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This deliverable focuses on the strategic planning for the implementation and validation of the EU.CHIC guideline. It includes further research recommendations, strategies for implementing EU.CHIC model in EU policies and standard bodies, and the extension of the proposal to other heritage assets. The deliverable will also consider recommendations for the development of EU policies in the area and will be based on case studies of typical heritage buildings/sites.
TASK 5.3 STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR IMPLEMENTATION AND VALIDATION OF “EUCHIC”(L: NTUA, M: UL, SKB, Z-Z, ITAM, FRAUNH., IIT, UNIBO, IPPT, LABEIN) • The developed Guideline needs to be further validated. Directives should be developed for: • Further research in order to finalize the recommendations for the creation of integrated documentation protocols & the development of knowledge based decision making procedures in the sector of cultural heritage protection • Strategies for implementing EU CHIC model in EU policies & standard bodies • Implementation of EU-CHIC results through demonstration projects, comparative studies, benchmarking of the guideline • The extension of the proposal to other assets not covered within the project topics: movable, archaeological, intangible & underwater heritage Deliverable D 5.3 will be: Strategic planning for EU CHIC guideline implementation The strategies for further research on recommendations for integrated documentation protocols and knowledge based decision making procedures and strategies for implementation and validation of the developed recommendations will be elaborated in this deliverable. Recommendations for the development of EU policies in this area will be considered. The strategic plan will be based on analysis of case studies of typical heritage buildings and/or sites delivered by all project partners.
Task 5.3 Proposals made by partners for further expansion • Epich Rand Robert (TECNALIA): • Launch a User Survey to provide data from potential end-users that will feed into Report 2.2 and the final guidelines WP5, using a a survey monkey. • Draft is already available. • Dr Marek Sklodowski (IPPT): • Prepare justification of the need of the future project on DSS based on mathematical background of the existing DSS and exemplary calculations using UTA and other method.
Task 5.3 Actual Partners Contribution so far • Technalia has worked on an end-users survey – draft is available. • Austria SKB prepared written comment on NTUA CIPA article and made some comments for final EU-CHIC exploitation plan - material is uploaded on the members area page.
Final Output of WP5 (ALL PARTNERS) A Guideline establishing : the Identity Card concept to the European Cultural Heritage the minimum criteria of the data collection to be undertaken, the most recommendable systems for data storage, the criteria regarding further or past alternation to be considered the harmonization of existing criteria & indicators of existing European standards for the development of the Identity Card concept A part of the guideline will be a model of data collection and presentation in form of data sheets – demonstrated by the selected cases of heritage buildings