title IV – Telecommunications • Federal Communications Commission

  46. ADA con’t. Provision of Service Requirements • Access to information • Access to communication • Accessible locations • Employee training • Equipment maintenance • Use of Personal Care Attendants (PCA) Resources: ODOT White Paper and Projection Action Website: www.projectaction.org

  47. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO) A Civil Rights Law Equal employment opportunity laws prohibit specific types of job discrimination in the workplace Employers are required to post notices to all employees advising them of their rights under the laws

  48. Drug-Free Workplace Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (49 CFR Part 29) requires application to provide a drug-free workplace Different from the required FTA and FMCSA drug and alcohol program requirements.

  49. DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING Grant recipients must certify they are in compliance with the U.S.DOT or state DOT drug and alcohol program requirements

  50. Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements- FMCSA 49 CFR part 382 For employees who operate a vehicle where they are required to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)

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