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The Roman Republic

The Roman Republic. Early Romans. Latin- Early settlers of Rome Etruscans- Northern Italy Eventually take control of Rome and build it into a great city. Build it on 7 hills for protection. 509 BCE- Romans kick Etruscans out. Roman Government.

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The Roman Republic

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  1. The Roman Republic

  2. Early Romans • Latin- Early settlers of Rome • Etruscans- Northern Italy • Eventually take control of Rome and build it into a great city. • Build it on 7 hills for protection. • 509 BCE- Romans kick Etruscans out.

  3. Roman Government • The Forum- The central public square used for govt. meetings. • Republic- a government w/out a king • Not a true democracy because of elected representatives by the people. <>

  4. Roman government • Patricians- wealthy landowners that controlled the republic. • Consuls- two individuals that directed the daily affairs of govt. and led the army • One-year terms

  5. The Senate • 300 member council of patricians that made laws and served Rome. • Most powerful part of The Republic.

  6. The Plebeians • The common people. • Had no say in govt. • Allowed to take part in the assembly, but had less power than the Senate. • Twelve Tables- 451 BCE • Plebeians have Roman laws written. • Gives common people some protection against unfair patrician decisions.

  7. The Roman Army • Superior due to its discipline and organization. • Used a tight battle formation used by Greek foot soldiers. • Opponents used mob warfare. • Legion- basic army unit. CScope 2007

  8. Roman Alliances • How did Rome maintain its alliances with former enemies? • Granted Roman citizenship to allies. • Allowed allies to keep local govt. • Gave protection and maintained order in Italy. CScope 2007

  9. The Punic Wars • 264-202 BCE- Series of wars between Rome and Carthage • Carthage- N. African city founded by Phoenicians. • First Punic War • Rome- superior army • Carthage- superior navy • Rome gains Sicily- makes a province (territory outside of Italy). • Second Punic War • Hannibal invades Italy. CScope 2007

  10. Hannibal • Carthaginian general • Invades Italy from the north via the Alps w/ elephants. • Battle of Cannae • Hannibal pulls back from Rome. • Romans believe he is retreating and follow. • Hannibal surrounds and defeats. • Scipio- Roman general attacks Carthage • Hannibal tries to return home. • Defeats Hannibal at the Battle of Zama. CScope 2007

  11. Destruction of Carthage • Romans burn it because it represented Hannibal. • Survivors sold into slavery. • Becomes a Roman province along w/ Greece and the Mediterranean.

  12. The Roman Republic in Crisis • Hannibal’s invasion destroyed the farms. • Newly conquered lands begin to import food into Rome. • Farmer income declines. • Latifundia (large estates) created.

  13. The Gracchus Brothers • Tiberius Gracchus • Elected to tribune promising aid to the farmers. • Called for taking land and distributing it to the landless. • Limit farm size. • Gaius Gracchus • Gives grain to the poor. • Opened more land to farmers. • Secured more rights to the middle class.

  14. More turmoil… • Romans originally stayed united due to their fear of Carthage • No Carthage– nothing to fear. • Senate unable to provide effective leadership • Patricians become more concerned w/ keeping their power and wealth. • Slave revolts !

  15. Spartacus • 73 BCE • Proclaims war on Rome in attempt to free the slaves. • 2 years of successful revolts • Eventually killed along w/ 6000 followers.

  16. The rise of dictators • Dictator- one person w/ absolute power. • Military loyalty came from loyalty to Rome. • Gaius Marius • Ensures loyalty of troops by promising loot from conquered lands. • Lucius Sulla • Rival to Marius • Bloody wars over power. • Defeats Marius and becomes dictator of Rome.

  17. First triumvirate • 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome. • Pompey • Crassus • Julius Caesar • Caesar becomes consul and commands the Roman legions in Gaul. • Conquers Gaul (France) and England. • Pompey gets support from Senate. • Orders Caesar to return home w/out the army. • Caesar invades Rome w/ army and defeats Pompey. • Becomes a “hero of the empire.”

  18. Julius Caesar • Reforms Rome • Reorganized govt. w/ him as dictator. • Lowered taxes. • Makes governors responsible to him. • Grants citizenship to conquered peoples. • March 15, 44 BCE- Caesar assassinated • Stabbed in the Senate “Beware the Ides of March.”

  19. Second triumvirate • Mark Antony • Lepidus • Octavian • Created by Mark Antony. • Falls in love w/ Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. • Octavian crushes the combined fleet of Antony and Cleopatra.

  20. Octavian • 31 BCE- creates the Roman Empire • Allows Senate to keep some power, but he would retain sole rulership. • Changes name to Augustus • “honored and majestic” • Takes title of “caesar” • “first citizen”

  21. The Roman Empire • Augustus gains control of the following: • Military • takes complete control of • Gives veterans bonuses of land. • Provinces • Supervised all the governors. • Loyalty to Rome • Granted citizenship to more conquered peoples of Europe.

  22. Pax Romanus • “the Roman Peace”- 27-180 AD • Period of peace and prosperity. • Julio-Claudian dynasty • No real line of succession to the throne. • First four emperors after Augustus that were either related to him or his wife. • Not as good as Augustus.

  23. Tiberius • 14-37 AD • Augustus’ stepson • Plots and violence become common in Roman politics.

  24. Caligula • Cruel and insane. • Rules for 4 years • Assassinated by his imperial guard.

  25. Claudius • 41-54 AD • Restores order to the Roman Empire.

  26. Nero • Claudius’ stepson. • Becomes Emperor at age 17 • Becomes bloodthirsty and violent. • Murders own mother for criticizing his mistress. • Rome burns in 64 AD. • Nero blames the Christians. • Army rebels against, and he commits suicide.

  27. Vespasian • The year after Nero’s death, 2 emperors are assassinated and 1 commits suicide. • Chosen by military as emperor of Rome. • Restores discipline in the army and the administration of the Empire. • Puts down revolts in Judaea and Gaul.

  28. Judean revolt • 66 AD- Jews revolt against Rome. • Jerusalem captured and Holy Temple is destroyed. • Masada- 1000 Jews take refuge in a mountain fortress. • 2 year siege- falls to Rome in 73 AD. • All the Jews inside commit suicide.

  29. Nerva • Vespacian’s sons rule for almost 10 years. • Senate chooses Nerva as the new emperor in 96 AD. • Establishes the adoptive system. • Adopts a son and declares him the heir to the throne.

  30. Trajan • 98-117 AD • Adopted son of Nerva. • Spanish-born. • Wise and popular • Eases tax burden. • Empire reaches its greatest size.

  31. Hadrian • 117-138 AD • Devoted to protecting the Empire, rather than expanding it. • Creates Palestine out of Jewish territory. • Encourages non-Jews to live there.

  32. Marcus Aurelius • Last of the adopted emperors. • “Good Emperors” • Many border wars with the Germanic tribes. • Abandons the adoptive system and chooses his own son as the new emperor. • Commodus- unfit to rule. • End of the Pax Romana.

  33. Empire stretched from Asia Minor to the Danube and Rhine Rivers to Great Britain. Roman governors Enforced Roman law and settled provincial disputes. The height of the Roman empire

  34. The height of the Roman empire • Roman Prosperity • New roads, drained swamps, irrigation systems for the deserts. • Roman Citizenship • By 212 AD, virtually all free people in the Empire became Roman citizens.

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